2016 Presidential Race

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I agree with @JAB that conservatives generally want moderate social programs. The problem is the US is running massive deficits, an $18+ trillion debt (not counting unfunded liabilities), so a robust and generous social program isn't financially feasible right now. Any politician who doesn't acknowledge that fact is a moron.

Also, perhaps a topic for a different thread, but Social Security is basically a Ponzi scheme. It was never meant to fund someone's 20-30 year retirement. Politicians can try to say they can "reform" it, but I think they're just pushing the can down the road... again. I'm pretty much of the opinion that my generation ("millennials" :-") will not be receiving Social Security when we retire.

Agree with most of your post, but you forget that SS funds go into the general funds and are not fenced off, fencing off the money would have lessened the stress on SS.
Refugees coming in get SS if they are old enough, so people who contributed $0.00 get a check, cut that crap and reduce the stress on the system.
SS Disability, was that ever figured in?

On another note, I think Rubio just nuked himself in the debate, his pitiful "think of the children" plea showed his true colors.
Trump's willingness to double down is keeping his numbers up, he's a fighter and the Republican Party hasn't had a fighter in decades (Trump is not a conservative, but most voters are too stupid to know that).

Cruz would get my vote, but I'd love to see him as Attorney General first, reopening all the scandals would overflow cardiac wards in/around the DC area.
Cruz needs to be the running mate if not elected. Carson says some dumb shit sometimes but it's about stuff that really doesn't matter, to be honest. Who gives a shit what he thinks the pyramids were used for? I think he'd do a great job at managing the country. Letting the people who are experts in their respective fields make the decisions and put them in good position to do so. And Rand is forging a little comeback tonight, I like it.
I used to say this too, but I don't think you can be socially moderate and fiscally conservative. It takes money to enact good social policies.

I agree with this to a point, my only counter would be this is less of an issue if we spent our money wisely. There's so much BS out there a solid overhaul/ audit could find money for new and old programs.
I agree with @JAB that conservatives generally want moderate social programs. The problem is the US is running massive deficits, an $18+ trillion debt (not counting unfunded liabilities), so a robust and generous social program isn't financially feasible right now. Any politician who doesn't acknowledge that fact is a moron.

Also, perhaps a topic for a different thread, but Social Security is basically a Ponzi scheme. It was never meant to fund someone's 20-30 year retirement. Politicians can try to say they can "reform" it, but I think they're just pushing the can down the road... again. I'm pretty much of the opinion that my generation ("millennials" :-") will not be receiving Social Security when we retire.

I would counter that Republicans (as well as many Americans) want RESPONSIBLE social programs. Unemployment, welfare, etc should have conditions along with enforceable oversight to stop abuse. Why does the IRS have automated "scripts" that can detect potential fraud but social programs have ??? Retirees are not killing Social Security but rather the "disabled", death beneficiaries, and (SCOTUS approval pending) immigrants who have never paid into the system.

Taxpayers just want to see that their money is being spent wisely. How can we give $3 billion a year to Israel when we have problems here? Why are we resettling war torn refugees to the US (at $1 billion) when we have homelessness in the US? Why give Yazidis MREs when Americans go hungry everyday?

The country is no different that a Christian preacher standing in the pulpit on Sunday but banging a hooker throughout the week...that is EXACTLY how many countries view the United States. I disagree with @TLDR20 that effective social programs require money but add that spending discipline is more important and would mitigate the need for more money.
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I must say that this thread has made me scratch my head at some replies, but these last two pages describe my feelings towards conservatives and or the Republican party very well.
Let's have a show of hands: who thinks that Hillary Clinton actually considered joining the Marine Corps?

Hillary Clinton revives story of trying to join Marines - CNNPolitics.com
Hillary Clinton revives story of trying to join the Marines
Manchester, New Hampshire (CNN)As the U.S. Marine Corps turns 240 years old this week, Hillary Clinton dusted off an old story that has previously been met with skepticism: When the Yale-educated lawyer moved to Arkansas in 1975, she says she tried to join the Marines.

She laughed Tuesday, the day before Veterans Day, as she recalled being turned away by a recruiter.

