Election Day and Results

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Well....I hope you're right.

I'd actually like to see a woman president. Got no problem with it. But not her. For me, it would have to be somebody like a Maggie Thatcher.

I truely do not believe she will have the physical ability to mount another run for the Oval Office. I do not believe her health is very good, and may have added to some of the frustration that came out at some of her rallies.
I feel as though this was her "Hail Mary" run and that since she didn't get it, it's probably over for her. She looked beat up in the news this morning when I was watching the footage of her speech the prior day. She looked physically and mentally drained. Neither her or WJC look like they can handle much more on the "political circuit"...book circuit...maybe. Political circuit...not so much.
Clinton has some substantial hurdles to overcome if she's to have a chance at running again. With everything that transpired I can't see her receiving her party's nomination which will further damage her ego and reputation.

She has roughly three years to rehab her image and acquire enough voters to put her in the finals. "Appearance" and rep. mean more to her than anything and she just lost a metric shit-ton of face. I don't see potential 2020 Dem. opponents sitting idly by and not gathering dirt, especially in light of the Wikileaks DNC election rigging debacle. Unless Trump knocks his 4 years out of the park she'll be derisively remembered for losing to the guy. I think her party and the country in general are tired of the Clinton schtick, tired of her baggage, tired of her arrogance (anyone who couldn't see her body language and facial expressions this election is dense), tired of everything associated with her, and just tired of hearing the Clinton name.

I think she's done, but I also thought she'd win and the Jaguars would go 8-8.
Dear Diary,

What did I learn after the election?

- Nothing

Love, Liberal Democrats


Yep, let's booo VP Elect Pence at a Broadway show of all places and then take the time to lecture him directly from the stage. Surly this won't embolden those who voted Trump, or are now part of the new administration.
Please, continue to mock, chide, talk down to, and attempt to embarrass us because our views do not line up exactly with your.

That worked so well last time. :wall:

'Vice-president-elect Pence we welcome you and truly thank you for joining us here,' Brandon Dixon - who plays Aaron Burr - said on-stage.
‘We sir, we are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights.
‘But we truly hope this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us. All of us.’

Hamilton cast address Mike Pence after he is booed by audience | Daily Mail Online

Dear Diary,

What did I learn after the election?

- Nothing

Love, Liberal Democrats


Yep, let's booo VP Elect Pence at a Broadway show of all places and then take the time to lecture him directly from the stage. Surly this won't embolden those who voted Trump, or are now part of the new administration.
Please, continue to mock, chide, talk down to, and attempt to embarrass us because our views do not line up exactly with your.

That worked so well last time. :wall:

'Vice-president-elect Pence we welcome you and truly thank you for joining us here,' Brandon Dixon - who plays Aaron Burr - said on-stage.
‘We sir, we are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights.
‘But we truly hope this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us. All of us.’

Hamilton cast address Mike Pence after he is booed by audience | Daily Mail Online

I have a feeling he will get booed at a lot of places he goes. The majority of Americans didn't vote for Trump/Pence.
The majority of Americans didn't vote for Trump/Pence.
False. No need to spread this fallacy. The final results are not in, much less certified. In addition, the majority of Americans did not even vote in this election. Just over half of those eligible to vote even bothered to vote. So to put forth the argument that most Americans did not vote for Trump/Pence is disingenuous. Which is why the electoral college is good for the country as a whole, but that is a debate that is probably best left for another thread.
False. No need to spread this fallacy. The final results are not in, much less certified. In addition, the majority of Americans did not even vote in this election. Just over half of those eligible to vote even bothered to vote. So to put forth the argument that most Americans did not vote for Trump/Pence is disingenuous. Which is why the electoral college is good for the country as a whole, but that is a debate that is probably best left for another thread.

Well it is up to 1.4 million as of yesterday. Maybe I should have been more clear. "Among those that voted, the majority did not vote for Trump/Pence".
Well it is up to 1.4 million as of yesterday. Maybe I should have been more clear. "Among those that voted, the majority did not vote for Trump/Pence".

I agreed with @ke4gde because I buy into the fact that we are a Republic, and not a democracy. I'm not interested in "mob rule" and like the idea of the Electral College.

It is disappointing to see stories like this. I was certainly no fan of President Obama, yet the idea of vocally "booing him" or even Hilary for that matter, seems so childish. Especially in a non-political venue, you are at a freeking Broadway show for crisake.
I agreed with @ke4gde because I buy into the fact that we are a Republic, and not a democracy. I'm not interested in "mob rule" and like the idea of the Electral College.

It is disappointing to see stories like this. I was certainly no fan of President Obama, yet the idea of vocally "booing him" or even Hilary for that matter, seems so childish. Especially in a non-political venue, you are at a freeking Broadway show for crisake.

I agree with the electoral college part. People booing though? President Obama got heckled by a congressman during his SOTU address, and I remember people(on here) applauding it. Hamilton isn't exactly a non-political venue as far as I know.

People have every right to boo the fuck out of whoever they want, doesn't make it right, but I don't get too riled up about it.
A less Daily-Mail version of the story....

