
Neat little article that sums up the Covid debacle and the how US orgs were funneling money to the Chinese to fund the research that led to this. Same US orgs seem to have been headed by people that have political or personal relationships with the DNC.

Stop funding China’s pathogen research - Washington Examiner

Stop funding China’s pathogen research​

ByWashington Examiner
June 26, 2024 12:01 am
Despite COVID-19 causing over a million deaths, we still do not know how the pandemic began. Thanks to the systematic destruction of evidence by the Chinese Communist Party, we may never know for sure.

What we do know is that the People’s Liberation Army has made “achieving biological dominance” a high priority and that part of that dominance includes the ability to create pathogens that are “more toxic, more contagious, and more resistant.” We also know the Wuhan lab from which COVID-19 might have escaped “has collaborated on publications and secret projects with China’s military,” the U.S. State Department says.

We also know that Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance funneled federal taxpayer dollars to the Wuhan lab for research on coronaviruses. We know that our own Defense Department funneled money to pathogen research organizations in China. What we do not know is how much money the Pentagon gave to our adversary, China, for research on deadly pathogens, or who it went to. This is simply unacceptable.
As part of the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act, Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) and Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI) secured an amendment directing the DoD Office of Inspector General to identify and report to Congress all funds sent to Chinese research organizations. Last week the inspector general released findings, identifying seven grants to Chinese organizations for “research related to potential enhancement of pathogens of pandemic potential.”

More troubling even than the findings was the inspector general’s admission that “due to limitations in the DoD’s systems used to track grants,” the “full extent of DoD funds provided to Chinese research laboratories” for pathogen research “is unknown.”
Unknown! The Pentagon, charged with ensuring our national security, can’t even say how much of our money it has given to our most dangerous adversary for research that could end all human life. The incompetence is astonishing, or would be if it were not so predictable.
“There is zero reason for taxpayers to be funding risky Chinese research that could be used against Americans,” Ernst said in response to the inspector general report. She is proposing legislation that would require every penny sent to Chinese organizations to be accounted for and publicly posted. This might not go far enough. The case for a flat-out ban is strong.

The Pentagon should research pathogens to protect us against bioweapons created by our enemies. But that is all the more reason we should not conduct such research with adversaries, especially China, which has a stated goal of developing bioweapons to use against us. It also has a record of accidentally letting deadly viruses escape its laboratories. It has been confirmed that the deadly 2002 SARS outbreak (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus) also came from a Chinese lab.
We may never have the evidence necessary to prove that COVID-19 originated in the Wuhan lab. But we do have enough to show that taxpayers should not be funding the activities of that lab.

Bro. You gotta stop noticing. That's what gets you in trouble. The noticing.

It most certainly did. Oddly enough, the flu and Covid have nearly identical mortality rates across the same age and comorbidity striations once you eliminate the confounders of treatment and presentation.

Which, you know, is weird when you look at it.
Y'all are giving the Chinese an out. Remember, they purposely spread a biological agent after they lost containment in their Wuhan BSL-4 lab. That's not to say people didn't take advantage of the chaos spread by the CCP.

Gah. You idiots act like you have experience in medicine.
Remember when medical experts said hydroxychloroquine was ineffective. Same with Ivermectin. Remember when the vax was safe and effective?

What about when treatments like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin were deemed unsafe and the public had to resort to other methods to get medicine? It would be foolish to trust the medical establishment.

Remember when medical experts said hydroxychloroquine was ineffective. Same with Ivermectin. Remember when the vax was safe and effective?

Kudos to you for taking my sarcasm directed at two highly respected (well, maybe not @Box) medical professionals and using it as a springboard for your thoughts. I guess later this week when @Gunz and I talk about hurricanes, you can make it about you and golden showers.
Kudos to you for taking my sarcasm directed at two highly respected (well, maybe not @Box) medical professionals and using it as a springboard for your thoughts. I guess later this week when @Gunz and I talk about hurricanes, you can make it about you and golden showers.
It's an open board. That said, I remember hearing on this board that hydroxy chloroquine was a bad option and that the Orange Man was a buffon for suggesting it. I also remember doctors in my neck of the woods who advocated the use of it getting crucified for it.

Did you forget how many of the alternative therapeutics, to treat Covid, were treated as rightwing bullshit by the medical community? Cause I do.
Did you forget how many of the alternative therapeutics, to treat Covid, were treated as rightwing bullshit by the medical community? Cause I do.

I didn't forget that.

But truth be told - I also didn't forget that it was the Trump administration that initiated the lock downs. I didn't forget that it was the Trump administration that "gave" us the vaccine. Nor have I forgotten that was the Trump administration that both tolerated and championed the canonization of Saint Anthony of Science from Fauciland.

...and it was the Trump administration that allowed the ATF to declare a bump stock ban.

My memory is good - I'm just a proud hypocrite that thrives on 'Whataboutism' and I don't mind admitting that Trump may have made a few bad decisions...
...because his advisors failed him
...the wind was blowing
...he stopped to shake hands
...he was taken out of context
...he has been plagued by cheap fakes
...he was suffering from reflux

It's all good.
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I didn't forget that.

But truth be told - I also didn't forget that it was the Trump administration that initiated the lock downs. I didn't forget that it was the Trump administration that "gave" us the vaccine. Nor have I forgotten that was the Trump administration that both tolerated and championed the canonization of Saint Anthony of Science from Fauciland.

...and it was the Trump administration that allowed the ATF to declare a bump stock ban.

My memory is good - I'm just a proud hypocrite that thrives on 'Whataboutism' and I don't mind admitting that Trump may have made a few bad decisions...
...because his advisors failed him
...the wind was blowing
...he stopped to shake hands
...he was taken out of context
...he has been plagued by cheap fakes
...he was suffering from reflux

It's all good.
I completely agree with you dude! I used to trust the FDA, the govt, and the medical community attached to it. Same with the people and experts whom I considered to be better than me, due to their experience and education. Now, I wanna see them behind bars or hanging from trees like bloated rotten fruit.

Honestly, what's so galling is how much the Trump admin got cucked by the DC establishment. The man was an old school New York Democrat and he still choked. The Chicoms essentially got away with killing a chunk of our population, via the virus. While the DC establishment killed and maimed a chunk of our population, via corruption, criminal incompetence, and malevolence.

Only thing that saved us was mother nature selecting for a more easily transmissible and less fatal virus. Which is wild!