

Yeah, I guess no one was "forced" to get a vaccine as in you weren't held down by a bunch of goons while someone injected you, but yeah, I was certainly "forced" to get the vaccine.

"No one was forced, they were given the opportunity." GTFOOH. They were "given the opportunity to keep their job and/or not be a social pariah" by taking the shot, that's about it.
What really bothers me is that the entire government establishment lied about it. I used to think that our govt was better, but this debacle has shown how corrupt and compromised things really are. The very people entrusted with safeguarding the population not only lied, but they actively
killed and poisoned it.

People have been hung for less.
Bro. You gotta stop noticing. That's what gets you in trouble. The noticing.

Its almost as though COVID cures the flu...
It most certainly did. Oddly enough, the flu and Covid have nearly identical mortality rates across the same age and comorbidity striations once you eliminate the confounders of treatment and presentation.

Which, you know, is weird when you look at it.
Its almost as though COVID cures the flu...
Bro. You gotta stop noticing. That's what gets you in trouble. The noticing.

It most certainly did. Oddly enough, the flu and Covid have nearly identical mortality rates across the same age and comorbidity striations once you eliminate the confounders of treatment and presentation.

Which, you know, is weird when you look at it.

Gah. You idiots act like you have experience in medicine.
Saw this on the X today. Kinda odd, when did the Army stop forcing people to take the shot? Was it another year after this? I remember going and getting a Johnson & Johnson booster in February of '22 because our medical director was a psycho, well, when I finally moved to Dallas you know what those people in that office never asked me about?
