2016 Presidential Race

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I think most of America would be okay with this.


Looks like he's at a strip club!

I think you're right. In the privacy of the voting booth the undecided may go with the more politically experienced HRC even if they can't stand her. I'll never be able to bring myself to vote for a Clinton, no matter what, so that leaves me with a choice of Trump or stay the fuck home.

Exactly! I'm voting BREXIT tomorrow!
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None. And that is what has worked for Trump...so far. He's still in attack mode, because that has been what's worked. I actually held out "this much" hope that after canning his campaign manager, we were going to see a reborn Trump who acted, at least somewhat, like a serious candidate for president. Someone who was going to start laying out facts and bring up talking points like, "what difference does it make", etc. Nope. I am very disappointed. If Hilary is smart, (and she is), she will not even respond to this. And if asked, she should just chuckle and do not-so-subtle eye roll.

I just read the article linked below and came here to get an opinion on it, but then I find the last 4 or 5 posts in this thread to pretty much back up the theory of the writer.


Please don't give Gawker any clicks.
Though Joe Biden's plagiarism is awful, I did some awfully stupid shit as a young man that I am ashamed of. I hope I won't be judged by those things for the rest of my life. Same goes for all candidates, I always hate seeing things dredged up from a long ago past as if it is relevant.
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Seems like he's saying that even over the years that she been in public view and has been elected/appointed to USG positions, the public really doesn't know ANYTHING about her.
That's a good point.
Now "this" is more like it. I don't even know how accurate everything is, (yet), but this is what I wanted to see from him. Go nasty, get ugly, but make it relevant.

'World class liar': Trump's all-out attack on Clinton
CNN did a fact check that was pretty good,
Democrats don't get their way so they protest...inside House chambers? Where is condemnation from the President or his Candidate? Oh, he ENCOURAGED it!

If I were the Speaker, I'd order the Master of Arms to arrest them.

GOP aims to regain control of House floor following sit-in - CNNPolitics.com

They are breaking house rules by streaming this via Periscope. I am genuinely beginning to believe that camera phones and the internet are a catalyst to the end of the world.

"This one time, at band camp..."
They are breaking house rules by streaming this via Periscope. I am genuinely beginning to believe that camera phones and the internet are a catalyst to the end of the world.

I still think the House Speaker should've sent down juice boxes and stuffed animals when they recessed for the night. Looking at that picture, I can't help but think Lies Like Bear Rug is getting ready to pass a peace pipe loaded with crack rocks around the circle.
What's worse? Putting people in internment camps, or idolizing the guy that did it? Although if you bring it up to most progressives, they'll give you a blank stare or blurt out "but Trump!".

I don't know if it's just me, but Trumps campaign speeches remind me of footage of Benito Mussolini's speeches. It's like they are both talking down to the audience. It just seems really smug, as if both speakers can't hide their contempt.

I don't know if it's just me, but Trumps campaign speeches remind me of footage of Benito Mussolini's speeches. It's like they are both talking down to the audience. It just seems really smug, as if both speakers can't hide their contempt.

Hillary talks to her audiences like they're 2nd graders.

If you'd seen Trump's news conference from Scotland this morning, he made a great deal of sense. If there's contempt in Trump's speeches, it's for POTUS's agenda and HRC, his rival, not for his audience. Mussolini was a fascist dictator, a murderer and Hitler's chief lackey and boot kisser...and if you're a clever enough editor or have too much free time on your hands you can find historical footage of anybody and compare it with the momentary actions, gestures and words of a contemporary public figure. I'm standing up for Trump on this one because I think the dictator comparisons are way over the top and very unfair.
80% of Trump's problem is delivery, not the message.

Might get better as he starts getting speech writers and a more focused message. His delivery is typically dynamic from the audience. It seems off when watching from TV because you don't get to see all that much else.
80% of Trump's problem is delivery, not the message.

I wish you would expand more on this. If what you are saying is that Trump is too over-the-top in how he delivers his messages, then I completely agree with you. Much of what Trump says, I buy into. What I do not buy into is his frontal way of speaking; whether his intent or not, he comes across as racist and a misogynist. Doing so makes it difficult to support him, at least verbally. My wife cannot stand Hillary, but she HATE'S Trump for the reasons I mentioned above. It's not even a topic open for discussion in our home. I said earlier, (I think in this thread) that Trump is beginning to appear more-and-more as a one-trick-pony. Attack...attack...attack, but no real substance to the message. Very disappointing.

