Col Ollie North to be new President of NRA

OK, who were the other candidates?

That's the question. The organization has become so unfairly stigmatized by the hysterical anti-gun crowd, candidates would have to be willing to take a shitload of media abuse...especially in the wake of each new mass shooting. @Ooh-Rah , I do see your point about North, though. He's the kind of guy who would probably welcome the confrontation and certainly he's pretty immune to criticism.
Yes - who exactly was he running against?

Sort of like watching the ex-con crack smoking Marion Barry get elected as the mAyor of DC - exactly how bad were the alternatives?

Unfortunately, it is an absolute sign of the times
so what
who cares

Wide spread buffoonery at the nation level has desensitized the rank and file US citizen to a point where bullshit no longer has the same offensive smell it did a few years ago.
Well, "your" bullshit still stinks to the high heavens, but mine is tolerable, just a tad inconvenient and besides, as long as it over powers YOUR bullshit... what
...who cares
That's the question. The organization has become so unfairly stigmatized by the hysterical anti-gun crowd, candidates would have to be willing to take a shitload of media abuse...especially in the wake of each new mass shooting. @Ooh-Rah , I do see your point about North, though. He's the kind of guy who would probably welcome the confrontation and certainly he's pretty immune to criticism.
Remember I said this.

After Ollie retires/dies, Tom Selleck is next in line.
Personally, I would much rather a "civilian" act as president rather than a perceived "war monger". In my unimportant opinion, the fearful sheep would respect one of their own over another military gun/war lover. The NRA needs to have a makeover anyway!
I think he's a liar who did what was best for himself. He "took the fall" for what he did himself, for himself. Character matters to me and I think his is lacking.
I disagree with arming Iran, I believe at least one American died from that decision.
But I also disagree with the democrats doing everything they could to assist communism in Central America, and am happy he found a way around their bullshit.
Personally, I would much rather a "civilian" act as president rather than a perceived "war monger". In my unimportant opinion, the fearful sheep would respect one of their own over another military gun/war lover. The NRA needs to have a makeover anyway!
Are you a member?
We need someone who is articulate, and not afraid of the press, LTC North meets those criteria.
War-monger, seriously?
Are you a member?
We need someone who is articulate, and not afraid of the press, LTC North meets those criteria.
War-monger, seriously?

Did you not see where I said perceived war monger in quotes? And are you implying that there aren't articulate people that aren't military? I am not a member.
Personally, I would much rather a "civilian" act as president rather than a perceived "war monger". In my unimportant opinion, the fearful sheep would respect one of their own over another military gun/war lover. The NRA needs to have a makeover anyway!
May I ask why you believe the NRA needs a makeover? I ask because I am a member and I am mostly happy with the NRA.
May I ask why you believe the NRA needs a makeover? I ask because I am a member and I am mostly happy with the NRA.

I probably used bad terminology when I said "makeover." I'm not impressed with Lapierre and never have been. I was a member years ago and left after I didn't feel that they were accomplishing much in my day-to-day life pertaining to gun rights. In the last few years, the nation seems to have lost more gun rights than gained or maintained, but I don't necessarily fault the NRA for that as much as I do politicians and bleeding hearts. As someone in their target audience, I wouldn't mind seeing some obscure person in leadership that is a good ole boy that believes in gun rights and isn't a part of the political machine. Who knows, maybe my mind will be changed in the future as I am not closed to it. We shall see....
I probably used bad terminology when I said "makeover." I'm not impressed with Lapierre and never have been. I was a member years ago and left after I didn't feel that they were accomplishing much in my day-to-day life pertaining to gun rights. In the last few years, the nation seems to have lost more gun rights than gained or maintained, but I don't necessarily fault the NRA for that as much as I do politicians and bleeding hearts. As someone in their target audience, I wouldn't mind seeing some obscure person in leadership that is a good ole boy that believes in gun rights and isn't a part of the political machine. Who knows, maybe my mind will be changed in the future as I am not closed to it. We shall see....

Fair enough. My argument would be that I believe the NRA has helped protect the 2nd Amendment at a time when it has been most fiercely attacked. There have been recent positive pro-gun laws enacted as well.
Fair enough. My argument would be that I believe the NRA has helped protect the 2nd Amendment at a time when it has been most fiercely attacked. There have been recent positive pro-gun laws enacted as well.

There is no doubt that they have towed the line for 2nd Amendment issues. I don't like the compromises they have agreed to in some arenas. Maybe it's because I am getting old and have seen how "compromise" can do more harm than good in some instances -- especially in the 2A area. There has been some positive gun laws passed in areas of my AO, but the NRA had nothing to do with it.

