2016 Presidential Race

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It's a bad day when Axelrod goes against the Clintons.

The Clinton campaign received intense scrutiny from the press and pundits for not immediately being forthcoming, including from David Axelrod, Obama's former chief campaign strategist, who tweeted, "Antibiotics can take care of pneumonia. What's the cure for an unhealthy penchant for privacy that repeatedly creates unnecessary problems?"

White House gives Clinton a pass on health transparency

She had THREE blood clots? I don't know how the "medicine" in Arkansas but my Doc told me two DVTs and your on thinners for life.

A DVT in 09 and another in 2012...was she already on Warfrin then? If so, that is very very serious.

Clinton's self-inflicted wound: Misleading the press about her pneumonia | Fox News
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She's had two DVTs without genetic risk factors. Yes, she has health issues...very manageable but issues still.

Genetic risk factors for DVT? That is rare, The main risk factors for DVT are age, history of smoking, being overweight, and long periods of sitting or bed rest. I think that Trump would have all of those same risk factors but had been lucky.

She had THREE blood clots? I don't know how the "medicine" in Arkansas but my Doc told me two DVTs and your on thinners for life.

A DVT in 09 and another in 2012...was she already on Warfrin then? If so, that is very very serious.

Clinton's self-inflicted wound: Misleading the press about her pneumonia | Fox News

Not that serious. While DVT's can be, they often are benign, and easily treatable. I would say roughly 100% of the population that I see is over 60, and of that 99.9% are on thinners or anti-platelet aggregators, that may be aspirin, or it may be coumadin or one of a bunch of other drugs. Why don't you not jump to conclusions, you may fall off of your pedestal of knowledge...

Also, why are we making mountains out of molehills? There are things that matter in this election, like where candidates actually stand on issues. That should be the focus. I have yet to see more than a post or two in this thread that actually attempts to attack Clinton on her positions? Hell to be honest, I haven't seen that from anyone really including Fox, CNN, or really most of the blogosphere(MSM reference). I would say almost 50% of stuff I see that is anti-Hillary is related to the emails, which is fine. The other 50% is just straight out of House of Cards type shit... She is having seizures, she has clots, I AM AN INTERNET DOCTOR AND I SAY SHE IS GOING TO DIE... WARGARBLE..... I know that I would like to see the candidates debate, look objectively at each of their stances, and then form an educated opinion about who I want to represent America. As compared to letting Alex Jones rape my mind and fill it with bat shit stupid crap.
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Genetic risk factors for DVT? That is rare, The main risk factors for DVT are age, history of smoking, being overweight, and long periods of sitting or bed rest. I think that Trump would have all of those same risk factors but had been lucky.

Not that serious. While DVT's can be, they often are benign, and easily treatable. I would say roughly 100% of the population that I see is over 60, and of that 99.9% are on thinners or anti-platelet aggregators, that may be aspirin, or it may be coumadin or one of a bunch of other drugs. Why don't you not jump to conclusions, you may fall off of your pedestal of knowledge...

There is a genetic linked clotting disorder known as: Factor V Leiden Thrombophilia. There are two copies, one being seen in 1:5,000, and a second copy in 3-8% in Caucasian European, and US populations. It is a genetic mutation, and is now being looked at with repeated bouts of DVT and/or PE. Treatment is anticoagulant therapy for life. If a patient is found to have this disorder, family members should be tested as well.

ETA: link:Factor V Leiden - Mayo Clinic
There is a genetic linked clotting disorder known as: Factor V Leiden Thrombophilia. There are two copies, one being seen in 1:5,000, and a second copy in 3-8% in Caucasian European, and US populations. It is a genetic mutation, and is now being looked at with repeated bouts of DVT and/or PE. Treatment is anticoagulant therapy for life. If a patient is found to have this disorder, family members should be tested as well.

Yeah. But the vast vast majority of DVT's are not caused by that. Most are post-surgical complications, followed by nursing home residents.
Genetic risk factors for DVT? That is rare, The main risk factors for DVT are age, history of smoking, being overweight, and long periods of sitting or bed rest. I think that Trump would have all of those same risk factors but had been lucky.

Not that serious. While DVT's can be, they often are benign, and easily treatable. I would say roughly 100% of the population that I see is over 60, and of that 99.9% are on thinners or anti-platelet aggregators, that may be aspirin, or it may be coumadin or one of a bunch of other drugs. Why don't you not jump to conclusions, you may fall off of your pedestal of knowledge...

Fully agree with the risk factors.

You're talking to a Caucasian male, mid-40s, never smoked, normal weight marathon runner, who, upon discovery of a total blockage of the left femoral vein, learned of a positive factor V Lieden trait that runs on the paternal side. Discovered second clot after a four month break from Xarelto (on aspirin, fish oil, and vitamin E) while training for an ultra.

