
Trump listened to his "experts", which every president should do. The problem is who his experts were. Crooks and idiots. His biggest failure was in his hiring practices.
Yup! I hope he is better at picking allies this time around.

You should never listen to experts. Here's why.

Why Experts are Almost Always Wrong
Interesting read, not sure if I buy it though. If you can't rely on the experts your society has cultivated, via all it's collected knowledge, something has gone terribly wrong. If the experts who are at the forefront of their fields are incapable, it pokes holes in specialization being a keystone in developing an advanced society.

It's also why these experts should be held accountable for their failures. Society places a premium on their elevated existence. Their failings should have an equal price tag.
Damn... we need to put the cocaine back in Coca Cola. Have you seen how tough some of those 1800's people were? Shoot, it'll probably counteract the obesity epidemic and expand our available recruitment pool.

cocaine party hard GIF
@Marauder06 Your meme reminded me of the sugar industry debacle, in regards to demonizing fat and cholesterol.

Makes me wonder if the Covid debacle and failure of our experts is due to exposure from outside influences. The experts at the WHO turned out to be bought by the Chinese, HHS was funneling money to China to conduct experiments, and it seems everyone else was bought off by the pharmacology lobby.

Maybe I'm being bloody minded, but I kinda wonder if those people shouldn't be killed. These outside influences led to the direct and inadvertent death of millions of Americans. Shouldn't they have to pay as well?
China sprang a bioweapon on the world and our govt and media not only helped cover their BS up, they pushed a poison on the rest of us. All while silencing talk on Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, and other therapeutics. YouTube was notorious for this and now cancer has suddenly claimed one of it's head honchos. Ironic.

China sprang a bioweapon on the world and our govt and media not only helped cover their BS up, they pushed a poison on the rest of us. All while silencing talk on Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, and other therapeutics. YouTube was notorious for this and now cancer has suddenly claimed one of it's head honchos. Ironic.

Many people told me, 'Why won’t you take the Jamba Juice shot?' and I said, 'You mean to tell me a disease that made the whole world grind to a halt and made governments run around like chickens with no head, and now all of a sudden drug companies found a vaccine? Please.