2016 Presidential Race

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2028, I'm running on an anti-pressure cooker platform.

At a minimum- I'm putting serial numbers on them, doing background checks on all who buy them, and closing the home shopping network loophole.

Add an Authorization To Transport whereby crockpots shall only be transported by the most direct route between households or federally approved crockpot smiths.
@Deathy McDeath @TLDR20

You are the only two I am certain are "out of the closet liberals" on the board. Serious questions for you, (and anyone else really) but especially those who are inclined to support Clinton.

- Do you believe that she is really as cunty to the Secret Service as alleged by the agent who wrote a book about it?
- Do you believe that she really holds utter distain for our military as has been alleged?

I ask these questions because it pains me that if she wins, we will have a president who openly hates the men and women who are sworn to protect her, and scoffs at the advice that her General's offer her.

This election season would be so much easier if I was not convinced Trump still does not grasp the seriousness of all this and somehow believes he is still filming a reality show.
@Deathy McDeath @TLDR20

You are the only two I am certain are "out of the closet liberals" on the board. Serious questions for you, (and anyone else really) but especially those who are inclined to support Clinton.

- Do you believe that she is really as cunty to the Secret Service as alleged by the agent who wrote a book about it?
- Do you believe that she really holds utter distain for our military as has been alleged?

I ask these questions because it pains me that if she wins, we will have a president who openly hates the men and women who are sworn to protect her, and scoffs at the advice that her General's offer her.

This election season would be so much easier if I was not convinced Trump still does not grasp the seriousness of all this and somehow believes he is still filming a reality show.

I don't know about the SS, but I do know a Navy doc attached to the WH staff during one of Clinton's terms. He said that Bill was a great guy. He has zero good to say about Hillary, said she would scream at her assistants that no military personnel should be in the same room as her.
@Deathy McDeath @TLDR20

You are the only two I am certain are "out of the closet liberals" on the board. Serious questions for you, (and anyone else really) but especially those who are inclined to support Clinton.

- Do you believe that she is really as cunty to the Secret Service as alleged by the agent who wrote a book about it?
- Do you believe that she really holds utter distain for our military as has been alleged?

I ask these questions because it pains me that if she wins, we will have a president who openly hates the men and women who are sworn to protect her, and scoffs at the advice that her General's offer her.

This election season would be so much easier if I was not convinced Trump still does not grasp the seriousness of all this and somehow believes he is still filming a reality show.

Totally honest: I don't care if she was a total bitch to the secret service. At all. Her being a botch to the secret service doesn't make her less knowledgeable of policy, nor does it make her less qualified to be president. I haven't seen the sources for her being disadainful of the military, or the high ranking officers she would interact with. One of the things that I have consistently read about Hillary, is that she is an amazing listener, and takes the advice given by her advisors seriously. I don't think Trump would do that. In fact I think he would think he knows better....

You have to remember Hillary has been in the public eye for going on 30 years. Name me a single person who has had that much scrutiny that would not have some form of gaffe...

However, like Dan Carlin said recently on a podcast, the Clintons KNOW everyone is watching and still don't give a fuck. That does concern me.
I don't know about the SS, but I do know a Navy doc attached to the WH staff during one of Clinton's terms. He said that Bill was a great guy. He has zero good to say about Hillary, said she would scream at her assistants that no military personnel should be in the same room as her.

I'm always suspicious of single unspecified sources, about anything.

I'm no Hillary fan. I don't think she is the best candidate. The person I think should be running, didn't (honestly who wants that job that deserves it). Shit, my favorite politician is a state senator in NC, who also serves in the Nc NG. He is liberal, but he is nowhere near ready for the presidency.
I haven't seen the sources for her being disadainful of the military, or the high ranking officers she would interact with. One of the things that I have consistently read about Hillary, is that she is an amazing listener, and takes the advice given by her advisors seriously.

We have a member who was formerly with HMX-1 and flew with the Clintons during Bill's tenure. He said on a social level she is an absolute horrible human being. Her interactions with the military were beyond disrespectful in his eyes. He's never been one to BS and I believe him. As for her listening, the book Game Change paints the exact opposite. Maybe she is a great listeners, but her actions may have cost her the Dem. nomination in 2008. She is very loyal to those around her, but it's a double-edged sword because when their performance declines she stands by them, no matter how bad they become. She won't cut slingload despite a mountain of information and all of her other advisors telling her to cut loose the dead wood.

You have to remember Hillary has been in the public eye for going on 30 years. Name me a single person who has had that much scrutiny that would not have some form of gaffe...

However, like Dan Carlin said recently on a podcast, the Clintons KNOW everyone is watching and still don't give a fuck. That does concern me.

Totally agree on all counts. She and Trump are in a pure GAF mode right now and that's beyond troubling to me.

This election is pure garbage.
We have a member who was formerly with HMX-1 and flew with the Clintons during Bill's tenure. He said on a social level she is an absolute horrible human being. Her interactions with the military were beyond disrespectful in his eyes. He's never been one to BS and I believe him. As for her listening, the book Game Change paints the exact opposite. Maybe she is a great listeners, but her actions may have cost her the Dem. nomination in 2008. She is very loyal to those around her, but it's a double-edged sword because when their performance declines she stands by them, no matter how bad they become. She won't cut slingload despite a mountain of information and all of her other advisors telling her to cut loose the dead wood.

