With that level of dementia, it was probably best that you stopped competing against me in ShadowSpear elections.That time I almost posted Motivation Monday...on a Tuesday.
With that level of dementia, it was probably best that you stopped competing against me in ShadowSpear elections.
Fixed.How'd you find an emoji gayer than the love one we have?
What a perfect post for the new love icon.
You must be on nights too, I didn't even realize today was Tuesday until I had seen this post.That time I almost posted Motivation Monday...on a Tuesday.
Autists would aktuahlly that by wanting to know which was forged and which was from billet/bar stock and explain why either had broken to include lots of internet authoritarian extrapolation, a Japanophile and his weeaboo friends would chime in that the unbroken one is folded like a katana but the others were not and why they broke, and soon after that the Damascus steel rules all else drools crew cult would scoff at everyone saying that the broken ones were not formed from ingots that came from Syria from back in the day or some stuff.
It's a replacement, that's right some FOBBIT gave a warrior the shaft.....It's definitely not a definitive analogy. For example, WHY is that one spear not broken? Was it better, or stronger, than the others? Was it "tip of the spear" out . in the fighting. or was it back on the FOB with me and the rest of the "shafts?"
Figures a Ranger would choose a dick analogous emoji to represent love.Fixed.
Posts are gonna' get so much Love now...
I was JUST thinking that!Autists would aktuahlly that by wanting to know which was forged and which was from billet/bar stock and explain why either had broken to include lots of internet authoritarian extrapolation, a Japanophile and his weeaboo friends would chime in that the unbroken one is folded like a katana but the others were not and why they broke, and soon after that the Damascus steel rules all else drools crew cult would scoff at everyone saying that the broken ones were not formed from ingots that came from Syria from back in the day or some stuff.