I am not an anti-NRA guy and I don't bad mouth them to perspective members to which my son is. He is joining and asked my opinion about it prior to doing so. He explained what he wanted and expected out of them and I told him they are a great organization for what he needs.

Like I said...I hope to see them do great in the future for gun rights, but I'm simply not ecstatically happy that Oliver North is president as though he will somehow make the organization any better.
I probably used bad terminology when I said "makeover." I'm not impressed with Lapierre and never have been. I was a member years ago and left after I didn't feel that they were accomplishing much in my day-to-day life pertaining to gun rights. In the last few years, the nation seems to have lost more gun rights than gained or maintained, but I don't necessarily fault the NRA for that as much as I do politicians and bleeding hearts. As someone in their target audience, I wouldn't mind seeing some obscure person in leadership that is a good ole boy that believes in gun rights and isn't a part of the political machine. Who knows, maybe my mind will be changed in the future as I am not closed to it. We shall see....
To add, if we don't have someone who is politically connected we will be shut out and will lose more rights. I don't like it, but that's the how the game is played. I'd bet if any pro-gun laws pass anywhere, the NRA is behind it politically.
To add, if we don't have someone who is politically connected we will be shut out and will lose more rights. I don't like it, but that's the how the game is played.

I know what you are saying, I simply disagree. Here is why...Oliver North is not the power or the organization. The power is in the membership, their numbers, and their funds. North is their "spokesman" and nothing more. If he is what is needed to push the organizations goals forward, then they should shut their doors. I would much rather a constitutional lawyer lead the organization based on the true standing of the 2A rather than another political crony.

The system is what it is because we -- the populace -- don't change it. ;-)
I don't think it's all the NRA, when you have the Brady campaign and the left screaming "dead children" and staging school walk outs.

Some how the kids have become the political chess peices, leaving the NRA the face of arguing with highschool kids and looking really bad and heartless. Yes its engineered for that exact purpose, but the NRA's spokesmen/spokeswoman have left undesirable effect on the middle of the road mom and dad Americans...and that shit is bad.

Now we have the guy with a questionable back ground from the 1980's who was plaster all over TV when middle of the road mom and dad were in school, taking the helm of the top org fighting to preserve the 2A, at a time when middle of the road mom and dad are afraid their kids are going to die at school.

I cannot see how any reasonable person, could not see the possible issues with that, or the political talking points they are just giving the left. Talking points with substantial substance with a quick Google search and little knowledge of the inner goings on of that time and situation.

That said, I doubt this will work well for the NRA, and will probably cause further distraction and division of the middle of the road Americans.

I don't think it's all the NRA, when you have the Brady campaign and the left screaming "dead children" and staging school walk outs.

Some how the kids have become the political chess peices, leaving the NRA the face of arguing with highschool kids and looking really bad and heartless. Yes its engineered for that exact purpose, but the NRA's spokesmen/spokeswoman have left undesirable effect on the middle of the road mom and dad Americans...and that shit is bad.

Now we have the guy with a questionable back ground from the 1980's who was plaster all over TV when middle of the road mom and dad were in school, taking the helm of the top org fighting to preserve the 2A, at a time when middle of the road mom and dad are afraid their kids are going to die at school.

I cannot see how any reasonable person, could not see the possible issues with that, or the political talking points they are just giving the left. Talking points with substantial substance with a quick Google search and little knowledge of the inner goings on of that time and situation.

That said, I doubt this will work well for the NRA, and will probably cause further distraction and division of the middle of the road Americans.

Do those middle of the road Americans have a problem with the left snuggling with communists? or people like Soros?
He's less in your face than Nugent, and I am not losing sleep over his election. Same with tossing Grover Norquist off the board. The NRA will do fine, and other groups are going to thrive also.
Do those middle of the road Americans have a problem with the left snuggling with communists? or people like Soros?

That's a bit of a loaded question, and one I'm fine giving a personal opinion on. But doubt most middle of the road Americans would even know what your talking about. And most likely chop those things up to crazy right conspiracies vs a guy like LTC North they can Google and get the basic assumptions that he was involved in gun running and did some bad stuff as USMC officer.

Which was the point of my orgional comments.
As a general statement, I'm "okay" with Ollie North...I'd really like to see Tom Selleck in the top NRA leadership position. I think he'd be perfect from a PR standpoint. Just my 2c.