Election Day and Results

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Where is the Democrat condemnation of such acts? If President Obama had a son, what would he be doing?
Fuck man, where's the reaction from conservatives? The only people reacting to this are jokers online trying to score points. You don't actually care about the dude who was beaten. You just want to be able to point to this and say, "See! See! It's the liberals who are actually violent!" You know how I know? The video doesn't even include the name of the victim, and I would bet $100 that you don't know either.

It's David Wilcox, by the way. He's shaken, but otherwise fine.

And while you're cranking your internet outrage generator Trump supporters are pulling the same kind of shit all over the country. On election night, I was walking back home with a friend, who happens to be middle eastern, and a group of 15 dudes started screaming WHITE POWER at us. This was in fucking New York City. Everyone in America is either amped up from the election or pissed off/scared. As I said during the primaries and general campaign season, this kind of violence has no place in our society. We're fucking better than this. But dude, why not pretend like you actually care about the victim for a second, instead of just pumping up your e-penis?
And while you're cranking your internet outrage generator Trump supporters are pulling the same kind of shit all over the country. On election night, I was walking back home with a friend, who happens to be middle eastern, and a group of 15 dudes started screaming WHITE POWER at us. This was in fucking New York City. Everyone in America is either amped up from the election or pissed off/scared. As I said during the primaries and general campaign season, this kind of violence has no place in our society. We're fucking better than this. But dude, why not pretend like you actually care about the victim for a second, instead of just pumping up your e-penis?
While there is no logical excuse for being screamed at in such a fashion, you have to give the opposition a chance to vent in a safe method versus a violent method (online versus in mobs on the street). We have to remember that all of our IQs drop while in a mob. Most of us have been force feed, screamed at, yelled at, or told for the past 8 years that we are horrible people. That because we don't see things the way others do that we are racists, elitists, Islamophobes, and more with no other proof than we have a different opinion.

Personally, I am sick and tired of hear about how much of a racist I am because I apply race equally, and not as a tool to allow one race to get advantages over another. I don't care about someone's skin color, or what their parents did. I judge them by their actions and/or abilities. I actually had a girl I was dating tell me she didn't call herself an American and celebrate the 4th because it all stands for slavery and slave owners. And that the only time she felt as if she belonged, didn't feel different, and was safe, was when she was in Africa. So yeah, I am gonna shake my head when I see a bunch of liberals/Democrats trying to gangbang someone that hasn't threatened them. Just like I am gonna shake my head at a bunch of religious fundies/Republicans that scream about how their god is damning them to hell for whatever genitalia they are aroused by or that someone is "evil" for ending a life that is nothing more than a collection of proteins, amino acids, and more before it even develops sentience. While both sides are prone to their excesses, one uses violence to further their aims, while the other uses fear mongering and false morality. What I am trying to say is that maybe he does care, but it is hard to fathom why you would attack someone who wasn't a threat? Maybe it is further justification for how a certain political affiliation isn't as "educated" or "civilized" as they proclaim? He's not the only one in here with an over-inflated e-peen.
Fuck man, where's the reaction from conservatives? The only people reacting to this are jokers online trying to score points. You don't actually care about the dude who was beaten. You just want to be able to point to this and say, "See! See! It's the liberals who are actually violent!" You know how I know? The video doesn't even include the name of the victim, and I would bet $100 that you don't know either.

It's David Wilcox, by the way. He's shaken, but otherwise fine.

And while you're cranking your internet outrage generator Trump supporters are pulling the same kind of shit all over the country. On election night, I was walking back home with a friend, who happens to be middle eastern, and a group of 15 dudes started screaming WHITE POWER at us. This was in fucking New York City. Everyone in America is either amped up from the election or pissed off/scared. As I said during the primaries and general campaign season, this kind of violence has no place in our society. We're fucking better than this. But dude, why not pretend like you actually care about the victim for a second, instead of just pumping up your e-penis?
Did they stop and threaten your friend with physical harm or do the "tough guy" thing and drive off as quick as possible.
The video shows a hate crime in action, but the thugs will get away with it because DoJ doesn't seem to care if the victim is a white male.
Yes a Democrat (Hillary for example) should be DEMANDING a stop to VIOLENT protests.
If the tables were turned I'd expect the same from Republicans.
How many lynchings occurred in 2008 and 2012 after Obama's wins?
Has DoJ or Obama apologised to any of the officers wrongly accused?
Is BLM being told by POTUS to stop rioting?
A lot of "White Anger" voted Trump because they perceive a different set of rules coming from D.C.
@Deathy McDeath , Trump camp has come out against the violence. Obama is still President.

