Dealing with a fractured/hurt toe...

SITREP: I saw a podiatrist today and my toe was never broken, but when I jammed my toe I chipped away the cartilage in my toe joint. The bad news is I will have pain for the rest of my life with a chance that I will have to fuse the bone when I am older. The good news is there is no damage being done by running, rucking etc. I will just be in pain when doing those things.......wheeew! only question is.......does arthritis dq one from an 18x contract? I spent a good hour reading the AR 40-501 and it said pain in a weight-bearing joint is a nogo? My Dr. said he would put it on record that I only sprained my big toe, but lying isn't something I want to do...
It is good to hear what you are saying. That there has not been a fracture is good. I like that you are doing your own research into AR-40-501. All too often people expect others to find answers for them, and that is sad. A big step into becoming a learned person, is knowing where to go to find answers to your questions. If you continue on this path, before long, others will come to you for answers;-). Your injury may, or may not continue to bother you. There is a good chance, that over time, and with proper conditioning; your injury will become a non-factor in your life. The most importantt thing that I hear from you, is that you recognize the value in truth. Living an honest life, will make your path so much easier and rewarding in the long run. I wish you the best of luck in your future. You are on the proper path for a good and rewarding life. Let us know how you are doing, we like to see people grow and prosper:thumbsup:.
That was quite the reply. I will do my best to update when I get info. I will start the process with the recruiter now that I can tell him what I have done to myself.:-)
SITREP: I saw a podiatrist today and my toe was never broken, but when I jammed my toe I chipped away the cartilage in my toe joint. The bad news is I will have pain for the rest of my life with a chance that I will have to fuse the bone when I am older. The good news is there is no damage being done by running, rucking etc. I will just be in pain when doing those things.......wheeew! only question is.......does arthritis dq one from an 18x contract? I spent a good hour reading the AR 40-501 and it said pain in a weight-bearing joint is a nogo? My Dr. said he would put it on record that I only sprained my big toe, but lying isn't something I want to do...

Do you have arthritis?
Do you have arthritis?
Yes. When I jammed my toe into the ground my Metatarsal ground against the Phalange and destroyed the cartilage in that joint. Thus giving me arthritis. The Dr. said it would bother me for the rest of my life but at least I can do all the things I need to do without worrying about injury.
OK. Well up to you whether you divulge or not I guess.
I guess my question is do I have to "divulge" anything? The AR 40-501 says nothing about arthritis as far as I could see but does state "(8) Pain in a weight–bearing joint." as a disqualifyer. That is such a broad statement and I can't figure out if it applies to me? I mean.....we all have some sort of pain somewhere don't we? Also, what constitutes a "weight-bearing joint"? Wouldn't all joints be weight-bearing if the weight is coming from the right direction? Or is this something the dang recruiter could easily tell me...
SITREP: I saw a podiatrist today and my toe was never broken, but when I jammed my toe I chipped away the cartilage in my toe joint. The bad news is I will have pain for the rest of my life with a chance that I will have to fuse the bone when I am older. The good news is there is no damage being done by running, rucking etc. I will just be in pain when doing those things.......wheeew! only question is.......does arthritis dq one from an 18x contract? I spent a good hour reading the AR 40-501 and it said pain in a weight-bearing joint is a nogo? My Dr. said he would put it on record that I only sprained my big toe, but lying isn't something I want to do...

2-10. Lower extremities


(1) Current deformities, disease, or chronic joint pain of pelvic region, thigh (719.45), lower leg (719.46), ankle and/or foot (719.47) that have interfered with function to such a degree as to prevent the individual from following a physically active vocation in civilian life, or that would interfere with walking, running, weight bearing, or the satisfactory completion of training or military duty, do not meet the standard.

2-11. Miscellaneous conditions of the extremities

c. Current or history of chronic osteoarthritis (715.3) or traumatic arthritis (716.1) of isolated joints of more than a minimal degree that has interfered with the following of a physically active vocation in civilian life, or that prevents the satisfactory performance of military duty does not meet the standard.

Upper extremities do not have this clause. The arthritis standards for being sent for a MEB are different, make sure you aren't reading those. It seems to be if you can still train you are good. The quoted parts are from the 4 August 2011 revision which I believe is the newest one. No one here will advise you to lie but take those regs to your recruiter and talk about it and let him know what's going on. Good luck.
I guess my question is do I have to "divulge" anything? The AR 40-501 says nothing about arthritis as far as I could see but does state "(8) Pain in a weight–bearing joint." as a disqualifyer. That is such a broad statement and I can't figure out if it applies to me? I mean.....we all have some sort of pain somewhere don't we? Also, what constitutes a "weight-bearing joint"? Wouldn't all joints be weight-bearing if the weight is coming from the right direction? Or is this something the dang recruiter could easily tell me...

It's your choice, but I know what box I would be ticking if this was my goal in life.

There is a saying in certain parts of the world, "Who Dares Wins".

Good luck to you.
Upper extremities do not have this clause. The arthritis standards for being sent for a MEB are different, make sure you aren't reading those. It seems to be if you can still train you are good. The quoted parts are from the 4 August 2011 revision which I believe is the newest one. No one here will advise you to lie but take those regs to your recruiter and talk about it and let him know what's going on. Good luck.
How did I miss this? Let's hope I don't fail the eye exam!:D
Keyword: interfere.

Can you still ruck the fuck out? Run several miles? Jump? Land on it? All without squealing and calling your mama? If so, I think you have your answer.
I can handle the physical activity, and I wouldd rather stay away from any pain reliever if I can. I don't want to rely on it and then not have it...
I can handle the physical activity, and I wouldd rather stay away from any pain reliever if I can. I don't want to rely on it and then not have it...

O_o <- this would have been a better response to my post. Because, you do not understand the irony espoused in it.

So, look around this site and see if you can figure out why it is considered ironic. (note my screen name, and the fact I was an 18D ...)
WOW, I had no foresight at all in my last post...
After searching this site, there are countless threads explaining the benefits of NSAID's (one thread dealt specifically with traumatic osteoarthritis)
It was extremely naive to not take your advice at face value.......and that's disappointing.
WOW, I had no foresight at all in my last post...
After searching this site, there are countless threads explaining the benefits of NSAID's (one thread dealt specifically with traumatic osteoarthritis)
It was extremely naive to not take your advice at face value.......and that's disappointing.

Now look a little deeper at the remaining irony.... especially from an SOF standpoint. Watcha gonna do PL?