2016 Presidential Race

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The best part about all of this?

It will matter very little unless leveraged properly.
It will matter very little unless leveraged properly.

Nope. Too much at stake plus she has the highest top cover. I'm willing to bet this (wiki leaks release) was Putin's way of saying "You fuck on me? I fuck on you!". After this, Hillary is fully on board and now yet another Putin puppet.

The leverage you speak of is Putin's possession of her server emails...all...of...them.
The best part about all of this?

It will matter very little unless leveraged properly.

Nope. Too much at stake plus she has the highest top cover. I'm willing to bet this (wiki leaks release) was Putin's way of saying "You fuck on me? I fuck on you!". After this, Hillary is fully on board and now yet another Putin puppet.

The leverage you speak of is Putin's possession of her server emails...all...of...them.

I think Trump is one of the few people who can leverage this properly.
He used the Democrat playbook against all his (spineless) Republican opponents, and will now use their playbook against Hillary.
This isn't really going to contribute to the discussion but, Hillary looks like the kind of person who would go mad with power.
Delusions of Chaos

I know it is an editorial, but I do like the points he makes. Trump is selling a false fear.

The author raises some interesting points, but certainly draws his own conclusions. My conclusions are different, but his point in that Trump (and Clinton as well) is hedging on chaos is true. But to be fair, it's not like Trump is doing something every other presidential candidate hasn't done...painting the margins and rarities as averages and the norm.
I watched some of the DNC yesterday and it has truly gone crazy. I honestly don't get the party loyalty with everything going on. I'm a Conservative by heart but I've voted Green in the past to keep a clear conscious. I seem to find more loyalty among the liberal minded, no matter the nation.

@Deathy McDeath and @TLDR20 given all the corruption and stupidity amongst the DNC, centred around Hillary; do you still support that party? If so, how?
Bernie Sanders, Michelle, Elizabeth, all sellouts.

What cracks me up about Sanders is he sold out to the very machine that helped break him. Could he have won? Unlikely. For all of his bluster though he supported the woman and organization that worked to destroy him.
I watched some of the DNC yesterday and it has truly gone crazy. I honestly don't get the party loyalty with everything going on. I'm a Conservative by heart but I've voted Green in the past to keep a clear conscious. I seem to find more loyalty among the liberal minded, no matter the nation.

@Deathy McDeath and @TLDR20 given all the corruption and stupidity amongst the DNC, centred around Hillary; do you still support that party? If so, how?

I have no allegiance to any party. I would consider myself a moderate liberal. I voted for McCain in 2008, but couldn't vote for Romney in 2012. I am pretty liberal about a lot of things, though not all. Foreign Policy, defense, and guns I am all pretty conservative about.
I have no allegiance to any party. I would consider myself a moderate liberal. I voted for McCain in 2008, but couldn't vote for Romney in 2012. I am pretty liberal about a lot of things, though not all. Foreign Policy, defense, and guns I am all pretty conservative about.

Thank you. I didn't take you as a card carrying Democrat.

I think in most areas we probably agree on things. I believe is where both America's political system is at fault and Canada is following suit; the de facto 2 party system. Sure there's third and even fourth parties but they don't really have a chance at gaining power. It doesn't truly allow a real middle ground candidate a chance.
I have no allegiance to any party. I would consider myself a moderate liberal. I voted for McCain in 2008, but couldn't vote for Romney in 2012. I am pretty liberal about a lot of things, though not all. Foreign Policy, defense, and guns I am all pretty conservative about.

You sound like an old Blue Dog dem of the days of yore. When people talk about the democratic South, they aren't referring to historically liberal dems but rather financially conservative, pro-defense, pro-gun, moderate democrats. But most of them are/were Bible thumpers, too, and you don't strike me as much of a Bible thumper.
Out of curiosity...was Palin the deal breaker for you? It was for me, and still infuriates me that they did such a horseshit job of vetting her and chose her over Minnesota's Tim Pawlenty (Governor at the time). I genuinely believe it would have been a different race if they had, and as popular as he Pawlenty was, I think the Republicans could have carried Minnesota that year.

It wasn't just the vetting that made her a shit-show. Apparently she went off-script all the time and refused help with briefings and pressers. McCain's staff hating working with her.
Romney's running mate was Paul Ryan.

:wall:Oh for the love of christ.:wall: They all meld together after a while...thanks for that. Maybe Mitt didn't win because he was so unforgettable...that said, I still believe that the spirit of my post is correct...McCain would have won, or at least done much better, without Palin.
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I couldn't vote for a Mormon. I don't know that I can trust someone that goes to church where others are not allowed to. Makes me wonder to who their allegiance lies.

You sound like an old Blue Dog dem of the days of yore. When people talk about the democratic South, they aren't referring to historically liberal dems but rather financially conservative, pro-defense, pro-gun, moderate democrats. But most of them are/were Bible thumpers, too, and you don't strike me as much of a Bible thumper.

I'm not fiscally conservative. It is impossible to be a "social liberal and fiscal conservative"
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I watched some of the DNC yesterday and it has truly gone crazy. I honestly don't get the party loyalty with everything going on. I'm a Conservative by heart but I've voted Green in the past to keep a clear conscious. I seem to find more loyalty among the liberal minded, no matter the nation.

@Deathy McDeath and @TLDR20 given all the corruption and stupidity amongst the DNC, centred around Hillary; do you still support that party? If so, how?
Honestly, this is something I'm going to have to reflect on in the next few weeks. I have two key questions: Will the shenanigans end now that DWS is out? Will they end after the election (regardless of whether Hillary wins)? Is it fair to oblige a political party NOT to push back against a candidate who only recently wasn't a part of them (i.e. Bernie's switch from independent to democrat)? And finally: can I still support the party in down-ticket races?

The Johnson/Weld ticket is looking more attractive each day.
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