Canuckistan trade wars...

No-one benefits from a trade war & this goes for those in the US as well. I do see the US point raised on how tariffs are a NATSEC issue, as steel & aluminium will not be beholden to foreign suppliers in the event of a war or other catastrophe, which can compromise their supply. But IMO that's a long bow to draw particularly as the said steel & aluminium comes from an ally.
Beef pricing varies, the only "standardized beef prices you'll find is if it's Alberta beef but they have a brand to protect and its quality meat. It's similar to American poultry pricing but poultry here is "fixed" just like dairy. The same model is used for dairy, chicken, turkey and eggs.
Does having a Supply Management system on those items help at all with the cost of groceries in Canada? I know dairy is way more expensive, does the same apply to the other goods like chicken, turkey, and eggs?
Hmmm, I've been reading and thinking on this quite a bit over the weekend. I don't have a problem with tariffs being added to any Canadian product until they stop charging us tarrifs on ours. Fair is fair, and the fact that Canadians of all people would get all bent up about some tariffs on steel and aluminum when they have been tarrifing the fuck out of us on a shitload of products. Then cry out for boycotts of American made product's or state the won't visit the United States?

Yeah, NO, that's a bunch of bullshit. I love my Canadian friends, but that is some straight bullshit. My understanding NAFTA was free and open trade. Obviously that is not the case... I hate to say it but I'm totally behind Trump on this one, and honestly think he should bring Canada to the table humbled by doubling any tariff rate that Canada has used on our products. The American consumer may suffer a slight price hike in the meantime, it will be very different for Canada and Mexico. We in the United States are consumers well over our producing capabilities, and we can make trade deals with anyone in the world. We can make or break your industries and we should be treated fairly in our trade... Canada from what I have seen, has been taking advantage of the situation. Controlling their markets, selling to us, but taxing the fuck out of what we sell to them... yeah not cool.
Does having a Supply Management system on those items help at all with the cost of groceries in Canada? I know dairy is way more expensive, does the same apply to the other goods like chicken, turkey, and eggs?

It used to help Canadian's but now it just fucks us. Any poultry product isn't exactly affordable and it shows when the only time I see a lot of people buying is when they are selling off a glut of products at deep discounts after major holidays. Eggs can be relatively "cheap" but it's still $3+ a dozen.

It's been the standard for so long that most people don't have a clue. I live along the border, even with our shitty dollar/exchange rates, duties, taxes; a lot of people still shop across the border. Cause it's cheaper. Everyone else believes the propaganda demonizing growth hormones and claiming all US dairy is "tainted". I don't see much talk about poultry, so I don't think they realize it's affected by price fixing as well.
Hmmm, I've been reading and thinking on this quite a bit over the weekend. I don't have a problem with tariffs being added to any Canadian product until they stop charging us tarrifs on ours. Fair is fair, and the fact that Canadians of all people would get all bent up about some tariffs on steel and aluminum when they have been tarrifing the fuck out of us on a shitload of products. Then cry out for boycotts of American made product's or state the won't visit the United States?

Yeah, NO, that's a bunch of bullshit. I love my Canadian friends, but that is some straight bullshit. My understanding NAFTA was free and open trade. Obviously that is not the case... I hate to say it but I'm totally behind Trump on this one, and honestly think he should bring Canada to the table humbled by doubling any tariff rate that Canada has used on our products. The American consumer may suffer a slight price hike in the meantime, it will be very different for Canada and Mexico. We in the United States are consumers well over our producing capabilities, and we can make trade deals with anyone in the world. We can make or break your industries and we should be treated fairly in our trade... Canada from what I have seen, has been taking advantage of the situation. Controlling their markets, selling to us, but taxing the fuck out of what we sell to them... yeah not cool.

LOL. You guys were doing that for years to us. Shit happens in war and trade. Don't pretend you guys are some kind of saints.
LOL. You guys were doing that for years to us. Shit happens in war and trade. Don't pretend you guys are some kind of saints.

