2016 Presidential Race

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The top legal representative of the US Department of Justice is refusing to confirm that lying under oath or sharing classified information with uncleared individuals is illegal.

Pugs. Ugly-ass dogs.

I could be down with that. I don't like small dogs. Especially ones that sound like they have emphysema.

He is a very conservative governor in Indiana; has said some bone-headed things, has favored some controversial legislation, but is generally well-liked. He has conservative bona fides, especially with the economy and security. His immigration policies are disliked by the left and the right. He is an evangelical, but doesn't push it in people's faces. He is a smart choice, especially given the talk of Christy and Gingrich.
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NPR reported this morning that Jeff Sessions of Alabama would be Trump's VP and intimated that he has a racist past. And they also defended Ginsberg (The Diane Rehms Show) and compared Trump to Hitler. :wall::-o Again. :wall::wall: Really???

What's next? Trump kills puppies?

As far as RBG goes, the damage is already done. She's retracted her statements but any denunciation of a candidate during a presidential election is a tacit endorsement of that candidate's opponent. She might as well have said, "VOTE FOR HILLARY!"

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I understand the point of the article and agree with it's premise that other Justices have gotten somewhat political in the past, but comparing the quotes and situations of the other Justices with Ginsburg's, it seems that Ginsburg's comments are much more political and rhetorical.

Both quotes have very little political connotation from my view at least.
For example:
Justice Stevens on Court appointment: "I personally regard him as a very well-qualified candidate and one who will be a very welcome addition to the court. There are many, many reasons that lead me to that conclusion."
This quote seems like he very carefully chose his words. All he said was the guy is qualified, and the Court would welcome any qualified candidate. Arguably less political because the guy he was talking about (Reagan appointee and very conservative) was on the far end of the spectrum from himself (Center-Left).

Justice Ginsburg on Court appointment: "I think he is about as well qualified as any nominee to this court,” she said. “Super bright and very nice, very easy to deal with. And super prepared. He would be a great colleague."
She said he's qualified, but then goes on to talk about the person. "Oh, he's really nice and easy to deal with." Leads one to believe that a working group could be made as opposed to critical self-evaluation of the problem at hand, and much more personal about the candidate than Justice Stevens. Far Left talking about an Obama Appointee who is Center-Left from what I've gathered. Essentially he's someone in her own party as opposed to Justice Stevens' comments about someone from another party.

Those quotes have very little political rhetoric to me at least, but a large difference in the choice of words. Also, the other examples they give of Ginsburg in the bottom seem much more inflammatory talking about issues than the other Justices the quote. Could just be poor choice of careful wording but probably isn't.
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