Bin Laden Raid Book: First-Hand Account Of Navy SEAL Mission Will Be Released On Sept. 11

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SEALs going up staircase > UBL pokes head out > UBL takes 2 suppressed shots to the face from SEALs > SEALs enter room to find UBL (surprise, surprise) with 2 gun shot wounds, twitching

How is that difficult to glean from these articles?

An example: Where does it say the two shots were "to the face", "from SEALs," or there were "2 gun shot wounds." It's easy to fill in blanks with poorly written articles.
An example: Where does it say the two shots were "to the face", "from SEALs," or there were "2 gun shot wounds." It's easy to fill in blanks with poorly written articles.

The first three paragraphs of the article make it clear (if the article is to be believed) the author is contending that UBL was dead already and not shot by SEALs. The plural in SEALs, plus the language of those paragraphs is not ambiguous.

I think I'd be being a little more humble right about now, but that's just me. ;)
An example: Where does it say the two shots were "to the face", "from SEALs," or there were "2 gun shot wounds." It's easy to fill in blanks with poorly written articles.

"with a hole visible on the right side of his head"

"Blood and brains spilled out of the side of his skull”

Maybe you're right, they shot him in the leg causing blood/brains and a visible hole in his head...:rolleyes:
MHO is that the public doesn't need to know all the details. These men work in secrecy for a reason (what Matt B. blabs about is a whole 'nother story). As I said earlier, the fucker is dead. Move on.
ETA: One minute you're saying the article is NOT AMBIGUOUS, then you say it's easy to fill in the blanks because it's poorly written. Which is it?
"with a hole visible on the right side of his head"

"Blood and brains spilled out of the side of his skull”

Maybe you're right, they shot him in the leg causing blood/brains and a visible hole in his head...:rolleyes:
MHO is that the public doesn't need to know all the details. These men work in secrecy for a reason (what Matt B. blabs about is a whole 'nother story). As I said earlier, the fucker is dead. Move on.
ETA: One minute you're saying the article is NOT AMBIGUOUS, then you say it's easy to fill in the blanks because it's poorly written. Which is it?

"with a hole visible on the right side of his head"

"Blood and brains spilled out of the side of his skull”

Maybe you're right, they shot him in the leg causing blood/brains and a visible hole in his head...:rolleyes:
MHO is that the public doesn't need to know all the details. These men work in secrecy for a reason (what Matt B. blabs about is a whole 'nother story). As I said earlier, the fucker is dead. Move on.
ETA: One minute you're saying the article is NOT AMBIGUOUS, then you say it's easy to fill in the blanks because it's poorly written. Which is it?

As to your last question, and whether there is ambiguity, and having read several other interpretations of this from other people on other sites, I stand by my analysis that the article is poorly written. It *could* be interpreted as a SEAL having done the shooting, but that rquires the same level of inference (read ASSumption) as my initial read. So, it is ambiguous. I was wrong about that. But I won't suck your dick if that's what you are looking for. And here's why:

With with "a" (singular) hole visible on the "right side of his head" (i.e. not in his face) and shit spilled out from the "side" (not the back) of his skull, how does anyone get two shots to the face and two wounds, much less that a SEAL fired the shot? ASSumption.
Maybe I need more sleep because this thread has devolved into the laughable for me.

We're bickering over a poorly written article about a book which shouldn't exist, authored by a guy naive enough to think he'd remain anomymous and who admittedly did not see the shooting?
Some of us still have principles, morals and beliefs and stand by them. I know in this day and age, to most in the population, it's a foreign concept, but still exists within some of us. And to answer your statement, whether it turns out in print or goes to the big screen, I won't be reading or viewing either venue.

And not because it's a SEAL centered theme, it's because of how it came to be.

I agree.

I will not support sellouts like the author of this book, or anything written by Thomas Greer (AKA "Dalton Fury" :rolleyes: ) or anyone of their ilk.
Maybe I need more sleep because this thread has devolved into the laughable for me.

We're bickering over a poorly written article about a book which shouldn't exist, authored by a guy naive enough to think he'd remain anomymous and who admittedly did not see the shooting?

Good point. Reminds me of a sig line on another site, to paraphrase: "This is supposed to be a happy occasion. Lets not bicker over who killed who."
Lots of news agencies are now coming out with articles that say: "Obama account of bin Laden death contradicts that of SEAL memoir".

Scumbags are always looking for fuel for the fire.
From a civi point of view its a fun movie - a Transformers-like popcorn flick, but with no Meg Fox and no transformers.

So it's just a piece of crap Michael Bay film without any redeeming value?

That's good information, I'm saving my money.
Are you guys really war gaming this shit? Listen, America is ready to shit its pants at a moments notice. One IED on a highway somewhere and this country will shut down for days if not weeks. The thing doesn't even have to go off, it could be a fake and the media cycle would run the story over and over to generate ad revenue, scaring the hell out of the public in the process.

I don't agree; because a failed but partially exploded VBIED was found in Times Square. Wasn't recycled endlessly, didn't shut anything down for more than few hours.
This is probably an effective way to deal with this kind of thing, keep writers and publishers (and movie producers) from profiting from their misdeeds:

The U.S. government sued on the grounds that he did not seek pre-publication review -- as he was obligated to do under an agreement he signed as a condition of employment -- and lower courts agreed to a demand that all the profits from the book be turned over to the government. By a vote of 6-3, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed, even though the government never claimed the book revealed classified information.
I don't agree; because a failed but partially exploded VBIED was found in Times Square. Wasn't recycled endlessly, didn't shut anything down for more than few hours.

What do you think would happen if an IED took out a semi truck on I-95 tomorrow?

What a load of shit. It's about commemorating 9/11? Give me a fucking break. Also, I love how 60 Minutes tries to turn him into a victim at the end by talking about how his real name was published so he's now a marked man and probably in hiding forever. Well fucking guess what dude? That's what you fucking get for selling out your brothers to make some fucking cash and then trying to wrap yourself in the cloak of patriotism and remembrance. The more about this guy that comes out, the more I dislike him.
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