2016 Presidential Race

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You know, about a month ago I ruminated that the firing of Corey Lewandowski, Trump's former campaign manager, would be a good thing for his campaign. I figured this to be true because Lewandowski's philosophy to campaign management was just "Just let Trump say whatever the fuck he wants." With these latest statements, it's clear that ol' DJT is back to his usual schtick. One really has to wonder if a guy with Trump's outsize personality and ego can actually be managed!
One really has to wonder if a guy with Trump's outsize personality and ego can actually be managed!

Because it has yet to hurt him. His base becomes that much more entertained, his foes have dug in even further, and me...I'm left even more confused about which lever to pull in November.

Anyone know the real story on Gabby Giffords? I just watched her give a speech at the DNC and wondered again whether she is actually all there mentally, or if "they" are using her as a puppet of the anti-gun folks (an effective puppet mind you). Similar as far as I am concerned, the way that the NRA used Charlton Heston well beyond what his Alzheimer's symptoms should have permitted.
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So I spent the evening deadlifting and benching...twitter is apparently in love with the CinC's speech. Reading some of the quotes I go: "there's no way he believes any of this shit right?"
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Biden actually delivered a pretty baller speech. You can understand his reasons for not running, but I wager that a lot of Americans really wish he had.
Tim Kaine was pretty flat. His Spanish phrases drew loud applause and sounded pretty cool, but otherwise the guy has little charisma.
So I spent the evening deadlifting and benching...twitter is apparently in love with the CinC's speech. Reading some of the quotes I go: "there's no way he believes any of this shit right?"

The Talking Heads compared his speech to his speech four years ago accepting the nomination, said the two were very similar. The conclusion was the Obama is propping HRC to be an extension of his administration, and there was little difference between them.

With these latest statements, it's clear that ol' DJT is back to his usual schtick. One really has to wonder if a guy with Trump's outsize personality and ego can actually be managed!

You know, the whole email thing, Benghazi, it doesn't matter to anyone not a Republican. For all the Dems it's just white noise and won't change their vote. Trump's bluster and statements have the same effect on the pro-Trump crowd. The people who are getting up in arms over his speeches won't vote for him anyway.
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Anyone know the real story on Gabby Giffords? I just watched her give a speech at the DNC and wondered again whether she is actually all there mentally, or if "they" are using her as a puppet of the anti-gun folks (an effective puppet mind you). Similar as far as I am concerned, the way that the NRA used Charlton Heston well beyond what his Alzheimer's symptoms should have permitted.

She survived a GSW to the head: http://www.biography.com/people/gabrielle-giffords-20550593.

Her recovery has been beyond what I expected to see.
Thanks for the response @Red Flag 1 - I remember when she was shot, and the prognosis given at the time. That's what caused me to ask the question; if her opinions are her own, then more power to her. Just really curious to know how much she has truly recovered.
She survived a GSW to the head: http://www.biography.com/people/gabrielle-giffords-20550593.

Her recovery has been beyond what I expected to see.

Before she was pro- or at least out of the gun rights debate. I can appreciate her trauma and recovery, but she's removed all logic from the debate and I think is used as a tool...even if she's a willing participant. Her arguments are fueled by emotion and I have a hard time that regardless of the cause.

The Navy then named a ship after her. :rolleyes:
Before she was pro- or at least out of the gun rights debate. I can appreciate her trauma and recovery, but she's removed all logic from the debate and I think is used as a tool...even if she's a willing participant. Her arguments are fueled by emotion and I have a hard time that regardless of the cause.

The Navy then named a ship after her. :rolleyes:

That she was able to make any address from the podium is really remarkable.

Clinton should hang her head in shame for putting her up there to bang the anti-gun drum. It really was a gamble for Gabby, more than clinton will ever realize, or even care for that matter. Even if Gabby stumbled badly and failed to deliver, clinton would still have made her point; and that was really all that mattered.
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