2016 Presidential Race

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The convention is the big pre-general (election) pep rally, everyone gets on the same sheet of music. If Cruz really thought it was personal and knew he wasn't going to endorse Trump, he never should have accepted the invitation.

Agree - and there should have been no doubt that Cruz would do this, I was surprised he got the invite in the first place. To add - if the more established names had participated, (Bush and Romney for starters) I don't think Cruz would have even been seen, much less heard.
I would've thought the fact that Donald Trump is the Republican presidential candidate is the epitome of what's wrong with the Republican Party?
I would've thought the fact that Donald Trump is the Republican presidential candidate is the epitome of what's wrong with the Republican Party?

I would not say so much as "the epitome" but rather one of the last few nails on the old GOP coffin. The Republican Party has been going south (or, more accurately, moving center/center-left) for years.
Agree - and there should have been no doubt that Cruz would do this, I was surprised he got the invite in the first place. To add - if the more established names had participated, (Bush and Romney for starters) I don't think Cruz would have even been seen, much less heard.
Regardless of how I feel about Trump, Cruz committed political seppuku last night.
I would've thought the fact that Donald Trump is the Republican presidential candidate is the epitome of what's wrong with the Republican Party?
Disagree because I don't believe it is Trump that is the problem with the Republicans. Unless I am misreading your statement, which is possible.

I stated Cruz as the epitome because of his previous actions, religious zealotry, and his strong rhetoric. He in effect, has alienated those of us that are somewhere in the middle but lean conservative. Not all conservatives believe in god, think homos are an abomination, believe everyone that is poor is lazy, etc.... I know I am painting with a broad brush, but the party has turned from its core values and roots IMHO.
I snickered when I read this. What are they going to do, storm the library? I'd give them a 33.333% (repeating of course) chance of success, that's with the librarians on holiday. :ROFLMAO:

For the fiftieth time, opinion pieces and editorials are supposed to be biased. They are not meant to be a completely objective representation of facts and research. They do, however, use facts and research in the furtherance of a stated opinion. Furthermore, some facts may be weighted heavier than others when the author is evaluating their opinion - the very definition of "bias". Therefore, accusing an editorial writer of "bias" is just pointless and asinine.

Okay, back to your regularly scheduled programming.
There has to be a better selection process, considering that people take these biased articles as fact. To me this reeks of yellow journalism, repacked with the ozone smell and shiny goodness of the internet.;-)
Disagree because I don't believe it is Trump that is the problem with the Republicans. Unless I am misreading your statement, which is possible.

I stated Cruz as the epitome because of his previous actions, religious zealotry, and his strong rhetoric. He in effect, has alienated those of us that are somewhere in the middle but lean conservative. Not all conservatives believe in god, think homos are an abomination, believe everyone that is poor is lazy, etc.... I know I am painting with a broad brush, but the party has turned from its core values and roots IMHO.

Yeah, I still think Cruz is worse than Trump.

I think the candidates that couldn't beat President Obama, could beat Clinton, Rimney and McCain could both beat Hillary I think.

I don't think Trump can.
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Random observation - will you hear the chant of "USA...USA...USA" or "Put America first" at the Democrat convention? If not, I'm not interested.

I think the candidates that couldn't beat President Obama, could beat Clinton, Rimney and McCain could both beat Hillary I think.

I don't think Trump can.

As of today...and I hold the right to amend after I see a "real" debate between Trump and Hillary, but as of today I see Trump in a landslide. The Bernie folks are still bitter and either won't vote, or will write Bernie in. And for Trump, rednecks who have not voted since Reagan, will come down from the mountains and vote for Trump. While their motives may not be pure, they will vote.
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Random observation - will you hear the chant of "USA...USA...USA" or "Put America first" at the Democrat convention? If not, I'm not interested.

It isn't like Democrats hate America. I don't partake in shouts of "USA", as my privilege often prevents me from doing so without too much white guilt. But I fucking love America. I would bleed on the flag to keep the stripes red.
Interesting strategy - he has mentioned Bernie in a positive light two or three times now.
I've reposted this link so many times in the past few days that it's practically worn out my Ctrl and V keys
The Melania Trump Plagiarism Case Is Nothing Like Obama and Patrick's

BLUF: Deval Patrick was an aide to Obama, and suggested that he use those words in a speech. That's, like, the opposite of plagiarism. Also, it took less than two seconds to find. WHAT ARE YOU DOING EL TEE?!
Deadlifting and Rugby...while attempting to train for a sprint-tri. I'm tired.
I don't partake in shouts of "USA", as my privilege often prevents me from doing so without too much white guilt.

Hard agree on Cruz. We call him the grand mullah at our house. Although I don't think any of the other candidates you mentioned would have a shot at Clinton. This is certainly going to be an election for the ages.
After watching Trump's speech at the RNC tonight, my first thought was "The fact-checkers are going to have a field day with this."
Surprisingly, Vox managed to put out a pretty comprehensive list of fact checks a little under an hour after the speech concluded. Now, I've watched a lot of Trump speeches, and in the past he's had an eye-rollingly tenuous relationship with the truth. He loved to rely on bombastic, misleading, and outright made-up rhetoric when speaking off the cuff. But tonight when he spoke from the 'prompter, he actually kinda sorta sounded like a presidential candidate! I don't mean that disrespectfully; part of his charm is high rough-around-the-edges style, but tonight he not only gave a coherent speech with actual policy positions, quite a few of his statements were actually true!
Every claim in Donald Trump's convention speech, fact-checked

Though I haven't counted them, the number of statements rated "True" and "Mostly true" seems to be higher than his Politifact average as of late. So kudos to D. Trump and his speechwriters! You've earned some kudos from this liberal today!
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