2016 Presidential Race

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I think Bernie would wipe the floor with Trump.

I wouldn't doubt that for a minute. He is able to speak to all ages and seem sincere about it when he does. He seems far more approachable and down-to-earth than Trump...and those are many of the things voters look at.
I should read some of bernie's porn rape fiction

If you read some of the same kind of crap I wrote for my English undergrad degree work and "alternative" school papers, Bernie's piece would look like a Better Homes and Gardens article.

It was ham handed fiction. People have gotten over it.
Ted Cruz' communications department is a mess.

Cruz fires top campaign spokesman over Rubio Bible video | Fox News

Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz said Monday he’s fired campaign communications director Rick Tyler, after his top spokesman promoted a video that wrongly depicted Florida Sen. Marco Rubio as trash-talking the Bible.

Rubio also had criticized the Cruz campaign last week for using a doctored image of Rubio supposedly shaking hands with President Obama. This, after the Cruz campaign also faced accusations of spreading false rumors on Iowa caucus night that Ben Carson was dropping out -- when in fact Carson had only announced he was going to Florida to pick up some fresh clothes.
Seriously, I'm not trolling but and legitimately curious why anyone would ever register as a Democrat when YOUR VOTE DOES NOT MATTER in the Presidential primary process! The original Greek idea is that majority rules yet your own party appears to know what is better for you?

The 2016 Race Is Deja Vu All Over Again

I seriously do not understand.
Seriously, I'm not trolling but and legitimately curious why anyone would ever register as a Democrat when YOUR VOTE DOES NOT MATTER in the Presidential primary process! The original Greek idea is that majority rules yet your own party appears to know what is better for you?

The 2016 Race Is Deja Vu All Over Again

I seriously do not understand.
Vice did a piece about this. Apparently those delegates can vote for whoever they want, but it is unlikely they will vote against the popular vote.
I get the feeling Joe Biden is waiting to throw his hat in the ring if neither Hillary nor Bernie can pull off a commanding lead. He is the VP, after all, and his presidential ambitions are well documented. He may just show up late as the Democrat's white knight.

Yeah, I'm expecting something similar, I think the Clinton email might have more to do with it. She get's backed into a corner (indictment's) right before the general election, she is out, Bernie has little chance against Trump, Joe steps in to save the Dem party, none of Joe's bullshit has been tossed around over the last year, Trump's camp stumbles to dig the dirt up at the last minute, resulting a very close election of whoever wins. Joe keeps his promise to his dying son.


The only way anyone steps in is if Hillary's indicted and no one's going to touch her in an election year. If she wins, the email goes away. If she loses, some staffer takes the fall. Even trying to hang a staffer before the election looks bad and they'll only do that as an absolute last resort.
There's what I want and what I think will happen....and those are two vastly different things.

I still think Hillary gets indicted just before the convention, and Biden is selected in a brokered convention.

Bernie may or may not beat Trump, but I am learning not to doubt his ability to win.
Hillary and Sanders should be taking him seriously too; the normal tactics won't work against him, and he has a razor sharp tongue.
Same goes for Biden, he'll have to do more than roll his eyes if he debates again.
I still think Hillary gets indicted just before the convention, and Biden is selected in a brokered convention.

Bernie may or may not beat Trump, but I am learning not to doubt his ability to win.
Hillary and Sanders should be taking him seriously too; the normal tactics won't work against him, and he has a razor sharp tongue.
Same goes for Biden, he'll have to do more than roll his eyes if he debates again.

I do so hope there is some action taken against Hilary. This game regarding mishandeling classified information has gone on long enough. It is a mockery of the right and wrong existing in our country today. What ever happens to the Democratic ticket, is what it has earned. I would love to se a straight up debate between Biden and Trump.
I do so hope there is some action taken against Hilary. This game regarding mishandeling classified information has gone on long enough. It is a mockery of the right and wrong existing in our country today. What ever happens to the Democratic ticket, is what it has earned. I would love to se a straight up debate between Biden and Trump.

Although I do think we will see that debate (my opinion), I'm not sure how well Trump will do against Biden. Biden has been a pretty good debater, he is 100% polished and has his own unique charisma that can be captivating. Although I'd rather have Biden over Hillary or Sanders, I think he would be 100% inline with another 4 years of Obama style policy.
Although I do think we will see that debate (my opinion), I'm not sure how well Trump will do against Biden. Biden has been a pretty good debater, he is 100% polished and has his own unique charisma that can be captivating. Although I'd rather have Biden over Hillary or Sanders, I think he would be 100% inline with another 4 years of Obama style policy.

That is true. During the VP debates, Biden openly insulted and was demeaning of his opponent. He got away with it because the debate was under the control of one or the pro-Democratic broadcast channels. I watched the debate, and it was painful to watch. Ryan addresses the questions and the issuse, while Biden spent the bulk of his time rollong his eyes, taking cheap shots at his opponent. As a "debate" it was a disaster, but because of the ground Ryan had to debate on. It was all pro-Biden, and his lack of manners and jackassery that went on unchecked.
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Although I do think we will see that debate (my opinion), I'm not sure how well Trump will do against Biden. Biden has been a pretty good debater, he is 100% polished and has his own unique charisma that can be captivating. Although I'd rather have Biden over Hillary or Sanders, I think he would be 100% inline with another 4 years of Obama style policy.

Are you kidding? All Trump would have to do is raise various issues...8 years worth...of Obama policies and his record vs his campaign promises.

"Are you better off today than you were 8 years ago?"
Are you kidding? All Trump would have to do is raise various issues...8 years worth...of Obama policies and his record vs his campaign promises.

"Are you better off today than you were 8 years ago?"

When I drive down MLK Blvd here in my little town of Brooksville, FL, I see the same dilapidated buildings, empty storefronts, the same unemployed young men loitering around...exactly the same picture you would've seen 8 years ago. No hope, no change, time at a standstill...
When I drive down MLK Blvd here in my little town of Brooksville, FL, I see the same dilapidated buildings, empty storefronts, the same unemployed young men loitering around...exactly the same picture you would've seen 8 years ago. No hope, no change, time at a standstill...

That's Bush's fault. Obama's cronies "built" places like Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, and Flint.

It's worse than this really:
Katie Pavlich - 2013 Top 10 Most Dangerous Cities All Run By Democrats
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