Trump adviser urges Obama, Clinton to speak out on protests

Regarding your ugly statements, I have no idea what you're talking about. The idea that I'm relishing in someone's beating to score points is utterly insane.

Other anti-Trump violence.

Video: High School Girl Viciously Attacked For Supporting Donald Trump

Of all people to call for calm, Glen Beck.

"But just as President Obama was not a Manchurian candidate, Mr. Trump is not Hitler. I don’t question your right and reasons to feel fear. But don’t fear Donald Trump the way I feared Barack Obama. I read a perfect election summation: The people who were against Mr. Trump took him literally but not seriously. His supporters took him seriously but not literally. It is the same pattern of 2000 and 2008. We heard President Obama was coming for our church and our guns. We were mocked. We thought those who laughed were lying or stupid. Yet, I still go to church, sometimes with a gun."

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I don't know where to put this so Im putting it here. I know a lot of people dislike President Bush, but I think those people don't know him on a human level. The love and compassion he has for our troops is unmeasurable. I disagree with a lot of President Obama, but I think he would be a fun guy to have a beer with. And, we have a fair amount in common. For instance we both like the White Sox and golfing. I'm not saying those who don't agree with Trump will have anything in common with him, but you never know.
Fuck man, where's the reaction from conservatives? The only people reacting to this are jokers online trying to score points. You don't actually care about the dude who was beaten. You just want to be able to point to this and say, "See! See! It's the liberals who are actually violent!" You know how I know? The video doesn't even include the name of the victim, and I would bet $100 that you don't know either.

It's David Wilcox, by the way. He's shaken, but otherwise fine.

And while you're cranking your internet outrage generator Trump supporters are pulling the same kind of shit all over the country. On election night, I was walking back home with a friend, who happens to be middle eastern, and a group of 15 dudes started screaming WHITE POWER at us. This was in fucking New York City. Everyone in America is either amped up from the election or pissed off/scared. As I said during the primaries and general campaign season, this kind of violence has no place in our society. We're fucking better than this. But dude, why not pretend like you actually care about the victim for a second, instead of just pumping up your e-penis?

Where is the reaction? Here is the reaction. Nothing, conservatives lost the last 2 elections. Did we head to the streets? Did we riot? We might have written an editorial or two but not acting like idiots. They buckled down and went on with their lives.

You may want to pop back to the Mod Forum and read what I wrote. You should be the voice of reason not gasoline while the house is on fire.
I saw this on another site and feel it really sums up the vote.

"Be warned. British TV does not care about swearing in the same way that we do here. If you are remotely upset by cussing then DO NOT WATCH THIS. I am sharing it because, vulgar as he is, he is 100% right. If the Left listened they would improve their performance, but that’s not their way. They like echo chambers and feeling smug or victimized."

FOUL LANGUAGE WARNING: Why the Left lost, by a Lefty - Self-Reliance Central

And, no I'm not trying to start anything. I'm fascinated how EVERYONE got this wrong, to include myself. I thought a Clinton White House was a forgone conclusion and Florida was an anomaly...until North Carolina. Only then I thought he had a chance. After Pennsylvania turned red, I was in shock.
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@Diamondback 2/2
Dude, ewwwwww:ack:. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.

That being said, it's crazy how fast some of these memes are spreading via social media. It's also kind of weird that Trump supporters are making memes, while Hillary supporters are being documented rioting and assaulting people.
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I love that song. But they just couldn't stay away from the politics, could they? "I'm not giving up, neither should you."
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