2016 Presidential Race

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Sorry, what weight does an MOH or general officer endorsement carry? It seems like a cynical move to get the military vote IMO.

They want to be the Commander in Chief, the support of high ranking Officers and MOH recipients show that they may agree with their foreign policy stance and that the troops should be willing to follow their orders. Across the board, that's 2 million active, NG and Reserve votes. And another 20+ million Veteran votes.
They want to be the Commander in Chief, the support of high ranking Officers and MOH recipients show that they may agree with their foreign policy stance and that the troops should be willing to follow their orders. Across the board, that's 2 million active, NG and Reserve votes. And another 20+ million Veteran votes.

Should be willing to follow orders? What?

What foreign policy expertise does an 11B MOH winner have? Seriously.

Just because someone is a badass doesn't mean they have the chops to have an endorsement that means anything.

Generals on the other hand, have lots of experience in policy, them I am slightly more interested in. I thought way more came out in favor of Hillary?
I absolutely respect a MoH recipient. They earned the award and in many cases are a reflection of their unit as much as their actions. The reality is that the MoH doesn't make one a foreign policy expert anymore than our debates here on this forum.

General officer endorsements? Seriously? We're going to use that as our benchmark? We constantly, "we" as in "this whole damn board", complain about the direction of the military, the lack of leadership, the lack of accountability, the vast gulf between a GO and the peasant class at O-5 and below....but we're now going to champion their opinions when they support our favorite candidate? Some of those same GO's who joined the gun control group?

Given the state of our officer corps, a GO endorsement scares me. Seriously, what's the "Mattis to Wes Clark" ratio? My money's on "1:eleventeen."
I absolutely respect a MoH recipient. They earned the award and in many cases are a reflection of their unit as much as their actions. The reality is that the MoH doesn't make one a foreign policy expert anymore than our debates here on this forum.

General officer endorsements? Seriously? We're going to use that as our benchmark? We constantly, "we" as in "this whole damn board", complain about the direction of the military, the lack of leadership, the lack of accountability, the vast gulf between a GO and the peasant class at O-5 and below....but we're now going to champion their opinions when they support our favorite candidate? Some of those same GO's who joined the gun control group?

Given the state of our officer corps, a GO endorsement scares me. Seriously, what's the "Mattis to Wes Clark" ratio? My money's on "1:eleventeen."

Right and I don't utilize our debates here as a yardstick against which I measure candidate worthiness.

Regardless of what we think about general officers they are often subject matter experts that understand the long term goals, and effects of policy better than we do.
Right and I don't utilize our debates here as a yardstick against which I measure candidate worthiness.

Regardless of what we think about general officers they are often subject matter experts that understand the long term goals, and effects of policy better than we do.
More politician looking for a post-retirement gig.

Hillary "misspoke" when she made the "deplorable" comment about Trump supporters. Funny, she "misspoke" the first time just the day before when interviewed by an Israel station.

If you are interested, here is the full interview...

We have CNN airing in the office and therefore, I was exposed to the wisdom from the Congressional Black Caucus. I'm pretty sick of this election cycle but honestly wonder:

How is questioning whether President Obama was born in the US a racist comment?
We have CNN airing in the office and therefore, I was exposed to the wisdom from the Congressional Black Caucus. I'm pretty sick of this election cycle but honestly wonder:

How is questioning whether President Obama was born in the US a racist comment?

Implying the first black president was born in Africa? No way that's racist.
Implying the first black president was born in Africa? No way that's racist.

No, it's ignorant, uninformed, etc but in no way a disparaging comment against an entire ethnic race of people.

I think the implication is just as stupid as the inference.

ETA: I agreed because it's not, but I know your being sarcastic.

Can anyone find Trump quoted as saying Obama was/may have been born in Africa (not outside the US, but specifically Africa)? I tried but have weak Google-fu.

Here's an interview where Trump quotes an author who claimed Obama was born in Kenya

Mitt Romney’s New BFF: Donald Trump

This part seems like he's on board:

“That’s what he told the literary agent,” Trump insisted. “That’s the way life works… He didn’t know he was running for president, so he told the truth. The literary agent wrote down what he said… He said he was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia… Now they’re saying it was a mistake. Just like his Kenyan grandmother said he was born in Kenya, and she pointed down the road to the hospital, and after people started screaming at her she said, ‘Oh, I mean Hawaii.’ Give me a break.

