Election Day and Results

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The President-Elect is on 60 Minutes and is worth watching. I was pretty annoyed at Stahl for her interview style, something that previous Presidents never encountered...perhaps Nixon...but other than that, it was pretty informative.

Especially his claim that he will only collect $1 per year salary because he believes some type of monetary compensation is required by law.

I am watching it. Interesting to see so far.
Reid's only purpose at this point is to keep himself in the news. I've personally witnessed him breaking federal law in his former office inside the capital building. He is as low of a person as I ever hope to meet.

Wow. :(
Great examples. Can you please post the "non-mainstream media" that foretold of a Trump victory, quoting polling numbers and projections prior to the the election? Did anyone correctly call the states Trump won, even the Trump campaign?

Or is the point of your post to say that all media is "mainstream" and that none of it was correct in this election season?

It looks like all the information available to the media as a whole pointed to a Trump loss, and that's what they reported. The election proved to the contrary; I'll ask this question.

In your life, personally, have you ever personally believed something to be 100% true only to find out that it wasn't and it changed your perceptions on life? And as a follow on. was that revelation extremely jarring?

ETA- this is the main issue with the whole aftermath of this campaign. PE Trump supporters aren't saying, "We have a Republican controlled senate and house let's make America better!", your're saying "You were wrong during the election we beat your ass OHHHHHHHH take that!"

PE Trump promised to make America great again, you don't do that by gloating over your victory and keeping a list of people that made you sad during the election.
Did you have a chance to watch yet? Knowing that Trump was not exactly your first choice, I am very interested in your initial opinions. I will watch tomorrow morning.

Thanks for posting this.

I am not impressed. I think he doesn't actually have solid policy plans for much of anything. I think that he should put his assets in a true blind trust, rather than allowing his children to run his businesses, while I do not think that there will necessarily be any impropriety, I think that the potential for an ethical dilemma is unnecessarily high. I think he waffles pretty hard, talking about appointing pro-life Supreme Court justices to go after Roe v Wade, and sending it back to the states, then later saying gay marriage is a settled issue because of the Supreme Court's ruling (like WTF dude). I don't think it is surprising. Saying things like he is going to try and put term limits on congress to me, displays either a gross over-confidence, or a lack of understanding of the process.

He did seem more sober than he had in the past, but again that could be my previous bias playing a role, as I only saw him in campaign mode. I think we will see in the coming months what his demeanor will be like.
I think he doesn't actually have solid policy plans for much of anything.

Not challenging you on this, genuinely curious. Did Obama before he took office? Or any new president-elect for that matter?
Did you have a chance to watch yet? Knowing that Trump was not exactly your first choice, I am very interested in your initial opinions. I will watch tomorrow morning.

Thanks for posting this.
My girlfriend watched while I was driving back to El Paso and stated Trump behaved, Barbara Walters' acted quite poor.
...once again with feeling...
Sorry for the double quote, but I refined my thought a bit and had a closing comment.

I want the PE Trump camp to act like they've been there before. Granted, watching a speech like Conor McGregor's post fight is entertaining, where he said fuck the world he wasn't apologizing and he won so everyone can fuck off. That makes for great spectacle.

That was like PE Trump's campaign. I need you, and all other PE Trump supporters to get past the bravado and start leading. Stop with the "Liberals are protesting; Horrible!" via twitter nonsense and engage them. They're your citizens now, you work for the people protesting.

Stop making excuses and carrying out vendettas. I am unabashedly left of center.

Show me how to make the country great again instead of telling me how I am wrong. Show me how to make America better. I am on your team now.
Not challenging you on this, genuinely curious. Did Obama before he took office? Or any new president-elect for that matter?

In 2008? I can honestly say I wasn't as into politics when I was 21, so I don't really remember. I was more interested in passing the Q course, specifically SFMS. I could probably do some googling, but honestly that doesn't matter. What PE Trump does is important now.
Great examples. Can you please post the "non-mainstream media" that foretold of a Trump victory, quoting polling numbers and projections prior to the the election? Did anyone correctly call the states Trump won, even the Trump campaign?

Or is the point of your post to say that all media is "mainstream" and that none of it was correct in this election season?

It looks like all the information available to the media as a whole pointed to a Trump loss, and that's what they reported. The election proved to the contrary; I'll ask this question.

In your life, personally, have you ever personally believed something to be 100% true only to find out that it wasn't and it changed your perceptions on life? And as a follow on. was that revelation extremely jarring?

ETA- this is the main issue with the whole aftermath of this campaign. PE Trump supporters aren't saying, "We have a Republican controlled senate and house let's make America better!", your're saying "You were wrong during the election we beat your ass OHHHHHHHH take that!"

PE Trump promised to make America great again, you don't do that by gloating over your victory and keeping a list of people that made you sad during the election.
Some Professor said Trump had an 83(?) percent chance of winning months ago.
Same guy also came out and said he thinks we have President Pence in the near future.
Barbara Walters wasn't on the show.
Oh man...this is gonna be fun...stand by.