There is so much of what he says that I agree with, I just wish it was someone other than Donald Trump carrying the flag.
I wish you would expand more on this. If what you are saying is that Trump is too over-the-top in how he delivers his messages, then I completely agree with you. Much of what Trump says, I buy into. What I do not buy into is his frontal way of speaking; whether his intent or not, he comes across as racist and a misogynist. Doing so makes it difficult to support him, at least verbally. My wife cannot stand Hillary, but she HATE'S Trump for the reasons I mentioned above. It's not even a topic open for discussion in our home. I said earlier, (I think in this thread) that Trump is beginning to appear more-and-more as a one-trick-pony. Attack...attack...attack, but no real substance to the message. Very disappointing.

There is so much of what he says that I agree with, I just wish it was someone other than Donald Trump carrying the flag.
Disagree is for the one trick pony idea. My mother feels the same way about Trump as your wife does, to include the no discussion on the topic. Although I think it is more so for the whole Hispanic angle (she can be kinda racist that way).

I get that people don't like how brash and forward Trump is, or that they feel he isn't "Presidential" enough in his bearing. However, consider this, we have had those types of politicians for several decades now and look where it has gotten the country. I will admit that the pendulum in these scenarios swings wide in both directions. It is likely, at least in my mind, that the brashness and sensationalism is needed by Trump to reach out to the voters in the most cost effective manner possible while steering the conversation. So far in the primaries he ran one of the (if not the) most cost effective campaigns in recent history. He spent a fraction of what his competitors spend, and got more traction for each dollar spent. I think the last figure was 50 mil spent in the primaries, but before Jeb dropped out, he had spent close to 250 mil. I think the same thing is happening here. Perhaps this is not a primary factor to be sure, but it can certainly be a contributing one at the least.

I believe @Florida173 was correct in that you only usually see a soundbite of Trump's speeches. Many times his words are taken out of context in order to inflame the topic and create controversy. Which translate to traffic for media sites. I also believe that Trump knows this and uses it to his advantage. Again, to spend less money for more coverage. Of course, I could be totally wrong and attributing beliefs to nonexistent plans, but I don't think so. At least I hope not.
I wish you would expand more on this. If what you are saying is that Trump is too over-the-top in how he delivers his messages, then I completely agree with you. Much of what Trump says, I buy into. What I do not buy into is his frontal way of speaking; whether his intent or not, he comes across as racist and a misogynist. Doing so makes it difficult to support him, at least verbally. My wife cannot stand Hillary, but she HATE'S Trump for the reasons I mentioned above. It's not even a topic open for discussion in our home. I said earlier, (I think in this thread) that Trump is beginning to appear more-and-more as a one-trick-pony. Attack...attack...attack, but no real substance to the message. Very disappointing.

There is so much of what he says that I agree with, I just wish it was someone other than Donald Trump carrying the flag.

He can attack, and bluntly so, without being an asshole. I love the fact that he isn't a cookie cutter mouthpiece, but I think he scares off the middle ground. Right now the perception is that he's racist/ misogynist/ a Nickelback fan...whatever. I think that perception, and narrative pushed by a very biased media, is giving Hillary some votes.

Rosie O'Donnell....he'd "look into her fat, ugly face and say 'Rosie, you're fired.'" I cannot stand the woman. She's a condescending loudmouth and a bully who talks out of her ass. Does he need the "fat, ugly" part to make his point? Calling her on her looks is just stupid. He looks like a discarded Muppet and while that is CONSTANTLY brought up, does it need to be or could we actually care about someone's thoughts rather than their looks? I don't want a pretty president, I want an effective president.

His shit with the KKK. C'mon, who in their right mind allows that to pass with anything other than some version of "fuck those guys?" Donald Trump. That's probably one group where you could say "fuck those guys" with little backlash.

I don't want polished, I want a good president and someone who isn't a pussy. He can and should be blunt without sounding like an "-ist" asshole or another bland politician.
Firing his campaign manager was the best decision that Trump has made this season. "Let Trump be Trump" worked for the primaries, but his lack of filter is really hurting national appeal. I think he has enough time before November to turn it around, do some fundraising, and make some substantitive issue statements.
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