Col Ollie North to be new President of NRA

Chair of the Stone Mountain Memorial Association...I'm sure that won't stir up some shit. What's with the NRA continuously giving us old people as the President? Sort of like American voting for septagenarians.
Well, being involved in the board of the Stone Mountain memorial shows that, at the very least, she swipes right on confederate stuff.

Yes, it's certainly not PC to show any respect for anybody or anything associated with the Confederacy. And yet it's disturbing to me that men of honor, like Robert E. Lee, are now considered by many on the Left to have been no better than the Nazis. And apparently, if you express any regard for him in public, you must be a Nazi, too.

There is a not so subtle distinction there that many people, even some people of intellect--and I don't mean you--choose to ignore. The term Political Correctness IMV should always be proceeded by the word Reasonable.
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