
Masks required in MN at all public places effect Saturday. You must wear a mask walking to your restaurant table, but may remove them once seated.

We've had the order here in Dane County for nearly two weeks.

For better or worse, nobody is really complying. Only one business has been fined (267$).

It seems to be getting to the point of protesting the order more than anything.

Personal observations.
Makes you wonder how many "asymptomatic" patients were false positives from the beginning...
The consistency/quality of these hastily delivered tests and their administration has been a question from day 1. I'm of the belief the virus is very widespread. However, I'm also of the belief that for most, it's not nearly the harbinger of death that some are making it out to be.

As government responses often are, many of the actions being taken truly aren't being done so as part of an actual effective response for controlling the spread but rather to make people feel better about having some type of visible action to something they're helpless against.
The consistency/quality of these hastily delivered tests and their administration has been a question from day 1. I'm of the belief the virus is very widespread. However, I'm also of the belief that for most, it's not nearly the harbinger of death that some are making it out to be.

As government responses often are, many of the actions being taken truly aren't being done so as part of an actual effective response for controlling the spread but rather to make people feel better about having some type of visible action to something they're helpless against.

The GLOBAL news you won't hear or read about: "Millions WORLDWIDE recover from COVID-19. RIP to the unnecessary US 140,000 deaths thanks to China's mis-handling of a deadly contagious virus."

Closer to home yet 7000 miles away, my sisters in law, 2 of them, have the virus, both in Argentina. Not the best or easiest place in the world to recover from it. My wife's {our} head(s) is/are exploding because the borders are closed. No travel for awhile. Comms are sketchy.
Because I will not subject myself to this insanity. It is unconstitutional.
As with the rioters in Portland, you're perfectly free to do things that legally compel authorities to give you up-close-and-personal treatment.

Just as the Kentucky couple did.

Title 902, Chapter 2, Section 50 of the Kentucky Administrative Regulations:
“Section 2. Persons. Whenever any person has been implicated as a possible reservoir or possible source of infection of any communicable disease, the local health department or the Cabinet for Human Resources shall employ such measures as are necessary to secure adequate isolation, restriction of employment or other control procedures that may be necessary to insure cessation of transmission of infection.”


Chapter 212, Section 245(6) of the Kentucky Revised Statutes:
“County, city-county, and district health departments may:
(6) Issue written orders directed to the owner or occupant of any property, or to any person, firm, or corporation whatever, commanding, within the time and manner specified in the order, compliance with applicable public health laws of this state and all regulations of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services or the county board of health. Notwithstanding the provisions of this section and KRS 212.210, any health officer may institute and maintain mandatory or prohibitory injunction proceedings in the appropriate Circuit Courts of this state to abate nuisances that are or may be a menace to the health of the people of the state or community, and to compel compliance with the public health laws of this state and the rules and regulations of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services and the county board of health and the orders described in this section or in KRS 212.210.”

Moral of the story: If you don't like it, leave.

More specifically: Learn your local and state laws in advance, so that if you don't agree with them you can move someplace else before they restrict you from doing exactly that during a public health crisis.