
Neat video for anyone interested. These guys were western expat's living in China and posted videos of their conversations while riding motorbikes in China.
People don't trust the PRC, and the Chinese bragging about beating customs are the ones responsible for the racists attacks.
To me, the various videos show a government in full panic mode. Which fuels fear.
I also think western governments know what is happening, and are keeping silent. Which fuels fear.
FWIW-Yesterday saw almost 100 reported deaths. Deceased vs survived is still running about 30%.
Dude! Honestly, the media blackout and lack of information on this has been pretty discouraging. It's kinda sad that people don't want to have an honest discussion about something that has the potential to become a global pandemic. I know fear and panic are the last thing a govt wants, but at some point something has gotta give.

I dunno, sometimes I feel like were treated more like subjects than citizens. Information is power and I feel like the average American is always playing catch up when it comes to getting that information.
Strange timing and place of death of Canadian researcher Frank Plummer, known for his work with HIV, Ebola, SARS and Corona virus. Plummer died of an apparent heart attack February 4 in Kenya while attending an anniversary celebrating the research collaboration of the University of Nairobi and the University of Manitoba.

An article from 2013 regarding how Plummer obtained Coronavirus for research Canadian Lab Acquires Coronavirus Sample | GreatGameIndia

Another article regarding removal (read theft) of Ebola virus from Plummer's lab by Konan Michael Yao in 2009 May 2009: Committee says lab-sample theft not a big deal as well as follow up

For what ever it is worth, from today's Zerohedge: Canadian Scientist At Center Of Chinese Bio-Espionage Probe Found Dead In Africa?

What is not mentioned in the CBC report however is that Plummer worked in the same National Microbiology Laboratory (NML) in Winnipeg, Canada from where Chinese Biowarfare agent Xiangguo Qiu and her colleagues smuggled SARS Coronavirus to China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology where it is believed to have been weaponized and leaked.
I was referring to the fact that the Coronavirus is a "thing" at this time, and a leading researcher involved with that particular viris (who also just happened to have a history of thefts from his labs by the Chinese) suddenly drops dead of an "apparent heart attack". I don't think an official cause of Plummer's death has been determined yet. It's all just a bit strange. :hmm:
@AWP @policemedic

Just outta curiosity, what do you guys think is the origin of the Corona Virus that's going around? I mean, we've all seen the story the CCP put out about it being due to poor hygiene at a wet market. Do you guys think it's legit?

Between the information that's coming out about the research institute, the CCP cover-up with the Chinese doctor, and this new information about stolen virus samples, something doesn't smell right. If old virus strains were stolen and later modified in a CCP biotech lab, I would assume they would exhibit new characteristics. Heck, with enough modification I'd think an old virus could be labeled as something new.

Considering the CCP's response in silencing their doctor (now deifying), the resulting quarantines, officials getting family/friends out of quarantine zones, and Xi's disappearance, something isn't adding up. I mean dude's, the PRC has stopped it's economic engine in order to keep whatever this is from spreading.

Feel free to call me provincial, but I'm thinking this could be a case of containment being broken at that CCP biotech facility in Wuhan.

-Edited for grammar and clarity
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You know what I think? I think I don't know enough to answer that question.

In fairness to what you've said, there is one thing about this virus that strikes me as characteristic of a bioweapon. But that doesn't mean this characteristic did not occur naturally. Viruses are fascinating, and the zoonotic nature of this outbreak presents many interesting considerations.

I prefer to confine myself to the actual science and public health issues.

Right now, there is a possibility that we are in a lag phase. That is to say, there may be people who are incubating the virus and who are not yet symptomatic. 2019-nCoV seems to be transmissible during the incubation period, so we are in a wait and see mode watching for additional confirmed cases. This gives time to ramp up capability to manage those cases should they manifest.
@AWP @policemedic

Just outta curiosity, what do you guys think is the origin of the Corona Virus that's going around? I mean, we've all seen the story that the CCP has put out about it being due to poor hygiene at a wet market. Do you guys think it's legit?

Between the information that's coming out about the research institute, the CCP coverup with the Chinese doctor, and this new information about stolen virus samples, something doesn't smell right. If the old virus strains were stolen and then modified in a CCP biotech lab, I would assume the virus would exhibit new characteristics. Heck, with enough modification I'd think an old virus could be labeled as something new.

Considering the CCP's response in silencing their doctor (now deifying), the resulting quarantines, officials getting family/friends out of quarantine zones, and Xi's disappearance, something isn't adding up. I mean dude's, the PRC has stopped it's economic engine in order to keep whatever this is from spreading.

Feel free to call me provincial, but I'm thinking this could be a case of containment being broken at that CCP biotech facility in Wuhan.

Just for a simple logistics matter I did some math on how many flights went in and out of Wuhan that was definitely short of whatever the total is. But given the population density and how many Chinese study abroad and were in Wuhan over the Christmas Holidays is mind boggling and we're currently lucky in the west. But I wonder what China's actual numbers are. I also wonder why this seems to have gone quiet. Guessing the Iowa debacle smothered it.
More stuff coming out of China.
(Videos are either under or a little over a min long.)

-Villagers getting drawn on by CCP police at a self constructed roadblock. Looks like the villagers were trying to quarantine their village.

-Glimpse at the PPE and staff in what appears to be a ward of patients infected or dying from the Corona Virus.

-College in Wuhan having student dorms emptied. Unsure what for.

-Police in China going after citizens that post information about the Corona virus.

-China changing definition of what constitutes a confirmed case of Corona virus infection.
BSL-3 PPE and, corpses in burn bags? I no longer am “expert” at implementation of the current protocols. But, from what I can ascertain from the video and audio. The situation appears to be medically untenable.
If the CCP responds the way I believe they will. The mass graves, “burn pits” are being dug already. Forceful containment of transmissible vectors ( people). Is the ONLY way to even slow this thing down.
Treatment of the virus under BSL-4 quarantine conditions. In a facility large enough to contain patients. Is what needs to happen.
Even though China is first world scientifically. I am not aware of, nor have I seen evidence of. Implementation of the level 4 protocols.
Maybe someone else has better intel on that.