I think this comment makes him look pretty stupid (news, I know), but I still maintain it's not racist because of the absence of derogatory comments about his ethnicity. He questioned Cruz's citizenship and eligibility for POTUS along the EXACT same lines.
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No, it's ignorant, uninformed, etc but in no way a disparaging comment against an entire ethnic race of people.

I think the implication is just as stupid as the inference.

Maybe it isn't aggressively racist, but the implication has racist undertones.

Here's an interview where Trump quotes an author who claimed Obama was born in Kenya

Mitt Romney’s New BFF: Donald Trump

This part seems like he's on board:

I think this comment makes him look pretty stupid (news, I know), but I still maintain it's not racist because of the absence of derogatory comments about his ethnicity. He questioned Cruz's citizenship and eligibility for POTUS along the EXACT same lines.

Cruz was definitely not born in America.
Maybe it isn't aggressively racist, but the implication has racist undertones.

That's technically impossible. The implication is that Obama's EOs and laws signed are unlawful as is his presidency but has nothing to do with his race or ethnic origin.

The race baiters are inferring that Trump's comment about Obama's birthplace are rooted in a non-stated belief that whites are superior to blacks and they, the baiters, are implying that very idea to their followers. Trump never said such things. Hell, I heard a member of the CBC state today that Trump actually marked the job applications of non-white applicants with a C and NONE were hired! Odd that no lawsuits were filed.

I don't think there is a successful politician who has vocalized such nonsense of racial superiority.
That's technically impossible. The implication is that Obama's EOs and laws signed are unlawful as is his presidency but has nothing to do with his race or ethnic origin.

The race baiters are inferring that Trump's comment about Obama's birthplace are rooted in a non-stated belief that whites are superior to blacks and they, the baiters, are implying that very idea to their followers. Trump never said such things. Hell, I heard a member of the CBC state today that Trump actually marked the job applications of non-white applicants with a C and NONE were hired! Odd that no lawsuits were filed.

I don't think there is a successful politician who has vocalized such nonsense of racial superiority.

It is technically impossible for something to have a racist undertone?
It is technically impossible for something to have a racist undertone?

Not something but Trump's previous assertion that Obama was born in Kenya, yes, there cannot be a racist implication because he did not imply one race was superior than another or other races were inferior.

I'm not saying his comments were not retarded...just saying that Obama's birthplace, regardless where it was or wasn't, has zero connection to race whatsoever.

Why do you think otherwise?
According to the Constitution anyone who wishes to become president must be:
  1. At least thirty-five years old.
  2. A resident of the United States for at least fourteen years.
  3. A natural-born citizen.
If anyone questions any of these, it is not wrong if you love America....its just as much your right as someone to Kneel during the National Anthem....Trump attacked #3, lets attack #1.

Picture a beautiful white Republican female who is 34 yrs old runs for president in 2024, cause we all know Hillary has the next 2 terms if the Flu doesn't get her......:-"

The Dems call out her false birth certificate saying its fake, she's not 35, but 34 and here is the proof in a book she wrote about her trials as a female with no shoes in the kitchen.

Is this sexism......NOPE!!!!! Thanks, I'll be here all night....:thumbsup:
According to the Constitution anyone who wishes to become president must be:
  1. At least thirty-five years old.
  2. A resident of the United States for at least fourteen years.
  3. A natural-born citizen.
If anyone questions any of these, it is not wrong if you love America....its just as much your right as someone to Kneel during the National Anthem....Trump attacked #3, lets attack #1.

Picture a beautiful white Republican female who is 34 yrs old runs for president in 2024, cause we all know Hillary has the next 2 terms if the Flu doesn't get her......:-"

The Dems call out her false birth certificate saying its fake, she's not 35, but 34 and here is the proof in a book she wrote about her trials as a female with no shoes in the kitchen.

Is this sexism......NOPE!!!!! Thanks, I'll be here all night....:thumbsup:

I don't think that is a good example. A better example is that the first black man with a weird sounding name runs for president. People spend 6 years claiming he was born in Africa, is a Muslim(8 years for that one). The question is why? Are they saying he was born in Africa and is a Muslim because he is named Barack, and is black? It certainly wouldn't be as likely if his name was Donald and he was white. I think there were racist underpinnings for the movement. Do I think it was overt? No. Just like I don't think cops are racist. I think that there are underpinnings to their policies that are, just like I do in this case.
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