2016 Presidential Race

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It was good humor. I cared about what she had to say about as much as I cared what Michelle had to say. Which is to say, very little. Once they're in the White House, I'll give it a little more attention.
I'll bet the people complaining of plagiarism are the same ones who overlook that pesky email server.
I'll bet the people complaining of plagiarism are the same ones who overlook that pesky email server.

I mean, are we not allowed to complain about anything anyone does because "emails and Benghazi"

That speech was clown shoes. The walkout with smoke, and Queen? Bigger clown shoes. This isn't the WWE this is the Presidency of the United States.
I mean, are we not allowed to complain about anything anyone does because "emails and Benghazi"

That speech was clown shoes. The walkout with smoke, and Queen? Bigger clown shoes. This isn't the WWE this is the Presidency of the United States.

We're certainly allowed to complain and I probably should clarify my point. The people screaming the loudest and making the most noise are probably blowing off the email issue. A secondary subset are those looking for any reason to throw shade on Trump. My issues with the speech based on the transcripts:
1. No one thought this would go unnoticed? Assuming someone took the time to steal from the 2008 speech?
2. The only passages I saw were pretty minor, hence my comment about those making the most noise.
3. None of us had a book report, read a passage, and never copied it? I know I've done it more than I can count, not because I meant to or I'm lazy, but it sticks in your head or you have a hard time making the same point. Try it with a history or programming class.

I expect a higher standard from every candidate and think this should have been caught, but I also think this is minor. Even if intentional it is trivial in the grand scheme of things if for no other reason than the scope of the material.

I still hate both candidates but this is being blown out of proportion. We also passed the WWE point months ago. This election is just thumbing its nose at voters.
We're certainly allowed to complain and I probably should clarify my point. The people screaming the loudest and making the most noise are probably blowing off the email issue. A secondary subset are those looking for any reason to throw shade on Trump. My issues with the speech based on the transcripts:
1. No one thought this would go unnoticed? Assuming someone took the time to steal from the 2008 speech?
2. The only passages I saw were pretty minor, hence my comment about those making the most noise.
3. None of us had a book report, read a passage, and never copied it? I know I've done it more than I can count, not because I meant to or I'm lazy, but it sticks in your head or you have a hard time making the same point. Try it with a history or programming class.

I expect a higher standard from every candidate and think this should have been caught, but I also think this is minor. Even if intentional it is trivial in the grand scheme of things if for no other reason than the scope of the material.

I still hate both candidates but this is being blown out of proportion. We also passed the WWE point months ago. This election is just thumbing its nose at voters.

Yeah Trump isn't the candidate America needs, he is the candidate America deserves.
That speech was clown shoes. The walkout with smoke, and Queen? Bigger clown shoes. This isn't the WWE this is the Presidency of the United States.

That was my original reaction but the more I think about it, the more I feel that is what you get with Trump. It's a convention, and he's trying to have some fun with it...especially important since a good number of folks in attendance want nothing to do with him. Again he bucked tradition, since he never should have even been seen last night, much less heard. It is difficult to know what to think of any of this, and in the spirit of full disclosure, if Hillary tried the same type of entrance I'd roll my eyes so hard I'd likely blind myself.
Though I've personally never read it, a coworker of mine said that it is the same/similar strategy that Trump lays out in his book the Art of the Deal. Trump knew that it would be noticed and is again leveraging the media's need to make a story out of every minor thing to get free publicity. I would be willing to bet all the meager amount of money that I have that Mrs. Trump did not write her speech and that this was coordinated. I would also be willing to bet that same amount that Trump does not take all that much advice from his wife either way so she is insignificant regardless. I could really care less what any (potential) First Lady has to say so long as 1. she does it with class and 2. makes the US look good/doesn't embarrass the US. I would even argue for the reduction of the importance of the First Lady as an entity. Having her own personal staff from taxpayer money? I could see an assistant and a few advisors to keep her from screwing up, but a full blown staff? No need at all.
Wouldn't an anti-Trump coup be the most horrific and ironic act in American history? That's like a Dairy Queen Blizzard of history, politics, and social issues.
That article might hold more for me if the author's personal bio did not read like a checklist of things that would make you question his bias and agenda in regards to Trump.
For the fiftieth time, opinion pieces and editorials are supposed to be biased. They are not meant to be a completely objective representation of facts and research. They do, however, use facts and research in the furtherance of a stated opinion. Furthermore, some facts may be weighted heavier than others when the author is evaluating their opinion - the very definition of "bias". Therefore, accusing an editorial writer of "bias" is just pointless and asinine.

Okay, back to your regularly scheduled programming.
@Deathy McDeath -

Disagree because that type of headline is irresponsible, - and unlike the NY Post, the LA Times is not supposed to be a tabloid newspaper. To add, the author does not work for the Times, but they publish his writing. I just expect better from a Newspaper of that size.
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