Cyber War and America’s Response

Was going to drop this in the DEI / transgender horror thread, but figured it hit better here. If you've ever wondered why were constantly being hacked and have issues with IT and cybersecurity... these are the people contracted to keep things running smoothly.

Recently the tech world has had a correction occur and a lot of dead weight has been dropped. That said, DEI initiatives have festered in colleges and tech for a while now. Not only is the pool of competent people in tech shrinking, they're also being supplanted by foreign exchange students. Which leads to problems like these.

Leidos awarded $738 million U.S. Air Force cybersecurity and IT support contract

What is the context of that photo?

It does not link to the article and it is not on their website. Are you so triggered by ‘rainbows’ that you automatically assume they must be inferior?

“Leidos brings more than five decades of continuous support for the Air Force’s operating environment and a strong track record of improving operational effectiveness. We take great pride in securing critical, no-fail missions essential to our national security, and we are excited to keep advancing the Air Force mission together.”

Leidos has continuously supported enterprise IT and telecommunications for the Air Force in the national capital region since 2003.
What is the context of that photo?

It does not link to the article and it is not on their website. Are you so triggered by ‘rainbows’ that you automatically assume they must be inferior?

“Leidos brings more than five decades of continuous support for the Air Force’s operating environment and a strong track record of improving operational effectiveness. We take great pride in securing critical, no-fail missions essential to our national security, and we are excited to keep advancing the Air Force mission together.”

Leidos has continuously supported enterprise IT and telecommunications for the Air Force in the national capital region since 2003.
The photo was taken during a Leidos sanctioned DEI event. This is the same philosophy that the BlackRock crowd popularized and pushed onto corporate America. BlackRock and Fink are mentioned in numerous threads.

Now, what you should be looking for in the picture is a lack of the old guard. Many of the old programmers, who learned to code in BASIC are retired or leaving. The people pictured are the ones taking over those spots.

For further context, there was a major recent outage regarding one of Leidos's major rivals CrowdStrike. That outage was international in scale, going as far as affecting governments. Funnily enough both Leidos and CrowdStrike have many of the same corporate stances, again think BlackRock. I'm of the thought that our cyber capabilities are degenerating due to the tech worlds obsession with DEI.

Weakness invites aggression.
The photo was taken during a Leidos sanctioned DEI event. This is the same philosophy that the BlackRock crowd popularized and pushed onto corporate America. BlackRock and Fink are mentioned in numerous threads.

Now, what you should be looking for in the picture is a lack of the old guard. Many of the old programmers, who learned to code in BASIC are retired or leaving. The people pictured are the ones taking over those spots.

For further context, there was a major recent outage regarding one of Leidos's major rivals CrowdStrike. That outage was international in scale, going as far as affecting governments. Funnily enough both Leidos and CrowdStrike have many of the same corporate stances, again think BlackRock. I'm of the thought that our cyber capabilities are degenerating due to the tech worlds obsession with DEI.

Weakness invites aggression.

The old guard are gone and our weakened capabilities aren't a result of DEI, it is the H1B visa program. Indians (the predominant group) will work for a fraction of an American's salary. Overall salaries have declined and tech doesn't attract the talent it used to. The old guard are also gone because some couldn't or wouldn't move past an older language, so they forced themselves out of the market.
The old guard are gone and our weakened capabilities aren't a result of DEI, it is the H1B visa program. Indians (the predominant group) will work for a fraction of an American's salary. Overall salaries have declined and tech doesn't attract the talent it used to. The old guard are also gone because some couldn't or wouldn't move past an older language, so they forced themselves out of the market.
Agree that the predominantly Indian H1B tech sector is a major problem. Culturally they are very dissimilar, their penchant for cronyism, nepotism, and general incompetence, has been the bane of many Americans working in tech. Something similar can be said of the mainland Chinese, though their issue is industrial espionage. Either of these groups getting clearance to work on any sort of tech infrastructure is a security concern.

Of the old guard, I'm referring to the those in the industry who knew multiple languages, went through the different technological iterations in hardware, and had a deep understanding of the basic processes that kept things running. They mostly gone or retired, as is their knowledge of that legacy software. Those were the nerds that I could rely on keeping data and systems safe.

The new crowd... they might brick my workstation if I don't call them by their imaginary gender :ROFLMAO:.