Col Ollie North to be new President of NRA

Isn't he a convicted felon? I'm not talking shit, I think LTC North got the shaft and took the fall for a lot of important people. But at the end of the day he was convicted. At least if I remember correctly. Why would an org that promotes lawful gun ownership have a convicted felon as their president?

Seems odd to me, although I bet he will do really well in that position.
Isn't he a convicted felon? I'm not talking shit, I think LTC North got the shaft and took the fall for a lot of important people. But at the end of the day he was convicted. At least if I remember correctly. Why would an org that promotes lawful gun ownership have a convicted felon as their president?

Seems odd to me, although I bet he will do really well in that position.
Yes he was convicted, but I believe his felonies were all eventually vacated.
Isn't he a convicted felon? I'm not talking shit, I think LTC North got the shaft and took the fall for a lot of important people. But at the end of the day he was convicted. At least if I remember correctly. Why would an org that promotes lawful gun ownership have a convicted felon as their president?

Seems odd to me, although I bet he will do really well in that position.
Overturned on appeal IIRC.
Disappointing. :(

Yeah. A guy the Left can always paint with scandal. IMV the NRA's got some real image issues, not all its own making, but issues nonetheless that might call for a PR makeover. I'm not sure serving up people like Ollie North and Ted Nugent is the answer.

And LaPierre, talk about creep factor. The guy's a ghoul.
I'm not sure serving up people like Ollie North and Ted Nugent is the answer.

I hate hate hate that the NRA props Terrible Ted up as a spokesperson of some type. He falls into the category of "get off my side".

Ollie on the other hand, I predict an even larger upswing of NRA membership than you are seeing now. Charlton Heston as el' Presidente' was a bit of a joke, Col. North? He's legit, and will bring in dues.

The NRA will/has never been able to win over those opposed to guns. For them, "cold dead fingers" is a rally cry, and I am now beginning to buy into it. Giving even one inch (bump stocks) is just the foothold the anti's seek.
IMO, Ollie North is a patriot who thought he was doing what was best for the country and then took the fall for corrupt politicians. As a member, I have no problem with this appointment. My .02
IMO, Ollie North is a patriot who thought he was doing what was best for the country and then took the fall for corrupt politicians. As a member, I have no problem with this appointment. My .02

Turning a blind eye to drug smuggling isn't what's best for the country.
I don't know if you can squarely put that on his shoulders. I'm sure he was involved, but heavily doubt he was running dope to arm the contrast with just his say so. That's a bit above his paygrade, but I'm willing to bet he was fully aware of it and took part in covering it up.

There were some other issues of improper funds use that he looked pretty weak sauce on. So yeah under the telescope he doesn't look very trustworthy. But I would imagine there is a whole hellova lot I will never know about the truth of that mess...