Where did I pretend that we are saints.

And go on, show me what evidence you have to support your claim that we did it to New Zealand in the last 24 years. Or even better show me what the trade agreements were between our two countries and the tarrifs imposed by your country vs my country.

Otherwise you are just making attention getting comments (like usual) without adding substance to the discussion which also has nothing to do with you, because you are from neither of the countries being discussed.
Where did I pretend that we are saints.

And go on, show me what evidence you have to support your claim that we did it to New Zealand in the last 24 years. Or even better show me what the trade agreements were between our two countries and the tarrifs imposed by your country vs my country.

Otherwise you are just making attention getting comments (like usual) without adding substance to the discussion which also has nothing to do with you, because you are from neither of the countries being discussed.

Stop being so patronising and leave out the personal attacks. If you have issues with the way I post, report them.

Here's one. This was the status quo for decades. You can google more, I'm sure.
US tariffs on lamb tipped at minimum 20pc

BTW, you're not from Africa or North Korea or anywhere else other than the US so maybe you'd like to stop posting on anything to do with those countries? This is a discussion forum. How dare you tell me what I can't comment on.
Stop being so patronising and leave out the personal attacks. If you have issues with the way I post, report them.

Here's one. This was the status quo for decades. You can google more, I'm sure.
US tariffs on lamb tipped at minimum 20pc

BTW, you're not from Africa or North Korea or anywhere else other than the US so maybe you'd like to stop posting on anything to do with those countries? This is a discussion forum. How dare you tell me what I can't comment on.

You are the one who entered the conversation talking shit. I just called you on it. You post whatever you want, but if your going to quote me and say I'm "pretending we are saints" because I call bullshit on Canada's bullshit. Then I'm going to call you on your bullshit.

Now back to your "claims" that the United States has tarrifed you for years. That article is from 2000 and only talks about sheep being tarrifed at 20%. Not really why, or what trade agreements are or were in place. Nor does it say what tarrifs NZ had in places against USA goods. Yes I know how to Google, but yet again, you made the claims, this thread is about Canada and the United States and the current "trade war" and not about New Zealand sheep tarrifs of 2000.

If you want to offer a supported opinion, I'll be happy to read your supporting info. Otherwise you can take your "let me make some BS comments and act like victim when I get called out it" bullshit and move right the fuck along.😘
It used to help Canadian's but now it just fucks us. Any poultry product isn't exactly affordable and it shows when the only time I see a lot of people buying is when they are selling off a glut of products at deep discounts after major holidays. Eggs can be relatively "cheap" but it's still $3+ a dozen.

It's been the standard for so long that most people don't have a clue. I live along the border, even with our shitty dollar/exchange rates, duties, taxes; a lot of people still shop across the border. Cause it's cheaper. Everyone else believes the propaganda demonizing growth hormones and claiming all US dairy is "tainted". I don't see much talk about poultry, so I don't think they realize it's affected by price fixing as well.
Holy crap, that sucks. Here's hoping that the average Canadian gets access to the American agricultural industry and cheaper consumer prices. I thought a dozen eggs at < 1.30 were reasonable, over three bucks is robbery.
We had trouble for a long long time getting access. I'm sure it went back to the 80s. But that's beside the point- which is that you guys have done what people in the thread have complained about Canada doing.

It's the whole point of a tariff after all. Protecting your industry.
Negative. The point is, your post was factually inaccurate. I want you to admit that. I’m tired of people putting out bad info and trying to obfuscate or misdirect when someone takes the time to fact check them.

As far as tariffs go, I think they are almost always a bad thing both economically and politically. However, they can be useful as part of issue linkage to get other countries to act in ways that ultimately benefit us. The US tariff on NZ lamb was a stupid and useless love on our part. It was pure political patronage. The courts correctly found against us on that one and I’m glad that tariff is gone.
I guess I'm dumb... but a free trade agreement means a FREE trade agreement. I don't know the ends and outs as much as I should...but what I have read and researched... I'm calling bullshit!