2016 Presidential Race

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Does anyone legitimately think any candidate has a chance against Hillary? Honestly, what scenario keeps Hillary out of the White House? Death? Federal indictment? Earth killing asteroid?
Am I missing something? Can anyone explain Trump's reasoning by bringing HRC's chosen system of belief if any at all? Without making this thread about religion and public office, which I dont want, can anyone explain the political benefit on this one?

Seems like he's saying that even over the years that she been in public view and has been elected/appointed to USG positions, the public really doesn't know ANYTHING about her.
I don't think Trump is going to pull it off.

I think you're right. In the privacy of the voting booth the undecided may go with the more politically experienced HRC even if they can't stand her. I'll never be able to bring myself to vote for a Clinton, no matter what, so that leaves me with a choice of Trump or stay the fuck home.
He is a legit shot at pulling votes off of Hillary.

But that isn't the same as beating her. The hope is the Dems. split just enough to allow Trump or some fourth party to win? That's more likely than the asteroid, but less probable than zika.

Has nothing to do with beating Hillary.

It does within the context of my question. Does anyone have a shot against her? What legitimate scenario keeps her out of the White House?
But that isn't the same as beating her. The hope is the Dems. split just enough to allow Trump or some fourth party to win? That's more likely than the asteroid, but less probable than zika.

It does within the context of my question. Does anyone have a shot against her? What legitimate scenario keeps her out of the White House?

There's precedence. Where have you been? Ross Perot is one of the most recent examples with the '92 election. Took votes away from the incumbent and allowed Clinton to win the WH.
There's precedence. Where have you been? Ross Perot is one of the most recent examples with the '92 election. Took votes away from the incumbent and allowed Clinton to win the WH.

The only reason I have to read your posts is because I'm on the staff here. You are without a doubt the most argumentative member on the board. I asked a question primarily for the sake of debate. If you have a problem with me or think you're smarter than myself or even the rest of the board, cool. Got it, check, roger. Any future discussions between you and I will be in my capacity as a staff member, because I refuse to play whatever games you have in mind.

I've mentioned Perot before, probably in this thread, so where were you? See, that's a legit shot and one you could have mentioned but instead chose to be a bit of an ass with your response. That's understandable given your apparent need to argue and win at every turn.

I'm also aware of the Bull Moose Party and its influence, but to repeat myself for everyone else:

What options are there? Right now they suck and are predicated less upon an internal strategy the GOP can influence and more upon what someone else will do. This thing's pretty much an "L" on the scoreboard unless something drastic happens.
The only reason I have to read your posts is because I'm on the staff here. You are without a doubt the most argumentative member on the board. I asked a question primarily for the sake of debate. If you have a problem with me or think you're smarter than myself or even the rest of the board, cool. Got it, check, roger. Any future discussions between you and I will be in my capacity as a staff member, because I refuse to play whatever games you have in mind.

I've mentioned Perot before, probably in this thread, so where were you? See, that's a legit shot and one you could have mentioned but instead chose to be a bit of an ass with your response. That's understandable given your apparent need to argue and win at every turn.

I'm also aware of the Bull Moose Party and its influence, but to repeat myself for everyone else:

What options are there? Right now they suck and are predicated less upon an internal strategy the GOP can influence and more upon what someone else will do. This thing's pretty much an "L" on the scoreboard unless something drastic happens.

Sometimes we put emphasis into plain text. Anything you have against me personally can be dealt with PM. Didn't mean to trigger you.
Does anyone legitimately think any candidate has a chance against Hillary? Honestly, what scenario keeps Hillary out of the White House? Death? Federal indictment? Earth killing asteroid?
Biden rides in to rescue us from ourselves.

I think you're right. In the privacy of the voting booth the undecided may go with the more politically experienced HRC even if they can't stand her. I'll never be able to bring myself to vote for a Clinton, no matter what, so that leaves me with a choice of Trump or stay the fuck home.
or they may pull the lever for Trump
The David Duke effect.
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Biden rides in to rescue us from ourselves.
I think most of America would be okay with this.

I'm not all that okay with it. Just sayin. But I don't think Uncle Joe makes a move unless HRC is derailed by indictment...and right now I don't think anything's gonna stop her train.

Wasn't he once before discounted for his plagiarism in college? Doesn't seem like all that much of an issue with today's political climate.

No reconsideration for Joe Lieberman?
Wasn't he once before discounted for his plagiarism in college? Doesn't seem like all that much of an issue with today's political climate.

No reconsideration for Joe Lieberman?
You know, I hadn't heard of this until you mentioned it. Sure enough, there was a bit of controversy during the 1988 Presidential campaign over some pretty blatant plagiarism he committed in law school
Biden Admits Plagiarism in School But Says It Was Not 'Malevolent'

Five pages directly lifted from another source because you didn't know the proper rule for citation and attribution? C'mon Joe!
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