I think every President elect, has ideas of grander as they come in office. Most of which is shattered by the reality of that office and the critical decisions that must be made, daily.
Term limits have been discussed for a long time. I can't speak for all states, but Texas is fed-up with DC. There is actually a pretty large movement in Texas that wants succession from the United States. Now I think that is completely foolish, when we have other means to correct the corruption and over regulations from DC. One of those being a States Convention, that I posted about earlier.
The honest truth, is Trump needs to go into DC and do exactly what he campaigned on, exposing corruption, push bills he thinks will help eliminate the special interest, work deals to bring business back here, bring jobs back here, invest in the inner cities, roads, bridges, etc.
If he does those things, and gets on TV and tells the people when he is being stonewalled, I think he will be living up to his promises.
The wall is fucking stupid, I hate it, think it's the dumbest idea ever. Anyone who has ever spent more than a day on the Texas/Mexico border, knows that it's impossible, and that it will destroy countless communities on both side of the border. It's just a dumb idea.
Temp ban on middle eastern people coming in, should have happened 15 years ago. I'm not anti Muslim, but I am anti terror attack in the United States. Temp ban followed up by stupid crazy vetting, followed with heavily supervised and controlled status. It just really needs to be that way.
Russia, better to be friends than enemies. If we can work together, we should.
NATO I agree that it is beyond time for other NATO countries to meet their commitments both with troops and financial means. We have been playing world cop long enough, time for the other countries to meet that burden.
Deportation of illegals, I am mixed on this. I'm all for the criminal elements, as the ones who have committed additional crimes to illegally entering the USA. So If you commit a felony, or serious property damage, I think you should be sent home with a lifetime ban. If you are simply a worker, doing one of the millions of jobs that Americans don't want to do. I think they should get a pathway to citizenship. That hardworker is the person we want, not the shit bag criminal, gang member, drug dealer.
I can go on and on, but that's some of the key talking points for this election.