Sorry, but the Corps has been around for more than five minutes. I don't think I could do 478 burpees without dying.
Not even if you got a beer after every 50?
Sorry, but the Corps has been around for more than five minutes. I don't think I could do 478 burpees without dying.
Sorry, but the Corps has been around for more than five minutes. I don't think I could do 478 burpees without dying.
Sorry. We've been too busy fighting every war in American history to take on your gay little challenge. Though, I'm sure that you could fit in in between TDY's!Not my problem, DevilDog.Are you saying the state of the much vaunted USMC is that they refuse to complete the very challenges they issue to the USAF?
Hulkamaniacs are running wild and I don't have a stock photo! Response: Air Force.
Sorry. The Infantry has been too busy fighting every war in American history. Intel guys like me are too busy complaining about dust, heat, and elevation to take on my gay little challenge that I issued in the first place, but now want nothing to do with it because I got in over my head. Though, I'm sure that you could accomplish both challenges because you're not the kind of guy who has a pink unicorn avatar.
Have you briefed both sides of this debate on Robert's Rules of Orders and the International Debating Society's Rules for Argument?
OH SHIT AF bro coming out and swinging for the fences! You got me dawg. You got me. But hey, tell me about how the infantry's been winning wars. I mean, since you were infantry, right? Wait, what's that? You've never BEEN to Iraq or Afghanistan? Ohhhhhhhh snap dude...check it: while you were folding your cracker jacks over at Great Mistakes, I was rolling down MSR Michigan in a humvee with vinyl doors and sandbags on floor. You wanna talk about dust, heat and elevation? Bro you've spent your entire career at sea level!! I mean, being a hardcore gunner's mate is cool and whatever, but I nearly froze my balls off standing post at COP Rawah and good old Korean Village. And I did it again in 2006. And 2007. And last year in fine Afghanistan. And you wanna talk about pink unicorn men? I'm getting paid by the gov to go to school and learn crap. Next year I'm gonna go do the same thing, but at the #4 school in the entire world. You feel so shitty about your standing you gotta be like "LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME I'M TACP, MOM!!". I'm okay with pink unicorn guy. He's my spirit animal.
I think you can do a few burpees.
OH SHIT AF bro coming out and swinging for the fences! You got me dawg. You got me. But hey, tell me about how the infantry's been winning wars. I mean, since you were infantry, right? Wait, what's that? You've never BEEN to Iraq or Afghanistan? Ohhhhhhhh snap dude...check it: while you were folding your cracker jacks over at Great Mistakes, I was rolling down MSR Michigan in a humvee with vinyl doors and sandbags on floor. You wanna talk about dust, heat and elevation? Bro you've spent your entire career at sea level!! I mean, being a hardcore gunner's mate is cool and whatever, but I nearly froze my balls off standing post at COP Rawah and good old Korean Village. And I did it again in 2006. And 2007. And last year in fine Afghanistan. And you wanna talk about pink unicorn men? I'm getting paid by the gov to go to school and learn crap. Next year I'm gonna go do the same thing, but at the #4 school in the entire world. You feel so shitty about your standing you gotta be like "LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME I'M TACP, MOM!!". I'm okay with pink unicorn guy. He's my spirit animal.
I think you can do a few burpees.
Well I dont have anything witty to say. Mainly because I am a whiny egotistical perfectly coiffed and per diem grabbing beyotch. MERICA.
LOL. Everyone loves PR bro. Everyone.there, fixed it for you bro... since you ain't an A-10 pilot, you deserve scorn... the other services hate the AF except for the A-10 pilots and ground crews, and some of the TACP's and CCT's that call in the A-10's...![]()
Is it strange that I read only the bold part in a Sean Connery voice?LOL. Everyone loves PR bro. Everyone.
And if we weren't so good at it, other services would have dedicated career fields to effect their own rescue. As it stands though, we are the only show in town, and deservedly so.
As for the CCT/TACP/Other BA units vs. other services- there is a valid argument there. Not sure for whom, or why, or what salient points could be made- but hey, argue away! In the end, I am sure of two things- that someone's mother is a whore, and that someone else is a homosexual. Of that I am sure.
LOL. Everyone loves PR bro. Everyone.
And if we weren't so good at it, other services would have dedicated career fields to effect their own rescue. As it stands though, we are the only show in town, and deservedly so.
As for the CCT/TACP/Other BA units vs. other services- there is a valid argument there. Not sure for whom, or why, or what salient points could be made- but hey, argue away! In the end, I am sure of two things- that someone's mother is a whore, and that someone else is a homosexual. Of that I am sure.