Boston Dynamics Big Dog

Can you imagine patrolling thru Sadr City with a coulpe of those, armed with M240's? Hajii would shit.
Can you imagine patrolling thru Sadr City with a coulpe of those, armed with M240's? Hajii would shit.

I think a variety of armaments would be better, go big or go home. :D


I think a variety of armaments would be better, go big or go home. :D

I was just thinking that any bigger recoil might throw off that (incredible) balance mechanism. Then you'd have Robo-Astro dragging his ass and shooting into the air.
I was just thinking that any bigger recoil might throw off that (incredible) balance mechanism. Then you'd have Robo-Astro dragging his ass and shooting into the air.

;) They just need to take the technology and make it bigger than. I know what you mean, I thought the same thing but something like that would be best suited to blowing massive wholes in walls while under fire.
It's just R&D now, noise means nothing at this stage.

I have no doubt that's true, but damn. Anyway, I believe there are several autonomous wheeled vehicles that will be going into the service shortly that will travel with patrols, etc. I forget the name. There's a heavy and a light version and they can go over just about anything and more or less act on their own.
Put enough of em online coming at me and I'd haul ass in the other direction (the fucking things sound like giant bee's and I hate those fuckers)
Amazing Robot Pack-Mule:

This is SO life-like, it's pretty scary.

"It looks like an actual biological quadruped. Seeing it climb through rubble, snow, jumping over obstacles like a wild goat, and saving a near-fall on iced ground at the last second (fast forward to the middle of the video) defies belief. It feels so "animal" that I almost feel bad when they hit it to demonstrate how it regains balance on its own.

The new version of the robot can now carry 340 pounds, which is almost triple the previous weight. It looks to me that that $10 million funding they got from DARPA has been put to good use."
Make sure you fast forward to the middle of the vid, to watch the critter "recover" from a near-slip-and-fall.
When I saw this, the first thing I thought of was........"wow, the 'TOW-Sniper' in now a reality"!

(101st guys from the mid-90s may remember that there was an effort to put together "TOW Sniper" teams. Briefed well, but was quickly determined to be ridiculous due to all the gear, for basically only a couple of shots.)