SOF Support
Well, this is interesting. ID required for absentee ballots in three states?
Judge won't block proof-of-citizenship for new voters
Judge won't block proof-of-citizenship for new voters
LMAO this is good...
Have "we" been here before?
Goldwater consistently refused to moderate his views, which alienated a significant portion of the more moderate wing of the Republican party from his campaign. With the assistance of the media, who in large part also had an unfavorable opinion of Goldwater, President Johnson used this fissure in the party to portray him as an extremist.[2] In the general election, Goldwater lost in a landslide to Lyndon Johnson, carrying only six states to Johnson's 44 and 38% of the popular vote to Johnson's 61%.
Barry Goldwater presidential campaign, 1964 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Johnson's campaign message essentially implied that if Goldwater was elected he would start a nuclear war that would lead to Armageddon.
Isn't that the same thing that Cruz implied of Trump when he said "do you really want someone with that temperament to have his finger on the button?" during the third debate?
2 posts above yours this exact thing was posted.
Yep. The LBJ camp produced a national TV ad that showed a little girl picking flower petals and all of a sudden a nuclear bomb goes offno more little girl, no more flowers, no earth thanks to Barry.
It was silly but obviously effective. Cruz was planting the same seed.
A couple of weeks ago, we had to watch several televised campaign ads in Government. I never would have guessed that Disney made one for Eisenhower, but lo and behold, a little parade of cartoon characters chanting "I like Ike" was shown through the projector. It was interesting to go from that to watching ads trying to put down other candidates and then go back to just talking about the candidate who the ad is for, with a couple of exceptions (we were shown one with Clinton talking about himself growing up and the one where one of Obama's speeches was played at the same time as quite a few people singing along with it). My favorite one that we were shown had to be where Bush's 2004 campaign took footage of John Kerry windsurfing and then making fun of all of the times he changed his mind, ending with "John Kerry: whichever way the wind blows".
Yeah, those ads were doozies - Cruz or Trump worthy.
In some ways we'd be better off with a fair, just, and benevolent dictator.
In some ways we'd be better off with a dictator.
Isn't that what we've had for the last 8 years? Fair to who? The nation is so polarized, any dictator would piss of the other half.
Isn't that what we've had for the last 8 years? Fair to who? The nation is so polarized, any dictator would piss of the other half.
That article reminded me of something last I read last year that had the same theme. Managed to dig it up after some Googling: Social Justice and the Rise of Donald Trump .Interesting. It's a piece rife with left-wing panic about Nazis, but I think there's some truth in the notion that people want--not so much authority--but strong Ronald Reagan-like leadership. Trump is appealing to many because he's saying out loud what so many people are thinking. Most of us don't believe he could actually ban Muslims from entering the US on religious grounds alone, or that he would...but he might raise the bar.*
Politicians, left, right or center, say what they think people want to hear. We know most of it is rhetoric. Clinton, once nominated, will no doubt try to paint Trump as an American Hitler...but while she does that she'll be anticipating pushing her Leftist agenda with Right-wing power, the dream of liberal socialists.
*Keep in mind also that anti-immigration is not just an American issue; Europe is experiencing a rise in anti-immigration sentiment given the influx of refugees.