
My sweet summer do understand the world will do nothing but die, right? China could openly state that it caused the outbreak and the world will do nothing. Chinese hooks into the world's economy will guarantee nothing but lies.
Really? Cause I'm pretty sure there are places in South East Asia and Africa that could do what China does for less. Only reason China matters is because we outsourced our manufacturing capabilities to them. Without us and access to both global monetary and trade networks they are dead in the water.

There are plenty of other countries who are hungry, friendly, and in need of economic development. Heck, ourselves and our neighbors down south (with some stabilization) could use some economic redevelopment in the form of new and improved manufacturing opportunities.

The world doesn't need China, China needs the world.
Weather apps show a high level of SO2 (Sulfur Dioxide) and active fires around the outskirts of Wuhan.
Weather apps show a high level of SO2 (Sulfur Dioxide) and active fires around the outskirts of Wuhan.
Considering the fear of this being spread from animal markets, it's probably farmers burning livestock to either stop spread or to save face. Wouldn't be the first time they've done this.
Considering the fear of this being spread from animal markets, it's probably farmers burning livestock to either stop spread or to save face. Wouldn't be the first time they've done this.
I figured it was something along the lines of burning waste/ things that could spread the virus. The sulfur dioxide could very well be normal levels for China, but the active fires struck me as a bit odd.
Really? Cause I'm pretty sure there are places in South East Asia and Africa that could do what China does for less. Only reason China matters is because we outsourced our manufacturing capabilities to them. Without us and access to both global monetary and trade networks they are dead in the water.

There are plenty of other countries who are hungry, friendly, and in need of economic development. Heck, ourselves and our neighbors down south (with some stabilization) could use some economic redevelopment in the form of new and improved manufacturing opportunities.

The world doesn't need China, China needs the world.

Very true except for one thing: those other countries lack China's industrial base. Can they develop? Of course, but that ramp up time won't be overnight. A lag in moving from China to another country could be significant unless companies were willing to spin up a new factory and work in parallel with their Chinese labor camps. Some companies won't be able to afford this and any move would kill the company.
Very true except for one thing: those other countries lack China's industrial base. Can they develop? Of course, but that ramp up time won't be overnight. A lag in moving from China to another country could be significant unless companies were willing to spin up a new factory and work in parallel with their Chinese labor camps. Some companies won't be able to afford this and any move would kill the company.
Vietnam has become a popular outsource location (ironic, huh).
Between Trump and this; I see a lot of companies going with a second source to keep goods flowing.
Wonder how Crapernicks shoe sales are going?
Very true except for one thing: those other countries lack China's industrial base. Can they develop? Of course, but that ramp up time won't be overnight. A lag in moving from China to another country could be significant unless companies were willing to spin up a new factory and work in parallel with their Chinese labor camps. Some companies won't be able to afford this and any move would kill the company.
I know I'm going to sound naive, but if a company hedges it's future on Chinese slave labor it deserves to die. It's incredibly reckless how American companies placed so much of our manufacturing might into backwards countries like China, Pakistan, etc. Don't get me wrong. I'm all for the free market and capitalism, but greed has stripped lower & middle America of wealth and transferred it over to our enemies. All over cheaper manufacturing costs and crony capitalism.

It's been a mistake opening up the world markets to a bunch of communists.
Very true except for one thing: those other countries lack China's industrial base. Can they develop? Of course, but that ramp up time won't be overnight. A lag in moving from China to another country could be significant unless companies were willing to spin up a new factory and work in parallel with their Chinese labor camps. Some companies won't be able to afford this and any move would kill the company.
I think for most companies, the biggest driver in the decision to send their business to China is the very cheap labor cost. Imagine spending so little in manufacturing a product and getting so much once the product is sold in the US or Europe. Moving a business from one location to the next isn't that hard anymore as there are already contingencies for that (phased approach, ramp-ups, etc.). Sure, companies will take a hit but the impact will be minimal.

The biggest problem with China has always been the quality - whether it's the workmanship, the material used, etc. But due to the cheap labor, companies can afford additional quality checks and still get very good margins. That and some companies stealing your product concept/design.