Election Day and Results

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Ladies and Gentlemen, the President Elect of the United States...

What's funniest about this is that Megan Mullally is on record as now HATING Trump, and was part of a Will and Grace mini-reunion show that was filmed for no other reason than to bash Trump and campaign for Hillary.

I have to disagree with you there. There are well documented comments of Republican leadership going on the record saying that they would do everything they could to black whatever Obama wanted to do.

These are just 2 examples of many.

The GOP's no-compromise pledge

Obama: GOP blocked 500 bills

In my own personal fantasy world, now that the Republicans own the senate and the house, they will be a great example of what working with the opposition looks like, and not acting like gloating pigs.
There's a difference between being the opposing party and rioting.
The Republicans also gained power by promising to stop/slow the Progressive Agenda.
I have to disagree with you there. There are well documented comments of Republican leadership going on the record saying that they would do everything they could to black whatever Obama wanted to do.

These are just 2 examples of many.

The GOP's no-compromise pledge

Obama: GOP blocked 500 bills

In my own personal fantasy world, now that the Republicans own the senate and the house, they will be a great example of what working with the opposition looks like, and not acting like gloating pigs.
Doing things in civil government is much different from rioting in the streets.

I like what Dave Chappelle did on SNL:

Whereas Jon Oliver is continuing the petulance.
@ThunderHorse -

Based on the wording of your text:
I see Liberal pundits pledging divisiveness, saying hey because you did this for 8 years we're gonna do this. Sorry, but conservatives didn't do this shit for 8 years. The majority of them got on with their lives.

I thought that you were referring to the inner workings of Washington politics; not the protesters making asses of themselves.
Given all the precedents, I don't see how that could be overturned, let alone meet the standard to be brought to SCOTUS, even if he picks pro-life judges. I didn't hear him say his DOJ would go after the case though.

I'm generally curious if there have been previous cases where established case law has been overturned due to a change in the court. Maybe slavery and civil rights rulings but were those issues changed because of the Court or because We matured?

I agree that it likely won't be overturned, but it is confusing to hear him talk about one issue as if it is settled due to the SC ruling, and another as if it is in flux, also having a Supreme Court ruling.

The exchange below:

STAHL: During the campaign, you said that you would appoint justices who were against abortion rights. Will you appoint-- are you looking to appoint a justice who wants to overturn Roe v. Wade?

TRUMP: So look, here's what's going to happen-- I'm going to-- I'm pro-life. The judges will be pro-life. They'll be very—

STAHL: But what about overturning this law--

TRUMP: Well, there are a couple of things. They'll be pro-life.... [H]aving to do with abortion if it ever were overturned, it would go back to the states. So it would go back to the states and--

STAHL: Yeah, but then some women won't be able to get an abortion?

TRUMP: No, it'll go back to the states.

Now he doesn't say, "I'm going to overturn Roe v Wade," but he doesn't have to be the one, nor does his justice department. There are already cases of states interfering with women's access to reproductive health services. Those cases are working through the lower courts and may end up in the Supreme Court.
What's funniest about this is that Megan Mullally is on record as now HATING Trump, and was part of a Will and Grace mini-reunion show that was filmed for no other reason than to bash Trump and campaign for Hillary.
Which is sad because I really enjoyed the W&G show. That little skit they did to trash Trump was done in extremely poor taste and should have focused on the show itself. A shame because there was some really good comedy when they stayed out of politics. Oh well.
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@TLDR20 , I think you're right: he SHOULD say things to alleviate any fears people have because of earlier spin by opposition factors. He has the pulpit: now is the time to be direct to his base as well as the country as a whole. People appear to want assurances that law and order will prevail.
I agree that it likely won't be overturned, but it is confusing to hear him talk about one issue as if it is settled due to the SC ruling, and another as if it is in flux, also having a Supreme Court ruling.

The exchange below:

STAHL: During the campaign, you said that you would appoint justices who were against abortion rights. Will you appoint-- are you looking to appoint a justice who wants to overturn Roe v. Wade?

TRUMP: So look, here's what's going to happen-- I'm going to-- I'm pro-life. The judges will be pro-life. They'll be very—

STAHL: But what about overturning this law--

TRUMP: Well, there are a couple of things. They'll be pro-life.... [H]aving to do with abortion if it ever were overturned, it would go back to the states. So it would go back to the states and--

STAHL: Yeah, but then some women won't be able to get an abortion?

TRUMP: No, it'll go back to the states.

Now he doesn't say, "I'm going to overturn Roe v Wade," but he doesn't have to be the one, nor does his justice department. There are already cases of states interfering with women's access to reproductive health services. Those cases are working through the lower courts and may end up in the Supreme Court.