"He looks at me and goes, 'Um, how old are you,'" Clinton said at an event in New Hampshire. "And I said, 'Well I am 26, I will be 27.' And he goes, 'Well, that is kind of old for us.' And then he says to me, and this is what gets me, 'Maybe the dogs will take you,' meaning the Army."

It's an open question whether the Marines would turn a woman away, especially someone who had an accomplished background like Clinton.
What does the future look like? Donald wins and the awesomeness begins.

I imagine he will be a better POTUS than Obama or Hillary. But I don't see his brashness being good for trying to unite us. More likely will screw politics up here at home more so than they have been.
I imagine he will be a better POTUS than Obama or Hillary. But I don't see his brashness being good for trying to unite us. More likely will screw politics up here at home more so than they have been.
If he wins, I have a feeling you will begin to see major shifts in the Republican party and possibly even the Democrat party as well. Make no mistake, he will piss off a lot of people, but the system in place has the country divided enough. He will either unite the country with him, or against him. Either way, the shithole that is our two party system needs to be shaken to its core. This country needs to see its political elite in fear, and for them to remember that the people control them. Not the other way around.

High hopes and wishful thinking I know, but I really do not want to see this country come into another civil war as politics drives us further apart from each other.
If he wins, I have a feeling you will begin to see major shifts in the Republican party and possibly even the Democrat party as well. Make no mistake, he will piss off a lot of people, but the system in place has the country divided enough. He will either unite the country with him, or against him. Either way, the shithole that is our two party system needs to be shaken to its core. This country needs to see its political elite in fear, and for them to remember that the people control them. Not the other way around.

High hopes and wishful thinking I know, but I really do not want to see this country come into another civil war as politics drives us further apart from each other.

I don't know, it would take some pretty heavy boat rocking policy. I like his honesty, but also feel his brashness can be counterproductive to the overall process. For him to be affective at "making America great again" he will need both sides to back him, and when you turn both party's against you, it makes it really difficult. We've seen this with slick Willie, G W and Barry. If you are talking about totally changing both party's, and changing politics completely, than I would agree that Trump has a good chance at doing so, but he will need two terms, and the electrets to wake the fuck up.
Trump would be a one term POTUS, but both parties would unite in their efforts to fuck him over.
That said, they (the parties) could actually try to pass bills they campaign on with minimal WH input.
I fear a RINO POTUS with a Republican House and Senate.
If Trump is the GOP nominee Hillary will start moving her stuff into 1600 PA Ave. in September.
If Trump is the GOP nominee Hillary will start moving her stuff into 1600 PA Ave. in September.
Maybe, maybe not.
The Hilldabeast is a crappy debater, and Trump loves a good (or mediocre) debate.
Trump has forced the Republicans to use some backbone, and the newbs are finding out they have power over the networks (debate conduct, etc).
I don't know, it would take some pretty heavy boat rocking policy. I like his honesty, but also feel his brashness can be counterproductive to the overall process. For him to be affective at "making America great again" he will need both sides to back him, and when you turn both party's against you, it makes it really difficult. We've seen this with slick Willie, G W and Barry. If you are talking about totally changing both party's, and changing politics completely, than I would agree that Trump has a good chance at doing so, but he will need two terms, and the electrets to wake the fuck up.
That's the thing, both parties think he is nothing more than a gasbag. They hate him because he defies the natural order of politics as agreed upon by both parties. Trump is very good at selling an image. He is selling an image of what the country could become, and many people are buying into it. Besides, both parties will end up caving for some backroom deal. The Republicans haven't had a backbone in 8 years, and the Democrats will fight up until roll call and slip in their vote to get their pound of flesh.

I fear a RINO POTUS with a Republican House and Senate.
This is a very valid concern. Although I also fear a POTUS that wants to shove his religious ideology down the country's throat via his own programs like Herr Fuher Glorious Leader has.
Trump won't carry the swing voters. If he does no one will admit to voting for him, but somehow he'll win. I don't see him carrying the center.

If anything, Trump needs a few more terrorist attacks and the Dems need a few more mass shootings. Those will rally the middle-of-the-road guys to their cause.

Politics anymore is about emotion, not logic, so the guy who can channel suburban fear will win.
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