2016 Presidential Race

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I think that's a really good point. I see everyone talking about getting minority votes, but, while they are important to the vote and America in general, you don't win without majority votes, so I don't understand why they don't focus on both. Granted, I am new to voting and there's going to be stuff that confuses me, so maybe I'm just missing something.
I think what Trump is doing really well is reaching out to working-class White Americans; a group that's been relatively ignored since the start of the recession. By tapping into that demographic, he's managed to catapult himself into a position of a serious contender.

And that's a huge demographic, the millions of white Americans (and I would include many Asian and Latino Americans, and not just working class people) who feel like they've been unfairly made to wear the yoke of guilt for slavery and every other evil in history; and it's been going on for 30 years. It's getting old. We see the candidates falling all over themselves to appease and appeal to minorities and the LGBT crowd...so what are we, chopped liver? Who gives a shit about white people? Gee, maybe Trump is on to something here...
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And that's a huge demographic, the millions of white Americans (and I would include many Asian and Latino Americans, and not just working class people) who feel like they've been unfairly made to wear the yoke of guilt for slavery and every other evil in history; and it's been going on for 30 years. It's getting old. We see the candidates falling all over themselves to appease and appeal to minorities and the LGBT crowd...so what are we, chopped liver? Who gives a shit about white people? Gee, maybe Trump is on to something here...
Both Parties crap on their white,asian,hispanic supporters figuring we don't have a viable alternative.
That's one reason (IMO) why Trump and Sanders are doing so well, and the power brokers don't know what to do.
I think what Trump is doing really well is reaching out to working-class White Americans; a group that's been relatively ignored since the start of the recession. By tapping into that demographic, he's managed to catapult himself into a position of a serious contender.

This is very, very key...and what the R's generally and D's specifically can't figure out. THIS is where he is getting those independents, moderate Republicans, blue collar/blue dog Democrats. The Establishment just can't figure out his appeal; they are trying, but it's just like a conversation between people speaking two different languages. The combination of this large and largely-untapped pool of voters and the Fuck You voters is just snowballing.
The GOP Civil War is entertaining. Once Hillary is done "berning" the Dem. nomination she'll cackle her way into the White House.
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