So I'm entering this a bit late, but my vote has to go to Trump right now. Here's why:
1) Gun Rights - he's an advocate for gun rights
2) His "outrageous statements" - These are starting negotiating positions. Trump knows (and has literally written the book) that you always have to give something up in a compromise. Let's take a common experience, buying a car, for
@Freefalling it can be a prius that lists for $30k.

If you go to the car lot and the salesperson shows you the car and then says "I can probably get that for you for $26k" what is your reaction? You counteroffer at $25k and likely settle for somewhere around the middle at $25.5k. If the salesperson says "it's $30k" then you may counter at $25k still, but the salesperson will now be able to negotiate you up above that $26k that the first example used. In the worst case, you don't budge in either deal and end up at $25k either way. Bottom line, the possibility of getting more is there if you ask for the sky. Trump is applying this to politics. If he says "we should stop anyone that has a radical islamic background at the borders" then the liberals can negotiate that down and may end up taking it off the table entirely. On the other hand, if he says "stop all alien muslims at the border" then when he compromises, he ends up with something in the middle, potentially his starting position of "stop radical islamicists" This sounds outrageous the way the media spins it, but it's really sound negotiating theory. How would the Iran talks have gone if our representative/negotiator had started with a hard line and then compromised, rather than a soft line and compromise?
3) China - For years Trump has been addressing Chinese currency manipulation and how they will eventually pull the rug out from under us. A few weeks ago the banking association (I don't think it was IMF, but I'll need to hunt it down to be sure) declared that the chinese renmibi/Yuan has become a Reserve Currency. What this means is that the bonds bought by banks as a hedge against runs, etc. can be backed by Yuan now. Banks that would have continued buying bonds backed by the dollar will instead start to spread their risk by buying bonds that are backed by yuan. Overall this represents a negative to our cash flow and debt picture in 2016/17 then starting to level out at a higher amount, but still less than today. Trump is the candidate in the best position to mitigate this. It's one of his hot buttons so you can expect him to pursue it aggressively.
4) He's not a career politician - Am I naive enough to believe that there are no lobbying organizations that he has or will make deals with? Of course not. But he should be much less tempted by corruptive influences.
5) He's a big business person - In bigger businesses like his, one of the main cost controls is through maximizing the efforts of the employees who are producing and cutting the jobs of those that are not producing. This focus on efficiency will start to naturally make the government leaner and more cost effective, which we desperately need. He'll also be likely to start cutting and consolidating departments that have redundant responsibilities for more cost cutting. He'll also be focused on the budget and not accept continuing resolutions unless forced into it by Congress.
6) Congress - One of the biggest negatives in many people's minds is that a Republican Congress will not back his agenda and a Democratic Congress will actively oppose it. The truth is that he can safely ignore Congress for his agenda and simply do what the Office is supposed to do, execute the laws that are already on the books. He'll still have to play nice with Congress to keep from them going after him, but he doesn't need their backing to do anything that he wants to do. It's all already on the books, even the "turn away all Muslims" statement is in the US Code. Obama just doesn't enforce, or completely ignores, the laws except as leverage to get what he wants.
There are a LOT of pros and cons to all of the candidates. In my mind the only two viable ones on the GOP side are Cruz and Trump. Out of the two, I would rather see Trump for those reasons.
my .02 and worth what you paid for it...
edit because GDP isn't affected, it's the net balance sheet