2016 Presidential Race

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Now I understand everyone's shit's emotional right now, but I've got a 3 point plan that's going to fix EVERYTHING.
Margaret Thatcher, and Golda Meir were both wore dresses. Why does Hilary wear pant suits all the time??
It's been her attire for so long now, if she is wearing dresses, I missed it. The cut of her wardrobe reminds me, very much so, of Chairman Mao. What is different, is the color, and a collar.
I can't stand the woman and she has the fashion sense of a hobo, but none of that matters when it comes to running the country. Expending an ounce of breath on this nonsense is absurd. AAALLLLLLLLL of the other stuff to talk about with her, and her dress is important?
...and for the Gary Johnson fans in the house.

I'm not against a 3rd Party candidate, but Gary is a pot smoking goofball. There is an interview with him in rhe past year where he was obviously high - very uncomfortable to watch, I will try to find it later this morning.

"Any one of the continents, any country, just name one foreign leader that you respect and look up to, anybody.’

When Johnson continued to remain at a loss for an answer, Matthews said: ‘But I’m giving you the whole world!’
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The Donald got some work in on Twitter during the early hours of this morning, a few weeks out from the Presidential election and he's somehow decided that he should throw out a few more insults at Alicia Machado.

The man is an utter fucking idiot and the fact he's somehow ended up in the race to be President of the United States beggars belief.
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