2016 Presidential Race

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This shit show just keeps getting better and better.

So, Wasserman finds out Wikileaks hacked the email account and released the details regarding Sanders.

Emails also revealed collusion with those within Clinton's campaign and the protests at Trump speaking events.

Instead of waiting to be fired, she quote Steps down, unquote, and then, is immediately hired by Clinton.

And now you have Clinton's campaign, suggesting that Trump was somehow in cahoots with the Russians and Putin, when it came to getting the emails.

This shit show just keeps getting better and better.

So, Wasserman finds out Wikileaks hacked the email account and released the details regarding Sanders.

Emails also revealed collusion with those within Clinton's campaign and the protests at Trump speaking events.

Instead of waiting to be fired, she quote Steps down, unquote, and then, is immediately hired by Clinton.

And now you have Clinton's campaign, suggesting that Trump was somehow in cahoots with the Russians and Putin, when it came to getting the emails.


I read some BS comment on an article about this on FaceCrap yesterday claiming Malania Trump is a Russian sleeper. LOL

And now you have Clinton's campaign, suggesting that Trump was somehow in cahoots with the Russians and Putin, when it came to getting the emails.


Oh, those sneaky Russians… and their non-stop hacking of Hillary Clinton.

The Washington Post reported yesterday that the recent Wikileaks release of sensitive Democratic National Committee (DNC) documents related to potential improprieties during the 2006 Democratic Primaries may have been carried out by Russia. Their motivation? To help Donald Trump become President of the United States, of course

Those sneaky Russians. Maybe it’s time to update the Kaspersky?
Do they actually think people are gonna believe this bs?

Yes, there are a lot of people who believe everything their television says to them. :wall::wall::wall:

20 to 1 Putin is praying for a Clinton victory.

She's not stepping down, she's stepping up, to the Clinton campaign and a political appointment in the Clinton Administration.

And you'll never need a better example of Stupidity in Government.
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And yet with all of these damning emails, it is not going to matter one whit to dem voters. Not one. They may influence some fence-sitters and indies.

In other news, Trump's post-convention bounce was pretty healthy, 6 points. The last "real" bounce was Bush with 8 (Gore also got 8). Better than Romney, McCain.
So...it's pretty clear to me that there's one party in this fight that is corrupt, anti-semitic, and racist. Demarcus Owens on Twitter

And it's pretty clear to me not many people care.
It's a reference to this image:

Did anyone else watch the 60 Minutes interview last night? Scott Pelley asks her about the Leaked DNC emails. (Part 3)

"No, I didn't know about any of that and I haven't read any of those"

And then, later.......

"Again, I don't know anything about these emails" "I haven't followed it"

The news about the emails came to light Saturday, the 23rd. The 60 minutes interview was done on the 24th.

Yeah right. Hillary Clinton? You're a bald face liar.

Not to mention when she was asked about her role and responsibility for the tragedy in Benghazi, and her response. (Part 2)

I don't particularly care for Trump, but honestly, this woman just absolutely makes me sick to my stomach.

The Democratic Ticket: Clinton and Kaine
@Deathy McDeath will still vote for her. I have faith. I tried to tell y'all he's a Commie, but you voted anyway...


ETA even though this is a different topic:

Clinton says there is an unfair 'Hillary standard' on trust and honesty - CNNPolitics.com

[QUOTE]"I often feel like there's the Hillary standard and then there's the standard for everybody else," she said.
Asked to explain that, Clinton cited "unfounded, inaccurate, mean-spirited attacks with no basis in truth" which "take on a life of their own," pointing to Republicans' criticism at the party's convention in Cleveland last week.
"And for whatever reasons -- and I don't want to try to analyze the reasons. I see it. I understand it," she said. "People are very willing to say things about me, to make accusations about me that are -- I don't get upset about them anymore, but they are very regrettable."[/QUOTE]

Get in line, Hillary. After your bullshit with the email server and the FBI, we think the same thing. Oh, the gall of this woman...

By the way, CNN had this story buried under one about a Chinese seaplane and condoms for Olympic athletes in Rio.
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Has anyone been reading these e-mails? Some really good stuff in here - Searchable links at bottom of story -

<these two items are not Wikileaks - but there are wikileak links with the story>

HERE IT IS=> Detailed List of Findings in Wikileaks DNC Document Dump

DNC staffers used slurs and created a Craigslist ad to disgrace Trump

The one in yellow below is my favorite...

<<WARNING>> If you want to read the e-mails, they are linked within the above stories, but be advised that the source is WikiLeaks <<WARNING>>

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