@AWP @policemedic
Just outta curiosity, what do you guys think is the origin of the Corona Virus that's going around? I mean, we've all seen the story that the CCP has put out about it being due to poor hygiene at a wet market. Do you guys think it's legit?
Between the information that's coming out about the research institute, the CCP coverup with the Chinese doctor, and this new information about stolen virus samples, something doesn't smell right. If the old virus strains were stolen and then modified in a CCP biotech lab, I would assume the virus would exhibit new characteristics. Heck, with enough modification I'd think an old virus could be labeled as something new.
Considering the CCP's response in silencing their doctor (now deifying), the resulting quarantines, officials getting family/friends out of quarantine zones, and Xi's disappearance, something isn't adding up. I mean dude's, the PRC has stopped it's economic engine in order to keep whatever this is from spreading.
Feel free to call me provincial, but I'm thinking this could be a case of containment being broken at that CCP biotech facility in Wuhan.