
Saw a lady the other day, all alone in her car, wearing a mask...

This was dumb in 2020, you're just clowning yourself in 2024.

When we were in Flagstaff on Labor Day weekend, there was a woman who walked every morning with a mask...she also had her hood up. It was odd. Like she might have passed 5 people on her walk each morning.
I still see people in the Raeford NC Walmart walking around with masks on - and a lot of them STILL aren't wearing them right.

For the love of peace and midnight basketball - if you are going to wear you religious items in 2024 - at least wear them correctly.
I still see people in the Raeford NC Walmart walking around with masks on - and a lot of them STILL aren't wearing them right.

For the love of peace and midnight basketball - if you are going to wear you religious items in 2024 - at least wear them correctly.

Yep, still a thing.
Twice-censored COVID-19 vaccine autopsy study was published.

Well, well, well....

A Systematic Review Of Autopsy Findings In Deaths After COVID-19 Vaccination - Science, Public Health Policy and the Law

"In summary, among the universe of published autopsies performed after COVID-19 vaccination available to date, with a contemporary and independent review, we found that in 73.9% of cases, COVID-19 vaccination was the direct cause or significantly contributed to death. The consistency seen among cases in this review with previously reported COVID-19 vaccine serious adverse events, their known fatal mechanisms, coupled with our independent adjudication, suggests there is a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and death. The implications of our study apply to cases of unanticipated death without antecedent illness among COVID-19 vaccine recipients. We can infer that in such cases, death may have been caused by COVID-19 vaccination. Further urgent investigation is required to build upon our results and further elucidate the pathophysiologic mechanisms of death with the goal of risk stratification and avoidance of death for the large numbers of individuals who have taken or will receive one or more COVID-19 vaccine in the future. Autopsies should be performed on all deceased individuals that have received one or more COVID-19 vaccines. Clinical monitoring of COVID-19 vaccine recipients is indicated for a period of at least one year after vaccination to ensure the absence of serious adverse events that may lead to death."