2016 Presidential Race

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Heard some good commentary on this very issue on the FiveThirtyEight podcast.

Essentially, the well of discourse surrounding Hillary's health has been irrevocably poisoned by spurious rumors and conspiracy theories. We can't sensibly talk about Hillary's health without the specter of some outlandish claim hanging over it. You know what the source of the whole Clinton Seizure/Parkinson's thing was? Fucking InfoWars. The same site that constantly posits that the New World Order is going to destroy America any day now, that lizard people run international banking, and that the government is creating tornadoes to erase the Midwest. Fun stuff, right?

Normally, people would dismiss his claims for the bullshit that they are, but because it was Hillary Clinton (the person whom conservative America considers the final boss of American liberalism), they enthusiastically seized upon it. So now the news media is running with this story as nearly fact, and anything that relates to Clinton's health immediately becomes suspect. Remember that coughing fit a few weeks back? That kind of coughing fit would be brushed off for any normal candidate, but because it was Hillary Clinton, the alt-right weirdos tried their damndest to shoehorn it into their Seizure/Parkinson's/SuperAIDS theory.

So what do you do if you're Hillary Clinton and you develop pneumonia? As I see it, you've got a few options:
A. Get the pneumonia diagnosis, get treatment, and tell people that you're not going to make the 9/11 memorial
B. Get the pneumonia diagnosis, get treatment, and don't tell people that you're not going to make the 9/11 memorial
C. Get the pneumonia diagnosis, get treatment, go to the 9/11 memorial and pray to god that nothing happens.

Both scenarios A and B would cause the conspiracy crowd to shout from the rooftops that Hillary's Zika Seizures are flaring up and that she's literally days away from dying. The headlines on Drudge would read "HILLARY'S LAST DAYS?". It would be an absolute frenzy of bullshit. Clinton gambled on C, and it didn't work, but it was also the only option that had a shot of working, so I agree with her decision to go that way. This incident proves that no matter what Hillary's actual health problems are, her detractors will always find some way to insert their own bizarre irreality into the narrative.

My God, why do you defend her so? SHE FUCKED UP and it's ok. If she wants to be CINC, "damn the torpedoes and full steam ahead".

She could learn some humility from Johnson's Aleppo gaffe. He made a mistake, owned it, and reminded us it wasn't his first screw up and won't be his last.

Hillary Clinton is just a mere mortal, who knew 11 Sep 2012 wasn't caused by a video, who knew she had multiple devices to access her email, who knew there was more on her email than yoga, who knew she was pushing the boundaries on the State & Foundation "stuff", etc.

And it's ok! EVERYONE makes mistakes. Repeatedly lying/hiding shows poor judgement. She made this an issue when nobody else did. The right-wingers didn't keep the press pool in the dark for 90 mins after the incident, lie about being overheated (on a cool day with low humidty), and completely trash SS protocol to take the principle to the pre-determined trauma center per their pre-briefed SOP. There is no way Chelsea's apartment a briefed rally point for a medical emergency.

Even her husband said she faints/dizzy spells frequently. Probably why she got the concussion and that was her excuse for missing an appearance in front of Congress.
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I'm loathe to make any kind of comment of any medical condition she might have- I'm not a doctor and I can barely put a sticky plaster on most of the time but I know when I'm dead or not.

But I will posit this. Could the reason they didn't take her to the ED was because the condition was pre-exisiting and they knew it wouldn't be a threat to health? Or perhaps they wanted her own doctor there (I've not read enough about it to know who was or wasn't there) to keep things a bit more private.
I'm loathe to make any kind of comment of any medical condition she might have- I'm not a doctor and I can barely put a sticky plaster on most of the time but I know when I'm dead or not.

But I will posit this. Could the reason they didn't take her to the ED was because the condition was pre-exisiting and they knew it wouldn't be a threat to health? Or perhaps they wanted her own doctor there (I've not read enough about it to know who was or wasn't there) to keep things a bit more private.

I think that to be the case. But if there is only smoke, why worry? She's 68! Of course she's not 100% but we're not electing saints but a LEADER.

Or is the fix already in?
I'm loathe to make any kind of comment of any medical condition she might have- I'm not a doctor and I can barely put a sticky plaster on most of the time but I know when I'm dead or not.

But I will posit this. Could the reason they didn't take her to the ED was because the condition was pre-exisiting and they knew it wouldn't be a threat to health? Or perhaps they wanted her own doctor there (I've not read enough about it to know who was or wasn't there) to keep things a bit more private.

The article insinuated the decision was political and not because of sensitivity of her health. Maybe she wasn't sick enough to go to the ED by their standards, but I do think pneumonia with a near syncopal episode warrants more work up than her family doc can provide in he back seat of a Suburban.
Once Wikileaks makes another dump, shingles will be the least of her worries, although she may wish she was dead after this. Either that, or Assange will have committed suicide by shooting himself in the back of the head three times, then throwing a toaster in the bathtub he was shot in.
The year when everyone ate their young.

Oliver Stone: DNC Hack Was ‘Inside Job,’ Not Russia

During an interview with CNN's Christiane Amanpour on Tuesday, director Oliver Stone accused the Democratic National Committee of hacking itself. Asked by the host what he makes of the reports that Russian hackers breached the DNC's email server and fed information to WikiLeaks in an attempt to influence the U.S. presidential election, Stone called that idea a "great fiction." The director, currently promoting his biopic of Edward Snowden, said the intelligence experts he has spoken with indicated that the DNC hack was "probably an inside job." He went on to specify that he believed the hack was perpetrated by Democrats within the committee.
I'm in the half that thinks both she and her husband lie so much they wouldn't recognize the truth if it hit them in the face with Vince Foster's decaying left femur.

I wonder if that murdered DNC staffer really did give those emails to Wikileaks.

Why does it matter how the public perceives her health? Because those are the people who will vote for her.

Half the country thinks Clinton has lied about her health to the public

Which is why the MSM shapes the Clinton perception she is fine. American news is just like Russian state-owned media: both are no shit propaganda.

Hillary collapse coverage reveals absurdity of biased media | New York Post

I can't wait for Vice News Tonight.

ANOTHER "flub" by Bill about Hillary's health? This shit is why people are suspicious.

Filling in for wife, Bill Clinton flubs Hillary diagnosis - CNNPolitics.com

(Note that this story quotes Clinton but removed the frequently remark.)
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- WHEW -

Good to know that this question has been answered. No more talk about Hillary's health now. :-"

Hoping to put the issue of her health behind her as she gets ready to return to the campaign trail, Hillary Clinton on Wednesday released an updated review of her physical fitness and details about a recent bout of pneumonia.

Update from Clinton's doctor: Democrat is 'fit to serve'
- WHEW -

Good to know that this question has been answered. No more talk about Hillary's health now. :-"

Hoping to put the issue of her health behind her as she gets ready to return to the campaign trail, Hillary Clinton on Wednesday released an updated review of her physical fitness and details about a recent bout of pneumonia.

Update from Clinton's doctor: Democrat is 'fit to serve'

Yep, totally unfounded to question it.


FYI, CP is Colin Powell.
Sorry, what weight does an MOH or general officer endorsement carry? It seems like a cynical move to get the military vote IMO.
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