2016 Presidential Race

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Ho-ly shit. That is a real ad...I thought it was was someone's idea of a satirical ad. Well Donny...ball is in your court...what you got?
If we're going to make character and health records and whatever else a prt of the debate, how she treats subordinates is fair game. There's a quote, though the authorship is disputed, about one's conduct. "The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good." SS and military on her staff treated like ass? I think it does matter. None of this is to say Trump's excluded, but people need to know how she conducts herself. It is okay to question Trump's public behavior, but HRC's private behavior is off limits? Nonsense.

@Devildoc I edited your post. I despise the woman and Trump, but we're not going down that path.
I agree to a point- but you can be an absolute dickhead to the waiter and the worlds best trauma surgeon, ya dig?

I fall exactly in the middle of this argument. I understand that being an ass to the Secret Service and rank and file military won't win you any fans, but in the end you could be a social atomic bomb and still be great at your job. It just so happens this job is the presidency.
Ho-ly shit. That is a real ad...I thought it was was someone's idea of a satirical ad. Well Donny...ball is in your court...what you got?

I think that ad opens HRC up to questions how she (and her machine) treated (destroyed) Bill's playmates.

Also, I like how any Hillary attack is considered sexist but that add isn't???
Also, I like how any Hillary attack is considered sexist but that add isn't???

I've had people tell me it is okay to make fun of Trump's looks but not Hillary's. He's fair game, but an attack on her is sexist.
I think that ad opens HRC up to questions how she (and her machine) treated (destroyed) Bill's playmates.

Also, I like how any Hillary attack is considered sexist but that add isn't???

How is that ad sexist? If you mean Trumps words are sexist, yeah I guess it is. I mean Trumps comments are his, they are certainly terrible.

Pointing them out over the images of young female Americans is a pretty spot on ad to me.
@Deathy McDeath @TLDR20

You are the only two I am certain are "out of the closet liberals" on the board. Serious questions for you, (and anyone else really) but especially those who are inclined to support Clinton.

- Do you believe that she is really as cunty to the Secret Service as alleged by the agent who wrote a book about it?
- Do you believe that she really holds utter distain for our military as has been alleged?

I ask these questions because it pains me that if she wins, we will have a president who openly hates the men and women who are sworn to protect her, and scoffs at the advice that her General's offer her.

This election season would be so much easier if I was not convinced Trump still does not grasp the seriousness of all this and somehow believes he is still filming a reality show.
I'm a little late to this question, but here's my take:

I think it's entirely possible that Hillary was a jerk to secret service agents. It's also possible that she has shown disdain for individual servicemembers in the past, although I believe that she respects the military as an institution and as a foreign policy tool. That last bit is very important: Yes, Hillary is an elitist*. Elitists do not tend to hold the soldier, sailor, Marine or airman in the same high regard as middle America. I mean, I think that America has a problem with unqualified reverence for the military in general, but that's another topic entirely. And while she may treat them coldly, she has demonstrated a kind of hawkishness that's fairly unusual for modern liberal Democrats. The Iraq war, and the Libya intervention are the two examples that immediately spring to mind. Given that she probably looks down on your average lower enlisted guy or gal, but is willing to use military force when it's called for, it would stand to reason that she takes the word of military decision-makers quite seriously.

I suppose I could use a somewhat-crude anecdote about investing to illustrate my point: I'm a liberal (duh) and invest my money in a variety of stocks and funds. Personally I don't hold people who work in the financial sector in very high regard, which is a sentiment I think most of you can agree with. I think they're necessary, but they're also snakes who would sell their own mother up the river for to bump up earnings by 3%. Even armed with this knowledge, I still invest. Hope that answers your question.

*This is a really strange thing to consider, because both she and Bill came from modest backgrounds. Hillary grew up in the suburbs north of Chicago, and her dad owned a decent drapery business. Bill was raised by a single mom, who later married a used car dealer. I don't think I need to illustrate the massive difference between their upbringing and Donald Trump's, a man who not many of his supporters will think to call "elitist".

This guy has a following in the poli sci world, he is calling for a Trump win.

This Professor Has Predicted Every Prez Election Since 1984; Says THIS Candidate Will Win
Did you watch the video? Dude acknowledges a narrow victory for Trump. That much is true. However, he adds in the caveat that these keys only hold true in regular elections. He adroitly points out that Trump is such an unusual candidate that he could very well defy the model and prove him wrong. At 3:40, he even says that not only is his model predicting a Trump victory extremely narrowly, but more to the point he's really predicting victory for a generic Republican. I don't think it needs to be said that Trump is anything but that.
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And while she may treat them coldly, she has demonstrated a kind of hawkishness that's fairly unusual for modern liberal Democrats. The Iraq war, and the Libya intervention are the two examples that immediately spring to mind.

Completely agree with this, and while there is still a part of me that gravitates towards Trump, I don't believe for a minute that he is as "rah rah" about listening to the advice of his generals as he claims.

Thank you for the response...damn it, I wish Hillary was just a tad more likable.
Did you watch the video? Dude acknowledges a narrow victory for Trump. That much is true. However, he adds in the caveat that these keys only hold true in regular elections. He adroitly points out that Trump is such an unusual candidate that he could very well defy the model and prove him wrong. At 3:40, he even says that not only is his model predicting a Trump victory extremely narrowly, but more to the point he's really predicting victory for a generic Republican. I don't think it needs to be said that Trump is anything but that.

I did see it, and I have followed this guy for a long time. He is very conservative (don't mean politically) in his assessments and for him to even mention "Trump" and "2016" is a stunning revelation.

But I do agree that Trump could defy the model, as he has in everything so far. I do believe that all conventional wisdom has gone out the window.

Did you watch the video? Dude acknowledges a narrow victory for Trump. That much is true. However, he adds in the caveat that these keys only hold true in regular elections. He adroitly points out that Trump is such an unusual candidate that he could very well defy the model and prove him wrong. At 3:40, he even says that not only is his model predicting a Trump victory extremely narrowly, but more to the point he's really predicting victory for a generic Republican. I don't think it needs to be said that Trump is anything but that.

Then there is this:

Silver: Trump Would Win If Election Were Held Today

Not saying Trump is gonna win, at all, but I will say when people stop listening to the noise of Fox, MSNBC, CNN, etc., the legit people have it very, very close.
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Not saying Trump is gonna win, at all, but I will say when people stop listening to the noise of Fox, MSNBC, CNN, etc., the legit people have it very, very close.

I do hope Trump wins if only for the MSM investigative reporters to actually do their job of digging into what the USG is doing so the Congressional Oversight Committees can do other things.

Where are the modern day Woodwards and Bernsteins?
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