A piece that highlights what I talk about above:

Trump says 17-month-old gay marriage ruling is ‘settled’ law — but 43-year-old abortion ruling isn’t
Sorry for the double quote, but I refined my thought a bit and had a closing comment.

I want the PE Trump camp to act like they've been there before. Granted, watching a speech like Conor McGregor's post fight is entertaining, where he said fuck the world he wasn't apologizing and he won so everyone can fuck off. That makes for great spectacle.

That was like PE Trump's campaign. I need you, and all other PE Trump supporters to get past the bravado and start leading. Stop with the "Liberals are protesting; Horrible!" via twitter nonsense and engage them. They're your citizens now, you work for the people protesting.

Stop making excuses and carrying out vendettas. I am unabashedly left of center.

Show me how to make the country great again instead of telling me how I am wrong. Show me how to make America better. I am on your team now.

I agree 100%. The point I was trying to convey is once upon a time - there were actual "Journalists" that reported the news and not their personal feelings. Reporting that was unbiased, unabashedly factual, whatever their personal party of affiliation happens to be, both left and right.

Tim Russert was one, if not, the best example I can think of, regarding this. I miss him and wish there were more like him.
History is history...it isn't all rosy and beautiful, but, that's what we are, what we did, and where we came from. We -- as a nation -- quote Hitler, Stalin, Guevara, and the like -- all the time.

People need to grow up. There are many things said by people who I deem to be crazy devils, but their statements and principles are true.

Maturity is a choice...sadly, I don't think many are going for that option these days.
There's a difference between being the opposing party and rioting.
The Republicans also gained power by promising to stop/slow the Progressive Agenda.
I want to point out that the Tea Party originated after Pres Obama's election in 2009. Just saying.
History is history...it isn't all rosy and beautiful, but, that's what we are, what we did, and where we came from. We -- as a nation -- quote Hitler, Stalin, Guevara, and the like -- all the time.

People need to grow up. There are many things said by people who I deem to be crazy devils, but their statements and principles are true.

Maturity is a choice...sadly, I don't think many are going for that option these days.
When you run a college and can't even quote Jefferson because he's racist: U.Va. faculty, students ask Sullivan not to quote Jefferson

We can get all riled up about idiots, or we can remember that petition was signed by 469 of almost 24000 students and faculty.

It is always easy to find idiots who will take anything too far.

I try and remember whenever I see examples like this that the vast VAST majority of students, and even faculty don't push politics on campus. Most people are just too busy. That does change in certain departments, but even there they aren't often taken seriously as academics outside their safe spaces.
I want to point out that the Tea Party originated after Pres Obama's election in 2009. Just saying.

They were created due to the Republican losses because the party lost their connection with their base (Democrats are going through this now). While protests were numerous and the Gadsden flag was everywhere, violence was very sparse (if at all).

In short, the Tea Party would have rose up regardless of which Democrat won the White House...the Senate...and the House.
I agree @TLDR20, in fact, I got up and went to work today -- the same way I did before the election -- and was none the worse for it. Henny Penny was wrong...the sky isn't and didn't fall. ;-)
They were created due to the Republican losses because the party lost their connection with their base (Democrats are going through this now). While protests were numerous and the Gadsden flag was everywhere, violence was very sparse (if at all).

In short, the Tea Party would have rose up regardless of which Democrat won the White House...the Senate...and the House.

I guess we will have to leave that statement for what it is- a wild speculation that we can't possibly prove.

We have some people on the Dem side acting like morons. In 2009 (2004 if you believe their home page) republicans were angry and lashed out to create the Tea Party. Those are both great examples of how extremists on either side can act inappropriately and hurt their respective parties.

They both fit into the category of, "More harm than good", IMO.
Honestly, I'm really at a loss of why any of y'all are arguing this crap. The tea party acted like fucking idiots after Obama was elected in 2008. Showing up at rallys and protest armed with rifles and shit. These anti Trump protesters are acting like fucking idiots, destroying property and fucking with people trying to get home from work, beating up people, etc.

It's stupid as hell, we should all be in agreement on that.

The petition to get the Electoral College to vote against their state? Yeah that's fucking stupid as hell too.

The media and their bullshit, yep that shit has been old the last 8 years, I hope they all go bankrupt from independent social media reporters. Cable News is dead and local news ain't far behind.

Oh and incase I didn't quite state my opinion here, this debate of who was doing what, who should be denouncing this or that, is fucking stupid. I read some of this back and forth, and want to scoop my own eyeballs out with a fucking table spoon. There has got to be something better to discuss/read here.:wall:O_o:-/:whatever:
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