Totally agree on all counts. She and Trump are in a pure GAF mode right now and that's beyond troubling to me.

This election is pure garbage.

Again, I don't really care about her actions with the rank and file. I honestly wish we could have 2 presidents. 1 who is the numbers and policy person, and one who deals with "the people". It takes a different person to be great at both. We allow for that in other professions, but we expect our president to somehow be completely masterful of everything, while also being likeable.

I wish we could have like a PM and a president. A PM that deals with congress, passes laws, does policy. Then a president that helps make strategic decisions. Is more of a figurehead, rallies the troops, shit like that.
Again, I don't really care about her actions with the rank and file. I honestly wish we could have 2 presidents. 1 who is the numbers and policy person, and one who deals with "the people". It takes a different person to be great at both. We allow for that in other professions, but we expect our president to somehow be completely masterful of everything, while also being likeable.

I wish we could have like a PM and a president. A PM that deals with congress, passes laws, does policy. Then a president that helps make strategic decisions. Is more of a figurehead, rallies the troops, shit like that.
A figurehead does not make stategic decisions. They make commercials. They are lead by others and told what to do and say....White House briefing etc.
Again, I don't really care about her actions with the rank and file. I honestly wish we could have 2 presidents. 1 who is the numbers and policy person, and one who deals with "the people". It takes a different person to be great at both. We allow for that in other professions, but we expect our president to somehow be completely masterful of everything, while also being likeable.

Agreed. Most leaders have something about them they fall short on, or that puts a bad taste in their people's mouth.

(Take it from someone who knows; being likeable to my own subordinates falls quite low on the list of things to be concerned about. They complain, I have other strengths, business goes on.)

Besides, professional service members (military, SS, etc.) will be aware of and account for the lack of ease many on the civilian side can experience toward those in such occupations in this country. Those individuals will still continue to serve and protect because its their calling and purpose, IMO.

Liberal #3, $.02.
Yet another reason I cannot stand this election...are we all supposed to believe that Trump woke up, drank his morning coffee, and happened to notice in the newspaper that Cruz had endorsed him?

Puh-leeeze. I'd love to know what "they" threatened Cruz with if he did not change his tune.

Screen Shot 2016-09-24 at 9.12.52 AM.png
Yet another reason I cannot stand this election...are we all supposed to believe that Trump woke up, drank his morning coffee, and happened to notice in the newspaper that Cruz had endorsed him?

Puh-leeeze. I'd love to know what "they" threatened Cruz with if he did not change his tune.

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Or Cruz decided that if there's a chance of Trump becoming president, he might not want to be on the White House shitlist. Wait until things cool down, but before the results come out, and throw out an olive branch. He doesn't lose much, but could gain quite a bit.

I don't think Cruz's endorsement is worth so much to Trump that he'd put significant effort into coercing it.
I'm always suspicious of single unspecified sources, about anything.

I'm no Hillary fan. I don't think she is the best candidate. The person I think should be running, didn't (honestly who wants that job that deserves it). Shit, my favorite politician is a state senator in NC, who also serves in the Nc NG. He is liberal, but he is nowhere near ready for the presidency.

Gary Byrne, former SS, also speaks of her contempt for the military. A single source is hearsay. More than one is still hearsay but is corroboration.

I think how she treats the SS, the military, the cook or a queen, her behavior is very telling. Honestly, I think it makes one less qualified (to be president).
Gary Byrne, former SS, also speaks of her contempt for the military. A single source is hearsay. More than one is still hearsay but is corroboration.

I think how she treats the SS, the military, the cook or a queen, her behavior is very telling. Honestly, I think it makes one less qualified (to be president).

So, you feel if a candidate is disrespectful to others, holds military members or other in contempt those are qualities that make them less able to be President. And, for you two or more individuals who claim to have witnessed this behavior is a strong argument?

If that's your standard one of the candidates ought to be making your head explode - and it's not HRC.
So, you feel if a candidate is disrespectful to others, holds military members or other in contempt those are qualities that make them less able to be President. And, for you two or more individuals who claim to have witnessed this behavior is a strong argument?

If that's your standard one of the candidates ought to be making your head explode - and it's not HRC.

Why not?
So, you feel if a candidate is disrespectful to others, holds military members or other in contempt those are qualities that make them less able to be President. And, for you two or more individuals who claim to have witnessed this behavior is a strong argument?

If that's your standard one of the candidates ought to be making your head explode - and it's not HRC.

No, I don't buy the two-wrongs-make-a-right argument. But I do tire of the left's dogged argument of what makes someone "qualified" (Palin, Trump, et al.) and what makes one "presidential." But if you want to talk qualities that should be "presidential," not holding just about anyone in open contempt and having some basic fucking decency should be near the top of the list.

But since everyone seems to like the "but Trump does it" argument, fine. I will still take him every day of the week and twice on Sunday based on everything else aside from that one aspect.

HRC's behavior....is well-documented. So, yeah, two or more individuals who essentially say the same things do make a good argument.
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If we're going to make character and health records and whatever else a prt of the debate, how she treats subordinates is fair game. There's a quote, though the authorship is disputed, about one's conduct. "The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good." SS and military on her staff treated like ass? I think it does matter. None of this is to say Trump's excluded, but people need to know how she conducts herself. It is okay to question Trump's public behavior, but HRC's private behavior is off limits? Nonsense.

@Devildoc I edited your post. I despise the woman and Trump, but we're not going down that path.
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