Sorry for the double quote, but I refined my thought a bit and had a closing comment.

I want the PE Trump camp to act like they've been there before. Granted, watching a speech like Conor McGregor's post fight is entertaining, where he said fuck the world he wasn't apologizing and he won so everyone can fuck off. That makes for great spectacle.

That was like PE Trump's campaign. I need you, and all other PE Trump supporters to get past the bravado and start leading. Stop with the "Liberals are protesting; Horrible!" via twitter nonsense and engage them. They're your citizens now, you work for the people protesting.

Stop making excuses and carrying out vendettas. I am unabashedly left of center.

Show me how to make the country great again instead of telling me how I am wrong. Show me how to make America better. I am on your team now.

The majority of the PE Trump crow...god it took me a minute to figure out acronyms, I hate acronyms, I'd rather say the words, FUBAR at all, back on topic.

The majority of the crowd looks to be on message man. You have a few folks gloating, but I see way more sore losers on facebook, in the streets breaking shit, and signing a petition asking to remove a part of the system of government they probably know nothing about.

I see Liberal pundits pledging divisiveness, saying hey because you did this for 8 years we're gonna do this. Sorry, but conservatives didn't do this shit for 8 years. The majority of them got on with their lives.

The CinC himself is leading, but he's getting drowned out by many in his party. To include the loser.

Now personally I said it was over and as Americans we need to work together to progress, I got a few Hell Yeah, Let's make America Great Agains and then I got a few: NOs. Maybe it's just your lens, but through my spotting scope I'm seeing something else.
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I think every President elect, has ideas of grander as they come in office. Most of which is shattered by the reality of that office and the critical decisions that must be made, daily.

Term limits have been discussed for a long time. I can't speak for all states, but Texas is fed-up with DC. There is actually a pretty large movement in Texas that wants succession from the United States. Now I think that is completely foolish, when we have other means to correct the corruption and over regulations from DC. One of those being a States Convention, that I posted about earlier.

The honest truth, is Trump needs to go into DC and do exactly what he campaigned on, exposing corruption, push bills he thinks will help eliminate the special interest, work deals to bring business back here, bring jobs back here, invest in the inner cities, roads, bridges, etc.

If he does those things, and gets on TV and tells the people when he is being stonewalled, I think he will be living up to his promises.

The wall is fucking stupid, I hate it, think it's the dumbest idea ever. Anyone who has ever spent more than a day on the Texas/Mexico border, knows that it's impossible, and that it will destroy countless communities on both side of the border. It's just a dumb idea.

Temp ban on middle eastern people coming in, should have happened 15 years ago. I'm not anti Muslim, but I am anti terror attack in the United States. Temp ban followed up by stupid crazy vetting, followed with heavily supervised and controlled status. It just really needs to be that way.

Russia, better to be friends than enemies. If we can work together, we should.

NATO I agree that it is beyond time for other NATO countries to meet their commitments both with troops and financial means. We have been playing world cop long enough, time for the other countries to meet that burden.

Deportation of illegals, I am mixed on this. I'm all for the criminal elements, as the ones who have committed additional crimes to illegally entering the USA. So If you commit a felony, or serious property damage, I think you should be sent home with a lifetime ban. If you are simply a worker, doing one of the millions of jobs that Americans don't want to do. I think they should get a pathway to citizenship. That hardworker is the person we want, not the shit bag criminal, gang member, drug dealer.

I can go on and on, but that's some of the key talking points for this election.
Leslie Stahl acted a little schizophrenic in my opinion. Some of the time she was trying to get him to tell her things with a little wink wink type of "Oh, c'mon, tell us." Other times she acted like his personal convictions were criminal. It wasn't a show I'd usually want to watch, but one that was educational.
I think he waffles pretty hard, talking about appointing pro-life Supreme Court justices to go after Roe v Wade, and sending it back to the states, then later saying gay marriage is a settled issue because of the Supreme Court's ruling (like WTF dude).

Given all the precedents, I don't see how that could be overturned, let alone meet the standard to be brought to SCOTUS, even if he picks pro-life judges. I didn't hear him say his DOJ would go after the case though.

I'm generally curious if there have been previous cases where established case law has been overturned due to a change in the court. Maybe slavery and civil rights rulings but were those issues changed because of the Court or because We matured?
I see Liberal pundits pledging divisiveness, saying hey because you did this for 8 years we're gonna do this. Sorry, but conservatives didn't do this shit for 8 years. The majority of them got on with their lives.
I have to disagree with you there. There are well documented comments of Republican leadership going on the record saying that they would do everything they could to black whatever Obama wanted to do.

These are just 2 examples of many.

The GOP's no-compromise pledge

Obama: GOP blocked 500 bills

In my own personal fantasy world, now that the Republicans own the senate and the house, they will be a great example of what working with the opposition looks like, and not acting like gloating pigs.
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