2016 Presidential Race

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When I drive down MLK Blvd here in my little town of Brooksville, FL, I see the same dilapidated buildings, empty storefronts, the same unemployed young men loitering around...exactly the same picture you would've seen 8 years ago. No hope, no change, time at a standstill...

I was just in Brooksville on Saturday. You happen to see a CH-47 drop some guys out? I got two jumps in.
I was just in Brooksville on Saturday. You happen to see a CH-47 drop some guys out? I got two jumps in.

Unbelievable dude, that Chinook went right over my house late Saturday afternoon and I heard it coming. I looked up and said "shithook"... I didn't see any jumpers. About 4-4:30 I think.

You shoulda jumped on my pasture, it woulda been free beer. Seriously, I've had helos land in my pasture twice, because I've got some Vietnam buddies who fly for civilian companies. I get rides of course, but nobody's supposed to know that. When they land at my place its for a "safety check." ;-)

Crazy. A fellow Shadowspear member flying over my house. In a big ass 47. If you guys plan another jump up here I'll pm you my lat & long coords and you can drop in for grilled meat and beer.
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After Super Tuesday, it's looking more and more like the race is going to be Clinton vs. Trump. Ew.

I'm in the "anyone but Hillary" camp. That's why I have to support Trump. Cruz may be a great person, a solid conservative and someone whose platform I mostly agree with but he's too far to the right to beat Hillary. Rubio has a better chance to beat Hillary than Cruz, but he's all for amnesty and I can't stand that thought. Not because of the normal stated reasons, but because it's a slippery slope from amnesty to pathway to citizenship to 12 million new Dem voters.

I wish there was a candidate that fell in the political spectrum between Trump and Cruz, but didn't support amnesty and had a snowball's chance of winning. That would be my candidate...but there isn't one so Trump it is, simply for the fact that he has the best chance to stop Hillary.
You know, long ago on some other forum, I laughed at the idea of Trump as a serious candidate. I'm pretty sure that I gave him three months before dropping out. Ohhhh boy.

He threw enough money into a campaign and shot his mouth off with populist garbage enough to stay in the limelight.

That's all it takes these days to give the impression that you're a Viable Candidate, where entertainment, pandering, and who has the least mud sticking to them trump :D all else.
I'm with Trump. Mainly because I can't magically make Huckabee the nominee. I would like to nuke the republican party and start over and I think Trump will get us partially there.
I'm with Trump. Mainly because I can't magically make Huckabee the nominee. I would like to nuke the republican party and start over and I think Trump will get us partially there.

Have fun voting for a democrat. A guy that supported partial birth abortions... Falls right in line with Huckabee.

John Oliver killing it. I seriously cannot see how anyone doesn't think that Trump is just trolling America right now.
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I'm with Trump. Mainly because I can't magically make Huckabee the nominee. I would like to nuke the republican party and start over and I think Trump will get us partially there.
Huckabee is no different than Trump, another Huckster.

I'll wait and see, but still am not convinced Trump is serious about being the President.
We will see if he attacks Hillary with as much energy as he attacks Cruz or Rubio.
He will feel her full wrath once it's a one-on-one race. She will set her sites on him and fire for effect. He can't imagine the power she has entrenched in "the system" that he hasn't witnessed yet. It's coming soon enough.
I seriously cannot see how anyone doesn't think that Trump is just trolling America right now.

You sound like Rubio!

I'm in the "anyone but Hillary" camp. That's why I have to support Trump. Cruz may be a great person, a solid conservative and someone whose platform I mostly agree with but he's too far to the right to beat Hillary. Rubio has a better chance to beat Hillary than Cruz, but he's all for amnesty and I can't stand that thought. Not because of the normal stated reasons, but because it's a slippery slope from amnesty to pathway to citizenship to 12 million new Dem voters.

I wish there was a candidate that fell in the political spectrum between Trump and Cruz, but didn't support amnesty and had a snowball's chance of winning. That would be my candidate...but there isn't one so Trump it is, simply for the fact that he has the best chance to stop Hillary.

Have "we" been here before?

Goldwater consistently refused to moderate his views, which alienated a significant portion of the more moderate wing of the Republican party from his campaign. With the assistance of the media, who in large part also had an unfavorable opinion of Goldwater, President Johnson used this fissure in the party to portray him as an extremist.[2] In the general election, Goldwater lost in a landslide to Lyndon Johnson, carrying only six states to Johnson's 44 and 38% of the popular vote to Johnson's 61%.

Barry Goldwater presidential campaign, 1964 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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