2016 Presidential Race

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Trump's about to get killed and he's scrambling to save himself. The GOP's going to be stuck with Cruz or whoever they can dredge up and then watch that person lose to Clinton.

Imagine if they took McCain out of his basement, dusted him off, and propped him up to read the teleprompter for a couple of months in McCain-v-Clinton:whatever:.

I would like to see the GOP back a person who can win the election. I'm not so sure that Cruz even could beat Sanders. He would prolly give Biden a run for his money, but It will take Trump to counter Clinton.
Rubio had some moments where he was very presidential and it looked like he was turning the corner and then he dropped the stick and nose dived.
Imagine if they took McCain out of his basement, dusted him off, and propped him up to read the teleprompter for a couple of months in McCain-v-Clinton:whatever:.

I would like to see the GOP back a person who can win the election. I'm not so sure that Cruz even could beat Sanders. He would prolly give Biden a run for his money, but It will take Trump to counter Clinton.
My only reason (at this point) for backing Trump is his unwillingness to back down.
He'll shred anyone the Democrats run in a debate, especially Hillary (or Biden).
GOP leadership wants Kasich. They can't control Trump and they don't like Cruz. They'd rather lose the election than nominate either of the latter two. As crazy as that sounds, I believe it to be true. With Trump or Cruz they risk losing some of their power to control the Party, power they'd still retain if they lost the election.
GOP leadership wants Kasich. They can't control Trump and they don't like Cruz. They'd rather lose the election than nominate either of the latter two. As crazy as that sounds, I believe it to be true. With Trump or Cruz they risk losing some of their power to control the Party, power they'd still retain if they lost the election.
I agree, but the GOP Management doesn't understand the level of hate.
They could lose all the seats of power by convincing folks to stay at home.
GOP leadership wants Kasich. They can't control Trump and they don't like Cruz. They'd rather lose the election than nominate either of the latter two. As crazy as that sounds, I believe it to be true. With Trump or Cruz they risk losing some of their power to control the Party, power they'd still retain if they lost the election.

I guess loosing to obama x2 has not made any difference for the GOP. Losing control of the GOP trumps( couldn't help myself) winning control of the White House. What a great way to run a party.:wall:
wtf... now Candidate Trump wants to do away with DLI!!

“Using American tax payer money to teach American service members how to speak a language other than American is not how Americans do business,” said the former reality television star. “These are the languages of terrorists, drug dealers, and rapists! This is what seven and a half years of Obama and the liberals have brought us…American soldiers learning Spanish, Arabic, and North Koreanish [sic]!”

speak English   dpc.jpg
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[QUOTE="Marauder06, post: 422816, member: 19*or not, because this is, you know, satire. ;)[/QUOTE]

I'm thinking about replacing pardus with you on my permaban list. You can't catch any fish if your net is full of holes. Satire or not, throw it in the water and see what you catch.
This 1964 article from Richard Hofstadter is a good (albeit long) look into the history of nativist politics, and the "paranoid style" of the American electorate. While he does take some pains to portray paranoid politics and fear of "the other" from both sides, he does end up leaning harder on the Right. Don't let that deter you from reading the article; it's really quite good, and the parallels to the current race are very apparent.

The Paranoid Style in American Politics | Harper's Magazine
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I went to a very interesting symposium at Duke today about the science of belief. Much of it was focused on how Trump appeals to people. It was interesting.
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