2016 Presidential Race

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I saw a political sign on a lawn this morning, and I may stop and ask wehre they got it. It says," Everyone for 2016 Sucks"

They are breaking house rules by streaming this via Periscope. I am genuinely beginning to believe that camera phones and the internet are a catalyst to the end of the world.

"This one time, at band camp..."

How many of the folks pictured above seem to care about anything. It looks like play time in DC, and they're just sitting around on our dime doing nothing at all, and they are laughing and applauding each other. Above is the takeaway picture of our congress for the past eight years.
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Hillary talks to her audiences like they're 2nd graders.

If you'd seen Trump's news conference from Scotland this morning, he made a great deal of sense. If there's contempt in Trump's speeches, it's for POTUS's agenda and HRC, his rival, not for his audience...
I'm not a fan of Hillary either. We have threads full of reasons why she should be in a cell. My Trump observation came from a comment about Mussolini in the WW2 in color documentary, on Netflix. I remember the narrator saying that Mussolini's grandstanding was one of the reasons why he was so popular (they played the same Mussolini footage). All this came from the mention of internment camps.

Based on his mannerisms and business practices, I just don't see him as anything more than a thug in a nice suit. I'm sorry if that seems harsh but, he just seems like an opportunistic coyote. Vice did a story about the migrant workers building the Trump estates in Dubai. The way a man treats his fellows is a good indicator of his character.

*There is a longer version, I couldn't find it.

As for Hillary, she scares the crap out of me. She is the physical embodiment of the proverbial wolf in sheep's clothing.

I saw a political sign on a lawn this morning, and I may stop and ask where they got it. It says," Everyone for 2016 Sucks"
I think Ace Ventura sums up the feelings of a lot of people.
If by "the right conditions," you mean alcohol poisoning, with alcoholic hepatitis, and early onset Alzheimer's disease. I wouldn't fuck that tuna-faced cunt if I had a 20' long rubber dong attached to a 350 short block to stick in that swamp donkey's crooked canyon.

Attention SS board members: if you do not like THIS post above, you are a communist.

No one on this board could get away with using "20' long rubber dong" in a sentence.

This supports Trumps claim that she used DOS as her personal hedge fund. When she was on the job, she worked for the People.

Clinton's State Dept. calendar missing scores of entries | Fox News
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George Will leaving the GOP and now they lay this shit on us? Trump is anti-Scandanavian?:mad:


This sure seems like Clinton is anti-business to me. I'm confident that ALL of her big business backers did the EXACT same: exploit a situation for profit. If they didn't, they would be NGOs or non-profit organizations. Hell, even Clinton Foundation donors did the same when they donated in exchange for access.

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In bashing Donald Trump, some say Ruth Bader Ginsburg just crossed a very important line

And this ladies and gentlemen (@pardus falls under the lady part) is everything that is wrong with the way the SCOTUS is operating now. A sitting Justice should not be openly discussing politics. Yes, they are allowed to hold their own political views, but when a sitting Justice actively speaks out against a nominee, it crosses a major line.
Yikes. Gotta say I agree with @NavyBuyer. I think RBG is a fantastic justice, but openly speaking out against a candidate who has the (albeit slim) chance of becoming the next Executive sets a very bad precedent. It would tarnish any decision that she makes against a Trump administration case, and leave the door open for further doubt about the impartiality of the Supreme Court. I hope that she takes the high road and retracts her comments soon.
Yikes. Gotta say I agree with @NavyBuyer. I think RBG is a fantastic justice, but openly speaking out against a candidate who has the (albeit slim) chance of becoming the next Executive sets a very bad precedent. It would tarnish any decision that she makes against a Trump administration case, and leave the door open for further doubt about the impartiality of the Supreme Court. I hope that she takes the high road and retracts her comments soon.

Hard Agree
Yikes. Gotta say I agree with @NavyBuyer. I think RBG is a fantastic justice, but openly speaking out against a candidate who has the (albeit slim) chance of becoming the next Executive sets a very bad precedent. It would tarnish any decision that she makes against a Trump administration case, and leave the door open for further doubt about the impartiality of the Supreme Court. I hope that she takes the high road and retracts her comments soon.
Disagree, she needs to retire.
She crossed a line that can not be uncrossed and will have to recuse herself from every case if he gets elected.
Major fuck up on her part.
Imagine a case goes before the court to decide the President, shades of 2000.

She just gave Trump a win. A 4-4 Court drops to 4-3 with her out of the picture...unless the FBI Director has anything to say about it....
Imagine a case goes before the court to decide the President, shades of 2000.

She just gave Trump a win. A 4-4 Court drops to 4-3 with her out of the picture...unless the FBI Director has anything to say about it....
So they have to bump off another Conservative Justice?
Some opposing viewpoints on the RBG Trump comments, courtesy of NYTimes: Can a Supreme Court Justice Denounce a Candidate? - Room for Debate - NYTimes.com

In other news, it looks like Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana is likely to be tapped as Trump's running mate:
Pence’s unflappability could help Trump stay cool
Salon’s two cents: Why Gov. Mike Pence will be tapped as VP by Donald Trump

Seems like a good choice. Pence is a fairly popular governor who hits all of the right conservative wickets. Based one what I've seen of his policy positions, he may not be hard-right but he leans right basically 100% of the time. He could practically be a GOP poster boy, which is what Trump may not to bring establishment conservatives into the fold.
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