Worst thing about the DVTs was losing jump status and do fear a PE but love running too much to quit.

I don't know Clinton's status but I do know about clots!
Yeah. But the vast vast majority of DVT's are not caused by that. Most are post-surgical complications, followed by nursing home residents.

Post op, and even admissions for several days increases the risk of a thromboebmolic event. Dan Blocker,aka "Hoss Cartwright", died from a DVT status post Choleycystectomy. He was hard to get out of bed, and it cost him.

Another cause, and Trump and Clinton are both at risk for, is from long distance travel, by any means. Sitting and not getting up to walk around is a risk factor. As is sitting at a desk for long periods of time. Former VP Dan Quail had a PE during a plane ride. It began as a DVT that a piece broke off from and traveled.

I don't know what caused Clinton's DVTs. As long as she is medicated, and stays reasonably active, it should be a non issue for her.
In keeping with my habit of contributing non essential information to this thread, there is rampant speculation that the woman who appeared outside Chelsea Clinton's Manhatten apartment after the fainting episode was not Hillary, but her body double, Teresa Barnwell. The absence of Secret Service personnel during that appearance is helping to fuel the speculation.
Whatever the issue is with Clinton's health, or Trump's health; we deserve honest answers to honest questions. The same is true with other key issues. The candidate's answers should be truthful. We have lost our trust in the answers. Today, we suspect there is something else going on; always. We have been led down that path by all the political leaders, not just Clinton, and the media. We are a society living with little to no confidence in the answers we hear. Distrust is on both sides of the isle. It is hard to make in informed decision when we no longer trust what we are told. Truth across the board, no longer exists.
Whatever the issue is with Clinton's health, or Trump's health; we deserve honest answers to honest questions. The same is true with other key issues. The candidate's answers should be truthful. We have lost our trust in the answers. Today, we suspect there is something else going on; always. We have been led down that path by all the political leaders, not just Clinton, and the media. We are a society living with little to no confidence in the answers we hear. Distrust is on both sides of the isle. It is hard to make in informed decision when we no longer trust what we are told. Truth across the board, no longer exists.

That's the biggest issue out of the whole debacle... whether Clinton is a better-disguised, barely-alive Borg Queen is less of an issue than the constant stream of lies coming out of her and her campaign. Just another pothole in a shit road we're being dragged down.

You can always tell someone's opinion of you by the quality of lies that they tell you.
80's in a suit? With humidity? I would be sucking.

I wear armor and a long sleeve polyestersomethingorother shirt everyday, as well as a hat to trap even more heat. I made it through 100+ temps and humidity that would challenge the jungle this summer. You and others here are not strangers to this kind of thing.

I have full confidence you'd make it through fine in a suit. Allow me to channel my inner Tom Ford and say that's what they make linen for.

That said, you and I are younger than H, and don't have her admitted chronic health conditions. It's also true that the stress of the campaign trail could have a negative effect on her physical stamina and well-being.
You want Trump policies? If you actually watched any of his speeches or press conferences, you'd learn some. He actually provides them. Instead of the BS spins that the MSM provide. Here's a good site, even Hillary's are on there to compare.

PolitiPlatform - Donald Trump's Policies

So many of his policies, or I guess things he said once that this site aggregated, are contradicted by others. Remove birth right citizenship, maintain constitutional laws... Close parts of the Internet? This guys is such a joke.
That's the biggest issue out of the whole debacle... whether Clinton is a better-disguised, barely-alive Borg Queen is less of an issue than the constant stream of lies coming out of her and her campaign. Just another pothole in a shit road we're being dragged down.

You can always tell someone's opinion of you by the quality of lies that they tell you.

Better reference- V.
Oddly enough, questions regarding advanced age, overall health, and surviving the term were fair game when it was John McCain running in '08.

Who says they aren't fair game now? My point was those were at least mildly substantiated. He was/is old as fuck.

My point is we are all looking at Hillary while Trump is just as old, and likely just as unhealthy. Ask any medical professional and they will tell you, the risks factors for most diseases is being old, fat and male. Trump is undeniably all of those things. The fact that this is only about Hillary is what is maddening to me personally. If you want something, want it from both candidates. Transparency? Demand it from both candidates, not just the one who is "crooked" , demand tax returns from both candidates. This election is disgusting.
Who says they aren't fair game now? My point was those were at least mildly substantiated. He was/is old as fuck.

My point is we are all looking at Hillary while Trump is just as old, and likely just as unhealthy. Ask any medical professional and they will tell you, the risks factors for most diseases is being old, fat and male. Trump is undeniably all of those things. The fact that this is only about Hillary is what is maddening to me personally. If you want something, want it from both candidates. Transparency? Demand it from both candidates, not just the one who is "crooked" , demand tax returns from both candidates. This election is disgusting.

The debates will be quite interesting, don't you think?
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