President-elect Donald Trump demanded an apology from the cast of the Broadway musical "Hamilton" a day after an actor in the hit show delivered a pointed message about diversity to his running mate who was in attendance. The speech aimed at Mike Pence prompted angry responses from liberals and conservatives alike — underscoring yet again the fractious aftermath of the 2016 election.
Debate over 'Hamilton' speech exposes post-election cracks

I read the below paragraph in the story and laughed out loud. Really? I'm so glad to read this! Of course I have a feeling that my definition of "proper exercise" and that of Mr. Romero might be very different.

"President-elect Trump needs a refresher on his high school civics class. Americans don't apologize — not even to presidents or vice presidents — for the lawful and proper exercise of their constitutional rights," ACLU Executive Director Anthony D. Romero wrote in a statement.
A less Daily-Mail version of the story....

President-elect Donald Trump demanded an apology from the cast of the Broadway musical "Hamilton" a day after an actor in the hit show delivered a pointed message about diversity to his running mate who was in attendance. The speech aimed at Mike Pence prompted angry responses from liberals and conservatives alike — underscoring yet again the fractious aftermath of the 2016 election.
Debate over 'Hamilton' speech exposes post-election cracks

I read the below paragraph in the story and laughed out loud. Really? I'm so glad to read this! Of course I have a feeling that my definition of "proper exercise" and that of Mr. Romero might be very different.

"President-elect Trump needs a refresher on his high school civics class. Americans don't apologize — not even to presidents or vice presidents — for the lawful and proper exercise of their constitutional rights," ACLU Executive Director Anthony D. Romero wrote in a statement.

Come the fuk on? Demanding apologies already?:rolleyes:
I agree with the electoral college part. People booing though? President Obama got heckled by a congressman during his SOTU address, and I remember people(on here) applauding it. Hamilton isn't exactly a non-political venue as far as I know.

People have every right to boo the fuck out of whoever they want, doesn't make it right, but I don't get too riled up about it.
The reason I disagree is that Pence is the customer, they knew he was in attendance. Who is always right? The Customer! Is it against the law? Nope! Is it a douche move? YES!

Jordan once said: Republicans buy shoes too! It seems that everyone wants to respons with showing their ass rather than having decorum.

But last I checked...they're discriminating, not the VPE or the PE:

Nick Palmisciano on Twitter
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A less Daily-Mail version of the story....

President-elect Donald Trump demanded an apology from the cast of the Broadway musical "Hamilton" a day after an actor in the hit show delivered a pointed message about diversity to his running mate who was in attendance. The speech aimed at Mike Pence prompted angry responses from liberals and conservatives alike — underscoring yet again the fractious aftermath of the 2016 election.
Debate over 'Hamilton' speech exposes post-election cracks

I read the below paragraph in the story and laughed out loud. Really? I'm so glad to read this! Of course I have a feeling that my definition of "proper exercise" and that of Mr. Romero might be very different.

"President-elect Trump needs a refresher on his high school civics class. Americans don't apologize — not even to presidents or vice presidents — for the lawful and proper exercise of their constitutional rights," ACLU Executive Director Anthony D. Romero wrote in a statement.

I wonder what Anthony D. Romero would say if the VP-elect called the cast of Hamilton a bunch of crappy actors who couldn't act their way out of a paper bag.

I'm not a fan of bully pulpits and that's what the cast did to the VP-elect. They knew he couldn't reply and they knew he wouldn't leave. They showed zero class.
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Also inflammatory, the final count has yet to be made. Until such time, all statements such as those are incorrect. Sorry.
Ok, fair enough.

Can you please tell me what he is "supposed" to say? In your own words? Accepting the fact that at this point, with the popular vote that has been counted, Trump has lost to Clinton? If this isn't true, feel free to post your own source with a count that differs.

From my optic, you're being ultra sensitive about a pretty simple premise- no, not 100% of the votes have been counted. But, speaking for the votes that have, Clinton is winning the popular vote unless you can prove otherwise. Can you?
Also inflammatory, the final count has yet to be made. Until such time, all statements such as those are incorrect. Sorry.
It's inflammatory to tell you the facts? Jesus, maybe you need to find a safe space.

We have all talked about this. Do you think your comment would have stood without your final passive aggressive "sorry"?

What about this conversation needs you to be a dick to get your point across?
Also inflammatory, the final count has yet to be made. Until such time, all statements such as those are incorrect. Sorry.
Most of the uncounted vote is coming from California. It's pretty safe to say that not only will Clinton still win the popular vote once all the votes are counted, but her lead will likely increase.

Does that change the outcome? No. However, it does mean that the Trump administration must be cognizant of the fact that they do not have a "mandate" from the American people, and need to act accordingly.
Also inflammatory, the final count has yet to be made. Until such time, all statements such as those are incorrect. Sorry.

Let's try this: It is very likely that her vote lead will be over 2 million when all is said and done. He isn't going to make up the difference. Is it equally inflammatory to call states? To say that Trump is President Elect because the EC hasn't technically voted yet? Your standard is a bit on the ridiculous side.
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