Col Ollie North to be new President of NRA

Are you really surprised that the New Yorker has written a piece bashing the NRA?
Because it is the New Yorker, does that automatically make the story not credible in your mind?

Personally I believe every word, and I think that the NRA has a number of newspapers that are probably friendly to them, and would not publish such an article. The New Yorker has no such loyalty, and can publish every piece of dirt they can find.
Personally I believe every word, and I think that the NRA has a number of newspapers that are probably friendly to them, and would not publish such an article. The New Yorker has no such loyalty, and can publish every piece of dirt they can find.
I'll wait and see how this story develops but if there is dishonesty within the ranks of the NRA, I hope it gets exposed. Just as with the government, its time these organizations are held accountable to their people.
Because it is the New Yorker, does that automatically make the story not credible in your mind?

Personally I believe every word, and I think that the NRA has a number of newspapers that are probably friendly to them, and would not publish such an article. The New Yorker has no such loyalty, and can publish every piece of dirt they can find.
I do not trust the New Yorker. I also don't trust Fox News, CNN, CBS, or the LA Times. Trustworthy mass media does not exist.
Because it is the New Yorker, does that automatically make the story not credible in your mind?
Yes, shit reporting for decades. There is nothing in the media that should be taken to heart.
Welcome to critical reading. Been reading the New Yorker since 94. Take everything with a grain of salt.
NRA has some serious financial problems, and likely has for a decade or more

Secrecy, Self-Dealing, and Greed at the N.R.A.
Considering that American gun owners have been bent over and fucked by both the state and feds for the past few decades, it's no wonder that people are asking were their lobbying money went. The NRA's leadership needs to be purged. With the damage 'Ol Wayne & Cronies' have done to gun rights, I'm surprised they ain't leftist superstars.

This may be giving La Pierre too much credit. Does this guy even gun?
Lol, he probably doesn't. Bet LaPierre has an silk embroidered 'Che Guevara OBummer' ball gag though, since he's all for gargling socialists balls. :sneaky:
people are asking were their lobbying money went
Wayne plays on the fear of losing ground on the 2A to enhance the NRA membership drive fairly well. It may be justified, but he does a good job of convincing members that throwing more & more money at the problem is our only chance at keeping our gun rights in tact. So its pure shit if he's appropriating funds for personal gain.
The NRA's financial difficulties, including the legal and financial failures of the Carry Guard program, are a matter of public record.

As a matter of consequence, the New York AG has begun investigating based partially on the report from The Trace, the New Yorker article I linked, and the recent revelations that have arisen since the dustup between North and LaPierre.