2016 Presidential Race

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Honestly, I'm really tired of hearing the news media talk about "fear", and how the American public are being driven by fear.

Does anyone really believe this? I really don't know anyone who is afraid of terrorism, as much as they are angry, pissed off about it. Yet the language on the news is always talking about fear.

This is especially true of Left leaning news outlets, where they subtly equate the tendency to espouse Right / Conservative values as a consequence of fear. "People are supporting Donald Trump because he's speaking to their fear". I even read an article that purported to cite data that indicated being Right Wing / Conservative in one's values is linked to a greater degree of fear/anxiety. Of course it's bullshit, designed to elicit a response, but that's the thing now.

Why fear is more prevalent — and powerful — among conservatives

Why fear is more prevalent — and powerful — among conservatives
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I think Americans ARE afraid...of what this Admin will concede to the various organizations who want to destroy us.
I'd be willing to bet she dies of natural causes before the 2020 election, but it's a fucking right wing conspiracy anyway, and we all get shipped to reeducation camps because settled science.
I lasted 10 seconds

I'd be willing to bet she dies of natural causes before the 2020 election, but it's a fucking right wing conspiracy anyway, and we all get shipped to reeducation camps because settled science.

God but I hope you are wrong. Still, I think we are choser to that sort of movement, than we ever have been. In that case, I'll prolly see ya in the chow hall.
I like how politicians talk about getting things done. What does that even mean?

It's that hot air, rhetorical, no-context, open-ended doublespeak that they say. Politicians hate real goals because real goals are measurable. "Getting things done." "Bridge the divide." "Bring people together." "Start the healing process." Blahbity blah blah fucking blah.....
He sure put the controversy to rest VERY quickly and decisively.

That he isn't American though, at least not in the standard that President Obama was held to. This just is too funny.

People still think President Obama was born in Kenya, a lot of those people would be just fine voting for Cruz, who was certainly born in Canada. It is just crazy to me.
I think I've said this before but that is a really outdated law in my opinion. If someone was an immigrant, has held only US citizenship for a long time and paid their taxes...why shouldn't they be allowed to run for President? I could understand it in the late 1700s but not now.
I think I've said this before but that is a really outdated law in my opinion. If someone was an immigrant, has held only US citizenship for a long time and paid their taxes...why shouldn't they be allowed to run for President? I could understand it in the late 1700s but not now.

Oh I totally agree, but laws are pesky in that they work both ways.
I think I've said this before but that is a really outdated law in my opinion. If someone was an immigrant, has held only US citizenship for a long time and paid their taxes...why shouldn't they be allowed to run for President? I could understand it in the late 1700s but not now.

The ironic thing is that the first few presidents of the USA were all British citizens at birth.
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