Not Work Safe .

Yes, but no. I went back and looked at 4 or 5 ceremonies by Obama. Every single one (I only followed from the award on), had these events. Read the citation, present the medal, clapping, Obama remains on stage, prayer, I moved to the next video. Obama, and I think many of us have a low opinion of him with respect to the military, remained next to the men. He didn't dip out. He even hugged Giunta, but he didn't "award, salute, walk off."

You can edit the video a thousand different ways and it ends the same: Biden moving as fast as we've seen. You can even see a few shocked people watch the president leave. Horrible, classless behavior on the president's part.

Captain Taylor deserved better.
I'll offer up, I don't think Biden understood the ceremony wasn't over, possibly for a couple different reasons. That's not politicizing the event, it's just the simple fact of the matter. People wondered where he was going.

Even Capt Taylor, when the camera zoomed in on him, kind of had a look of, "Huh, that's odd."
I'll offer up, I don't think Biden understood the ceremony wasn't over, possibly for a couple different reasons. That's not politicizing the event, it's just the simple fact of the matter. People wondered where he was going.

Even Capt Taylor, when the camera zoomed in on him, kind of had a look of, "Huh, that's odd."

Biden ripped for leaving Medal of Honor ceremony early: 'ABHORRENT'

Video from previous Medal of Honor awards ceremonies in 2020 and 2021 showed that Biden remained on stage with previous medal recipients as the concluding prayer was said.

In official videos from both years, Biden only left after the event was dismissed and the White House band began playing.

I can't wait to hear KJP explain this one.
@Blizzard @AWP I'll have to agree; this didn't appear to be misinformation on a second look, just snipped for the relevant part.

Only noticed now my sound was muted when I clicked the Twitter video link, so it made it look far worse than it was with the applause and speaking seemingly edited out after comparing it to the full video with sound.

Thank you both for the spot correction - my bad.
trav · es · ty
a piece of thick textile fabric with pictures or designs formed by weaving colored threads or by embroidery on heavy canvas used as a wall hanging, furniture covering, or curtains, and characterized by complicated pictorial designs

He is none of those things.
C'mon man
He would be more effective if he were a tapestry🤣