Adult Beverage Mega Thread: Scotch/Whiskey/Rum/Vodka/Etc

I miss my "hate" button for no reason other than you have green grass, an outdoor beer, and the Webber going....while I get ready to take my afternoon negative 10 degree weather; with a wind chill that is closer to -30 degrees.

I'll trade that beautiful Marine ass of yours anyday....I want to live somewhere so cold the only thing you can do is ski or make babies and either way drink strong IPAs and cheap vodka....:-oO_o:-):ROFLMAO:
I miss my "hate" button for no reason other than you have green grass, an outdoor beer, and the Webber going....while I get ready to take my afternoon negative 10 degree weather; with a wind chill that is closer to -30 degrees.

That's an 80* difference between us. I'd much rather have snow to go play in pow.
Picked up some Johnnie Walker Blenders Batch and it was surprisingly smooth! Havent really tried much blended but it wasn't too shabby
Looks like they might actually shut down the Government this time. Picked up a 1.75L of Very Old Barton for $24. Not bad for the price. What it lacks in complexity it makes up for it in smoothness. The 94 proof is a better buy and not that much higher in price.
You should try New England style IPA. Once you go New England, you never go back.
IPAs need to go away... too many over hopped beers out there, so bitter you can't taste anything after the first sip. Hops are for finishing beer, they shouldn't be the only/overpowering flavor in the beer. MOO...

a well balnced beer with depth and breadth of flavor is much more to my liking... a good stout, porter, true pilsner, true lager, amber ales, brown ales...