Election Day and Results

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Very interesting, and plausible, article from WOTR. I am not saying I think this is likely, but I agree with the author that it could happen. I don't think PE Trump is anywhere near the same league as a Putin when it comes to this stuff.

The Danger of Inadvertent War in the Next Four Years

No, he is not. We are always one event away from shooting, and maybe three events away from an all-out war. That's why I am always concerned about where we put our military and why...it can go from a couple hundred troops in a support role to an unintended consequence of all-out war very quickly.
So PE Trump wants to increase the Army by 110k from the end strength the current draw down will end at, increase the size of the Navy by 80 ships, and the Air Force by 100+ Aircraft...too late. Where's the money coming from though?

While I agree the military needs a $ and manpower bolus, where they get the money I haven't a clue, especially in light of the tax cuts he wants to enact.
Lots of funds available once the fat is cut from the government machine. Big government costs way to much.

I agree but I foresee a Reagan scenario....cut taxes, spend in defense, government continues to grow and the economy stagnates (even more). I wish PE Trump would cut some fat from the government, and I hope he does.
I agree but I foresee a Reagan scenario....cut taxes, spend in defense, government continues to grow and the economy stagnates (even more). I wish PE Trump would cut some fat from the government, and I hope he does.

It is just my opinion, but a Reagan back in the Oval Office might be a good thing for the military; if not the entire Nation. Time will tell.
I think Hillary's going to run again in '20. She's already making speeches and sounding like the leader of the resistance...a role she could exploit given the mood of her vanquished followers.

I can't imagine having to endure her through another campaign season. The Dems need to find another woman. And not Pelosi.
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I think Hillary's going to run again in '20. She's already making speeches and sounding like the leader of the resistance...a role she could exploit given the mood of her vanquished followers.

I can't imagine having to endure her through another campaign season. The Dems need to find another woman.

I don't think so. She has literally no political capital left to spend. She is done.

I hope.
I don't think so. She has literally no political capital left to spend. She is done.

I hope.

Well....I hope you're right.

I'd actually like to see a woman president. Got no problem with it. But not her. For me, it would have to be somebody like a Maggie Thatcher.
It is just my opinion, but a Reagan back in the Oval Office might be a good thing for the military; if not the entire Nation. Time will tell.

Reagan was great for the military, but he knew how to grow the hell out of the government. If Trump could do the same thing he did re: the military and dampen spending elsewhere, it would be awesome. If he could end up as inspirational and as an effective communicator as Reagan, that would be icing on the cake.
You're all looking in the wrong direction. Ex-Gov. Pallin jumps ship from the spineless GOP, and straight into the vacuum the Clintons have left in their wake. She has two years to build her base, then two years to go after The Donald. :rolleyes::-":zzz:.
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You're all looking in the wrong direction. Ex-Gov. Pallin jumps ship from the spineless GOP, and straight into the vacuum the Clintons have left in their wake. She has two years to build her base, then two years to go after The Donald. :rolleyes::-":zzz:.
Gotta disagree here. Pallin is a moron of the highest caliber. She wouldn't make it far in the primaries based on her previous performance as McCain's running mate. She would be an equally bad choice for the GOP as Warren would be for the Ds.
Gotta disagree here. Pallin is a moron of the highest caliber. She wouldn't make it far in the primaries based on her previous performance as McCain's running mate. She would be an equally bad choice for the GOP as Warren would be for the Ds.

Just trying to break up the flow with a little humor. I've had my fill of politics for a while.

ETA: I just couldn't help myself fellas.
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I'd actually like to see a woman president. Got no problem with it...
I also have no problem with it but I wouldn't go so far as to say "I'd like to see a woman president". This is because I don't really care if the President is male, female, black, brown, red, white, green, or whatever. The concept that we need to continue to propagate artifical gender and race barriers is stupid to me and ultimately does us all a disservice. I don't give a shit about that stuff; it's just not a factor in how I make decisions. Sometimes think we should go back to radio only format during elections! ;-)

What I want is someone with integrity, objectivity, respect for the Constitution, and well reasoned policy positions - all while remembering they represent all citizens of this country, not just the ~25% of the population that may've voted for them. In other words, select the best candidate based on their qualifications/positions. If that happens to be a woman, great. If not, that's great as well.
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