
On the whole I'd say this board has taken a dark turn in the last 24 hours. I'm almost afraid to see what books everyone's reading...

The only thing I read is this forum. It's got comedy, tragedy, irony, satire, fiction, nonfiction, politics, history, this forum is a one-stop shop for all of my reading and entertainment needs...
I think she was PVS, not brain dead. Brain dead is dead.

I was going to say something about ducks and paperweights come to mind. But you're right, probably should have read up on the case a little more.

On the whole I'd say this board has taken a dark turn in the last 24 hours. I'm almost afraid to see what books everyone's reading...

Currently reading a WH40K novel, so might be a reason. But as @Devildoc said, this place is kind of a one stop shop for anything I want. Want to learn about military history? Easy. I want to keep in the loop on US news? Done. Want some quality memes, some with a seriously dark undertone? Fuggettaboutit.

Not to mention the other sub discussions on morality, ethics, AI, security, cars, etc. etc.
I was going to say something about ducks and paperweights come to mind. But you're right, probably should have read up on the case a little more.

Currently reading a WH40K novel, so might be a reason. But as @Devildoc said, this place is kind of a one stop shop for anything I want. Want to learn about military history? Easy. I want to keep in the loop on US news? Done. Want some quality memes, some with a seriously dark undertone? Fuggettaboutit.

Not to mention the other sub discussions on morality, ethics, AI, security, cars, etc. etc.
The Emperor Protects
Not to be a stick in the mud, but it's China. The PRC literally has concentration camps where they harvest your organs if you piss off the govt bad enough. Getting reliable information out of there is a herculean task already, due to the PRC's information blackout.

If you want real information forget the mainstream stuff, look at what the people trapped in infected zones are putting out. The Chinese citizens documenting this pandemics spread are risking imprisonment and worse.

Food for thought.
Ever see the movie, Contagion with Matt Damon?
Haven't seen it, but I keep hearing about this film. I did end up reading the synopsis for it and seeing some clips. Do you think things will lean towards a breakdown in social order here? Or is the film and it's plot playing out in China? Cause I've been seeing reports that Xing is in hiding and some of the leaked stuff from Wuhan is earlily reminiscent of the clips I've seen.
Why would Xi* need to be in hiding though? Food shortages might come but I think the Red Cross and the PLA will step in with rations before that happens. Social disorder? Possibly,if this goes on for six months plus but I wouldn't put any money on it right away.
Why would Xi* need to be in hiding though? Food shortages might come but I think the Red Cross and the PLA will step in with rations before that happens. Social disorder? Possibly,if this goes on for six months plus but I wouldn't put any money on it right away.
That's the word coming from China, he hasn't been seen in a bit. Don't take my word for it though.
China says Xi Jinping is directing the Wuhan virus response, but he's nowhere to be seen

If the pandemic spreading throughout China isn't as bad as people are saying, why is their top leader in hiding/isolation?
That's the word coming from China, he hasn't been seen in a bit. Don't take my word for it though.
China says Xi Jinping is directing the Wuhan virus response, but he's nowhere to be seen

If the pandemic spreading throughout China isn't as bad as people are saying, why is their top leader in hiding/isolation?

It's a fair question. My thought is that it's a media strategy and in a few days some photos or videos will come out of him in a bunker somewhere "working hard and solving the problem" or something. I don't think he's in hiding as such though. Again, the question would be why would he be? He's got security up the wazoo, he doesn't have to worry about a few crowds of people (who would get swiftly moved on anyway, if they can even congregate).
That's the word coming from China, he hasn't been seen in a bit. Don't take my word for it though.
China says Xi Jinping is directing the Wuhan virus response, but he's nowhere to be seen

If the pandemic spreading throughout China isn't as bad as people are saying, why is their top leader in hiding/isolation?

I've seen this movie. He's firmly ensconced in Raccoon City about to program the artificial intelligence that takes over for him when the zombies kill everyone.
It's a fair question. My thought is that it's a media strategy and in a few days some photos or videos will come out of him in a bunker somewhere "working hard and solving the problem" or something. I don't think he's in hiding as such though. Again, the question would be why would he be? He's got security up the wazoo, he doesn't have to worry about a few crowds of people (who would get swiftly moved on anyway, if they can even congregate).
Maybe with how easily transmissible the Corona virus is he ain't taking chances. Xinping's security isn't worth peanuts against a virus that spreads like the flu. If I had his power and was faced with the corona virus I'd definitely be bugging in.

Heck, it might be possibility that Xi's sick and is in hiding to keep from losing his grip on power. It sounds crazy, but with everything that has come out of China these past few years I have zero faith in them.
Yeahhhh....maybe, maybe not. I have seen dead, I have seen "in critical condition with attempts to resuscitate", and I have seen brain dead (which is, you know, dead...), ALL within the last 45 minutes......

Apparently the state of medicine in China is so bad they can't figure out what alive vs dead is....
Your first post was dead on. Looks like the doctor died and the Chicoms spread misinformation about him getting better. It's like their incompetence knows no bounds.

China Admits it Botched Case of Whistleblower Doctor
Haven't seen it, but I keep hearing about this film. I did end up reading the synopsis for it and seeing some clips. Do you think things will lean towards a breakdown in social order here? Or is the film and it's plot playing out in China? Cause I've been seeing reports that Xing is in hiding and some of the leaked stuff from Wuhan is earlily reminiscent of the clips I've seen.

Any pandemic bad enough will be a problem. Hospitals, emergency services will have issues, no police, crime, sick citizens, food does not get delivered, citizens are only 9 meals away from anarchy.
Any pandemic bad enough will be a problem. Hospitals, emergency services will have issues, no police, crime, sick citizens, food does not get delivered, citizens are only 9 meals away from anarchy.
I hope to god we are better at managing this pandemic better than the Chinese. Though anyway you look at it we're going to take a hit. We really need to get our eggs out of China's manufacturing basket, they're too reckless.
Neat video for anyone interested. These guys were western expat's living in China and posted videos of their conversations while riding motorbikes in China.
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