I really hope that there are not enough idiots in America to elect Donald Trump.
I've got to look at the alternatives...
Cruz - Decent enough guy and a Constitutional hard-liner... that will be completely distracted by the lawsuit the Dems will bring over his birthplace. Whether the suit is legitimate or not, it will be distracting, perhaps as much as the Clinton emails have been. (Ann Coulter breaks it down here
Ann Coulter - January 13, 2016 - WE'RE ALL RUTH BADER GINSBURG NOW) I promise you this lawsuit has already been drawn up and is only waiting for the primaries to end before being filed. Personally, I don't like him, but other than Trump is the only viable candidate on the Republican side. If he wins the nomination, I'll vote for him, but I would rather have someone with a business skill set. I've been saying that for 10 years, it's not new or just about Trump. Cruz' biggest drawback to me is his experience. 5 years as Solicitor General of Texas and 3 years in the Senate sounds pretty familiar doesn't it? How many issues do we have right now that are very specifically caused by lack of experience in high leadership? For reference, Obama was an attorney then State Senator for IL for 9 years and then US Senator for 3 years before becoming President. He actually had more experience before he was elected to President than Cruz has. I have a real problem with that.
Bush, Kasich, Paul, etc. None of them have enough of the vote to be consequential. Look for Paul to come back in the future after he solves the experience part of the equation. Bush should probably give up on being President because of the public opinion of W.
Clinton - Far left candidate that routinely lies and ignores the law. Is that really who you want to be charged with enforcing the law?
Sanders - Self professed Socialist that is on the border of the lunatic fringe
To me Trump, as loudmouthed, harsh and self-aggrandizing as he is, is the only candidate that I can take seriously and consider voting for. You don't have to like him personally, but his policies are sound and his platform makes sense. The only question I have is whether he can get it done with Congress. I would wager that with the DOJ to use as a club, he can get Congress to do its job. I'm not talking about harassment, I'm talking about all of the crap that gets shoved under the rug in the name of politics. Enforce the law equally without regard to position...it'd do wonders for Congress (and clean out quite a few seats as well). No political experience, true, but he does have a great deal of experience working with large budgets, negotiating major deals and with corporate politics. To me this is a better background than someone that was an attorney, then the lead attorney followed by a short stint as Senator. Aren't you tired of attorneys running the country? I am.